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So long story short I have this sexual addiction I have been trying to work around for years. I'm not in school, I can't get a job, I don't have any friends to hang out with nor do i realy want any to hang out with right now. I am basicly stuck on the internet because i have nothing else to do, all my family members are at work all the time or busy, or i can't think up anything to do. I am really bad at ths stuff.

I have been to my bishop a million times over the past 2 years but I keep getting lured into the same trap. I just dont know what to do. I get bored and then i end up surfing random sites and i run into images, and it just keeps going throug this cycle and I really hate it. So I need advice on stuff I could do, I need destractions, other stuff to do because I am so not good at this kind of thing. Thinking up fun, and wholesom activities are not my thing, I am not good at that kind of thing so i end up in this never ending cycle. I have trouble working through this kind of stuff.

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If you stil have a testimony start defending the Church on line... if you have to be on line... it will either strengthen you or break you. If your testimony is strong it just makes your testimony stronger and you might even learn stuff. It will make you want to stop the wrong you do and besides it gives meaning to your excistence. But be kind to critics... they need to be handled with cotton glowes. :D

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I struggled with sexual addiction. I abused the internet looking at porn, ect. I finally got tired of feeling terrible of what I was doing. I discussed the problem with the bishop. He directed me to the church's 12 step addiction program. You may want to look into attending the mettings. I think most church stakes offers the program. If the internet is a major problem, I would refrain from using it during alone times. Go to a public place like a library, to use the internet. You can still use the internet but only for good purposes. Think about those ideas, and also what others have suggested.

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Guest mormonmusic

Get involved with a some local community group that you feel passionate about and dedicate your time to building it up. Get rid of the Internet except for things you HAVE to do online and use someone else's computer in a public place for it. Try taking up a musical instrument, engaging in some other hobby you find interesting. Look for opportunities to help your neighbours.

In a way, when I read your post it got me thinking about just how much there is to do in this world, and how there are all kinds of interesting things to do for people who have time on their hands -- find he things you're interested in, and do them!

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