Question Re: Jehovah's Witnesses


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Two Jehovah's Witnesses came to the door and gave me some literature. Talked briefly to me about the 2nd coming and wanted me to read something and said he would be back again in a few weeks with more literature. I told him that I being a devout Mormon, I wasn't interested. He said "Oh, Mormon, well next time I come through, I'll bring some literature that I think you might find interesting. Then we could talk."

I sort of feel like I'm being challenged to a debate :) So my question is does anyone know what "literature" he might be bringing by and what it says?

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I sort of feel like I'm being challenged to a debate :) So my question is does anyone know what "literature" he (Jehovah's Witness) might be bringing by and what it says?

Unlike the LDS, Jehovah's Witnesses keep a tight reign on their internet presence. The ONLY site where you can find official Watchtower views is:

It should be easy to find their doctrinal distinctives at this site. By the way, they will eventually explain to you that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is the "faithful and wise servant" in these last days, and the only source of truth. Furthermore, in this age, only Jehovah's Witnesses will survive the Battle of Armegeddon, and live forever on paradise Earth.

So, yes, you are being called to debate. Change your selector switch from safe to "semi," and watch your aim! :huh:

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You should also be very careful what you do say. They will take it and use it against you, in their anti-Mormon literature.

Check the door frame around the outside of your door, or the railing leading to your door. They put thumbtacks on the frames as a signal to other JW's who are tracking. I found several on my door frame and on the overhead boards of the awning to my deck. I removed them, then I cut out the picture of Joseph Smith embracing his own father after his father was baptized. I put that in my living room window.

Then next time the JW's called on me, I requested that they call ahead and make an appointment. I was covered in flour and up to my elbows in bread dough. They did call and we made an appointment. I then had the Branch Senior Missionaries there for the appointment. The JW's left almost immediately. I went outside and saw that they had put a red thumbtack on the over head wood. I left it. Figured it meant ~ steer clear.

A group of them was always waiting for my Mother when she would leave the house to go to Church. They would not move off of her walkway, forcing her to walk in the grass to get to the car. Mom told them to come back at 6 pm. She would then be ready to visit with them. She started to get into the car, turned around and said: I will listen to you for 30 minutes only if you promise to listen to me for 30 minutes. They eagerly agreed.

At 6 pm they knocked on the door. Mom had the Stake President and his wife there and they dutifully listened for 30 minutes, they even took notes. Then Mom introduced the Stake President (who was very dear friends of the family) and said that since she had just recently been released from the hospital after suffering from pneumonia, she had asked the Stake President to do her talking for her. My brother and sister placed their chairs in front of the door ~ effectively blocking their retreat, and they had to listen to 30 minutes of LDS doctrine.

After that, they never again bothered Mom. They were in the neighborhood ~ but they never blocked her way to the car again.

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When my children were little I used to have a very nice JW couple come over weekly for Bible studies. We had a bit in common with how we viewed children and parenting. They were a very calm, easy going couple; they were very easy to talk with. We agree with some biblical doctrine but disagreed also.

I think all religions have members with a variety of personalities - some are willing to share their views pleasantly while others like to debate and ram their views down your throat. I was very lucky with my JW friends but I'm seeing this JW fella that wishes to talk with you AFDaw as the confrontational type. You can give him a chance and see what he has to say but as soon as he becomes rude I would end the meeting.

My 2 cents.


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next time they come just act normal and treat them good like you would your friends and and after the meeting just let them know youre not interested. The reason for treating them like you would treat your friends is because this is a small world and you never know he could become lds in the future and if he does, then you will have that many more friends.

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My dad said one time a Witness came to his door and after their brief conversation ended, the Witness hissed at my dad!

I have found those who are tracking take "no" for an answer and are very polite about it. They wish me well, and I wish them the same. Perhaps they have changed their "tracktics"... LOL

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According to an old friend of mine who is JW they grade you by how you act ...if you say no please dont come again then they understand, if you are very kind to them but say no thanks you get a possible mark and will return, if you listen to them at all they will never give up on you, my best friend here has that problem, every sat ( almost) they drop by her house, and try to push her further, i just tell her to tell them she is not interested and she is to nice to even tell them please dont come back,

but she just deals with them i guess

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We bought a house that was right on a JW proselytizing rout.

I had learned from before to keep a Book of Mormon by the front door in the coat closet.

The safest thing to do if one-steps on your porch tell them you will read their information if they will read yours and hand them a copy of the Book of Mormon. They will back away from it as if it is a hot poker!

If you don’t they will be back again and again and again. :angry:

I have know a few JW people though out my life my best friend married one he was not active, they had a rock marriage, stress due to his treatment for leukemia.

He went though treatment and was recovered. some years later, they separated and he moved back in with his parents, the whole thing was so stress full. His parents would not let him stay if he continued blood treatment. He returned home, they separated again, and the leukemia returned. His family told him he had to leave or stop treatment and then he could stay. The short of it is with in a week of stopping the cancer it(bone marrow) went to his brain and killed him. In a matter of days. She told his family if they ever wanted to see there grandsons again they are never to speck of their faith around the boys. That their faith killed their father and her husband. They just walked away, nice grandparents.


I would jump through hoops to see my grandchildren.

The others I have known had parents who physically and sexually abused them.

Even as grown adults they were not safe, one woman put her phone on call forwarding and paid rent on her empty apartment so they would not know she was living with her boyfriend. She went back to her apartment to meet her parents who came in to town and just as she was unlocking the door, she was attacked from behind. They found out and laid a beating in to her that put her in the hospital. This woman was 30 years old ! and her parents terrorized her.

I have very little respect for their faith if you can call it that.

Before I was old, enough to understand in high school every year we would decorate there chapels bushes for Christmas.

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