Have You Or Your Spouse Had Cosmetic Surgery Done?


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This is not a debate thread on cosmetic surgery.

Instead, I am looking for advice from anyone that has undergone such procedure. So personal experiences are preferred but if your spouse has had cosmetic surgery, I'd be very interested in knowing how it has changed them from your perspective too. Are they pleased with the results? Are they displeased? Basically, after a year of being undecided about it, I'm now considering getting breast augmentation done. If you've undergone this particular surgery, your input would be especially valuable! Any food for thought would be great, such as: Where did you find your surgeon? Did you shop around and for how long before finding the right one? How did you handle/justify the expenses? What kind of mental/physical preparations did you go through before your surgery? How did you juggle your recovery time with other priorities like work and family? And lastly, how did the surgery change your life?

I really want to know about your personal experience! So your feedback is greatly appreciated.

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Guest mirancs8

Definitely shop around. Get as many consultations as you can. Check references. Check if they have had any legal issues and what they were (you can search this online via court websites). Talk to friends maybe they know someone who has had it done and get in touch with them. You might be able to get a recommendation for a doctor.

I cannot say it enough times... research... research... RESEARCH!!! Don't move forward till you feel 100% confident in that doctor. This is surgery that will alter your appearance so be thorough.

Also when you speak to the doctors they will give you options for recovery. If you have some extra cash you can go to a resort type place for a week or so and they will take care of you. Otherwise you'll be on your own. They will walk you through the recovery steps. Expect pain. You will be very uncomfortable for at least a couple of weeks.

Good luck!

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@ mirancs8

Have you had breast augmentation done? I absolutely will not go through with anything until I'm 100% confident in what I want and the surgeon I'll go to. It's definitely not a procedure to take lightly, as I've seen horror pictures online of plastic surgery gone wrong and have heard horror stories on TV etc etc. So I'll probably be researching and asking around for opinions for at least a year before diving into this and getting mine done. But a resort sounds nice! Hmm. I could totally use a resort getaway! We'll see how much these "jobs" end up costing though. This may be something that I'll end up traveling out of state for, which is going to cost on top of the surgery and pampering afterward.. I do have a friend and a coworker that have had theirs done. I haven't probed them too much about the ugly stuff like recovery time, scarring etc etc. Mostly they just tell me how great a decision it was and that they love 'em.

@ Intrigued

Lol OMG. Do they have to put you under when you get your teeth whitened? Last I checked, dentist whitening teeth isn't a cosmetic surgery.. But I guess you never know with some people. :D The question IS, what is your dentist really doing when you're under anesthesia for teeth whitening? I'd probably inquire about that the next time he insists you go under for a teeth whitening session..

Thanks guys. Private Messages are fine too if you prefer that method. I have received one already, so anyone else that has undergone cosmetic surgery — please share!

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Two of the daughter-in-laws in my family have had breast augmentation, and the third is saving money for the procedure. They had no problems with the recovery/healing, and are very happy with the results (as are their husbands).

They researched the Dr.'s in our area, chose her, and have no regrets. (Through our pre-op interviews/conversations, we discovered she was LDS.) My sister and I had our eyes "done", and she had her nose refined. No problems with any of it. You DO need to do the "homework"...talk to others that have used the Dr. you are considering...ask questions, make sure you know what every step of the procedure/recovery entails.

My (our) experiences have been uneventful, and the results met/exceeded our expectations. :)

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My STBX had LASIK surgery, which I suppose counts as mostly-cosmetic. She spoke with several people who had similar surgery done to consider whether it was for her, narrowed her choices down to two local surgeons with excellent reputations, interviewed the first one and liked him enough to choose him, and had the surgery done. We both asked lots and lots and LOTS of questions, which is the only right way to do it when your sight's involved.

Good luck!

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I found quite a bit of good reading on the topic in this talk by Elder Holland.

LDS.org - Liahona Article - To Young Women

My favorite line was the Great and Spacious Makeup Kit.

One of my all-time favorite Conference talks!

I'm pretty sure that's exactly the type of thing that Bini asked not be posted.

I did not realize the words of a prophet when moved upon by the Holy Spirit were considered debate. I always thought they were considered scripture.

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Connie, let's just say that I specifically asked for "advice" from those or their spouses who have undergone cosmetic surgery. Posting a reference that does not support it was not beneficial to what I had kindly requested in the original post. So hopefully we can end this at that :] I really really wanted to avoid the whole "whether or not cosmetic/plastic surgery is moral" discussion..

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Yes, you're right. The words of scripture very often do not support the things we would like to do. I hope you enjoy the results of your surgery.

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Yes, you're right. The words of scripture very often do not support the things we would like to do. I hope you enjoy the results of your surgery.

Your snide comments are not wanted here. If you disapprove so much — don't comment :]
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I'm sorry you read snideness in my remarks. I assure it was not meant to be snide. It was meant to testify of truth and acknowledge that you have agency. I'm sorry those things offend you.

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You may or may not have noticed this thread was rather heavily pruned. The OP is not asking to be preached to, or about the moral or ethical implications of her behavior. If you want to discuss it (for the nth time) go ahead and start a new thread.

P.S. I remind anyone who's post may have been deleted or otherwise objects to review rule #6.

Edited by Dravin
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I haven't had any done though wish I could have afford to..but I have to agree with those that have said: Do the homework on the surgeon. To me that would be the biggest thing in deciding to have something done.

One of the things that helps me to decide in doctors/dentists etc. If they have to advertise, then they don't have enough patients spreading how good they are by word of mouth. I stay away from them.

Let us know what you decide Bini and keep us up to date.

Edited by pam
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@ Intrigued

Lol OMG. Do they have to put you under when you get your teeth whitened? Last I checked, dentist whitening teeth isn't a cosmetic surgery.. But I guess you never know with some people. :D The question IS, what is your dentist really doing when you're under anesthesia for teeth whitening? I'd probably inquire about that the next time he insists you go under for a teeth whitening session..

Well most people do go under to have their wisdom teeth removed :lol:

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Intrigued, I was a bit anxious about having my back ones removed but I was wide awake for that! I was hoping they'd put me under so I wouldn't feel any pressure or tugging, all of which I did feel but there was absolutely no pain.

Back to topic. I found this video on YouTube interesting and wanted to share. It does not show anything explicit. It's just the surgeon explaining the procedure and some of his patients giving an interview. It's amazing how technology advances. These women are wide awake during their breast augmentation. Supposedly it is a safer process, though, I'm sure there will be many skeptics as there are with just about anything when it first surfaces. There are a handful of surgeons nationwide that perform this procedure and maybe this will eventually be the preferred "it" method.


Thanks again for those that have shared their experiences. I do appreciate it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You may want to read the book “Flesh wounds: The culture of cosmetic surgery” by Dr. Virginia Blum. She combines qualitative research, popular culture and advertisement analysis, and her own personal experiences with cosmtic surgery to outline how manipulative plastic surgeons can be in order to make huge amounts of profit on people vulnerabilities. A very educational book; a must read for anyone thinking about anytime of cosmetic surgery.

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