Dating Ideas

Josh M

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LOL! Yeah- AZ is far away from the beach. I live in the mountains of AZ so people here just go to the lakes and streams. (OR they hang out at wal-mart.. we're small-town folk! lol)

Wal-Mart as a hangout lol I have heard of that!! :lol: Maybe someday soon they will capitalize on that too (Wal-Mart the teenage hangout)

What about sledding or iceskating in cold climates. I like the cleaning of the signs idea..service is always a great one to do. We live near the mountains so a picnic there is always fun. :) Swimming at a Waterpark is fun too.

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I've always liked going to the temple just to walk around and talk.. get to know each other. Its especially awesome as the sun is going down and then sitting and looking at the temple with all its lights on. I usually do this with close friends but who knows? It could go well with new dates.

Someone mentioned catch phrase earlier.. I also love playing Imaginiif and Apples to Apples.

I think you'd have to have the right girl for a few of these but I love playing sports.. I've played tennis, handball, tetherball, basketball, and football on dates.. its always a good way to laugh and get to know each other. Especially if its a new game and youre not particularly good at it.

One thing I've always enjoyed it cooking dinner together. With multiple couples you could try making separate parts of the meal.. dinner and dessert for example, at separate houses for the different couples and then meeting at one place to share and eat the meal together.

Another thing that is sort of similar to that is all the guys getting together and cooking for the girls and all the girls getting together and cooking for the guys.

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I've always liked going to the temple just to walk around and talk.. get to know each other. Its especially awesome as the sun is going down and then sitting and looking at the temple with all its lights on. I usually do this with close friends but who knows? It could go well with new dates.

Someone mentioned catch phrase earlier.. I also love playing Imaginiif and Apples to Apples.

I think you'd have to have the right girl for a few of these but I love playing sports.. I've played tennis, handball, tetherball, basketball, and football on dates.. its always a good way to laugh and get to know each other. Especially if its a new game and youre not particularly good at it.

One thing I've always enjoyed it cooking dinner together. With multiple couples you could try making separate parts of the meal.. dinner and dessert for example, at separate houses for the different couples and then meeting at one place to share and eat the meal together.

Another thing that is sort of similar to that is all the guys getting together and cooking for the girls and all the girls getting together and cooking for the guys.


I'm pretty good at cooking a TV dinner, but not from scratch.LOL :P

Seriously, I think that you have given some good ideas! :)

Canoing and bicycle riding can also be a great deal of fun. :)

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Guest Gilvisto

errrr i dont think i would take a date to a stake dance. Dances here in tucson are full of 14 yr old girls running around screaming their heads thx

I'm one of the 14 year old girls.. lol Nah- I don't scream I just never stop moving.... lol :blush:
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yeah, washing dishes after dinner, when you each thought the other was going to pay.


I have heard of it.... thankfully never had to participate ;)

:lol: That is too funny!!!!

It would be nice however, if you were invited to dinner if you helped clean up. :D

I would never allow someone to do it by them self but to help clear dishes etc makes a good impression. :sparklygrin:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I am not sure why I am reading this because I have bad luck in dating. Since I broke up with my ex-boyfriend, I never dated another guy since. And I broke up with my ex-boyfriend 2 years ago.

So, I think I have a curse or something. <_<

If you guys could cheer me up, please email em. My email is below. Also, maybe if some of you cute guys could try cheer me up? I would love to talk to some guys. I am 15 and I am Hawaiian. Yes i live in hawaii.



Email: [email protected]

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lol dodgeball sounds really fun.

I like the idea of photo scavenger hunt.

Tomorrow night im going on a date and we are gonna play some card games and stuff like that then go get icecream or something. Nice enexpensive date.

The Airport idea sounds cool i might have to try that one day...

i just thought of another one. Iceblocking is fun. For those of you who dont know what it is you go buy a block of ice (that you can sit on) normally you can find them at any frys or albersons or somethin you then go find a nice big grassy hill and slide down the hill :) quite fun. If you cant find iceblocks i guess you can always make them like a few days before or so

Another really fun thing that a group of me and my friends of about 5 did was we went out and got huge ice blocks and made a circle facing out so no one could see what the other was doing... then we assigned each other an animal. We had to sculpte a letter of that animal name into the ice block. At the end we put them all together to make a word... sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't but we had fun trying to sound out different words it could make!

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  • 3 months later...

I am not sure why I am reading this because I have bad luck in dating. Since I broke up with my ex-boyfriend, I never dated another guy since. And I broke up with my ex-boyfriend 2 years ago.

So, I think I have a curse or something. <_<

If you guys could cheer me up, please email em. My email is below. Also, maybe if some of you cute guys could try cheer me up? I would love to talk to some guys. I am 15 and I am Hawaiian. Yes i live in hawaii.



Email: [email protected]

Well... all I can say is wait 'til you're 16... and I think some things may start to change... guys try to be a bit more mature (please take note I said TRY). Don't worry though if you don't have a boyfriend cuz the time will come. Not only that, but we're counseled not to have steady relationships at such a young age cuz it limits the people we meet! just live your youthful life!! I mean... I can't really say what it's like to not have a boyfriend compared to having one considering I haven't even been on a first date, but I do know life goes on... ^_^

As for the date ideas... Bigger and Better!!! :D What you do is each group/team/couple/whatever gets something small... say a button, and you have to, usually knocking on doors, ask people if they would trade you for something bigger and/or better! apparently some people have ended up with old couches and stuff... so have an idea of where to put the stuff after... (maybe donate it to a charity or something... who knows) Anyways! whoevre has the biggest/best thing after the alloted time wins! and then you can have fun telling the stories of who got bitten by a dog and the funny looks you got when you were seen walking around with a little red wagon or something. Just remember to let the people know they won't get their stuff back...

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  • 2 years later...

I have a lot of dating Ideas that i have used and continue to use, but a couple of my favorites are 1) start the date off by finger painting. you can either do your own fingerpainting and your date can do his/her own, or you can paint something together and after fingerpainting you and your date (and the others if its double date or a group date) build a fort in the living room with blankets and furniture ( just like when we were kids) then turn off the lights and watch a cartoon movie inside the fort like Iceage, Monsters Inc., the Incredibles, Cars, Emperor's new groove, etc.

2) another favorite is setting up a projector in a backyard that has a pool and get a large blowup raft that everyone on the date can fit into then watch the movie JAWS on the side of the house after all piling into the raft in the pool.

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  • 3 years later...

This date went great and this list pretty much works wherever you live!

Photo Scavenger Hunt

1. One picture for each letter in ...


You cannot use the same source for more than one letter.

2. COLORS OF THE RAINBOW - Looking for 7 colors.

3. Scene from a movie... any movie will do, but you must explain what movie it is and what scene it is.

4. Catalog pose... Sears, Zellers etc. (some one from the group must imitate a pose from a catalog.)

5. Do exactly what the sign says, any sign can work.

6. “I can’t believe we all fit in here”... all team members must be in the photo.

7. Picture with an animal... (the more unusual the better).

9. Capture your reflection in an unexpected place.

10. Spell something with people or objects on the ground... ie: hello, sos, etc.

11. Mimic a statue with the actual statue in the background.

12. A pyramid of 3 or more people.

14. One picture of each member of your team in the shape of the letter of their first name, ie: Bob = B, Frank = F... other objects can be used to help you if your not very limber.

15. Have some one take a group photo of your team.

16. The Number 18

17. Pink House

18. Red Door

19. Bald man

20. Letters to the girls name

21. Fruit called ugly

22.Everyone except one person in your group on a slide

23. Everyone except one person in your group in some kind of water (at least up to your ankle)

At all times your special item must be seen in every picture you take. (special items will be handed out before you start.)

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