Another Newbie here


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I have been lurking for a while and finally decided to join. I am a long time convert to the LDS faith. At least here I don't have to explain my user name, :D. I have used it on a few other forums that I belong to and always have had to explain what it meant and my beliefs. Which isn't a bad thing, per sé. I am the only LDS member of my family currently living as both parents have passed. I am from Central California.

I have been particularly interested in the Marriage and Relationship forum as my 12 year temple marriage is on the rocks headed for divorce from issues with wrong doings on both sides. It is nice to see that I am not alone and there are some people here that I actually have something in common with unfortunately. My wife has since moved out of our house on her own accord and turned her back on the church.

One thing I do know is this: By the Grace of my HF I will get through this through means of repentance and strong adherence to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have an extraordinarily wonderful ward family as well as a great set of LDS in-laws that are supporting me spiritually and emotionally at this most difficult time, and that they are showing me the pure love of Christ and not being judgmental. My cup runneth over and I am very grateful.

Edited by CTR-man
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Welcome CTR man. really glad to see you here. It is sad that so many marriages go on rocks these days. I dont think that would happen if we understood the gospel better, the forgiveness would be greater... just my opinion and experiences...

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I am new here and looking for friends I have been a member of the chruch for like 7 yr's or more I am married to a non beliver who support's me in the church .. when i was younger I never new the church I din not find the till after I divorced husand .. I found the church four yrs later somew time in 2000 I think a few months later i meet david my second husband who is anti mormon but he support's me in what I do ..and also I am the only one in my family who is mormon dealing with two death's in 2 yr's plus my brouther who been in treouble much of his life.

I know god will deliver me of all of this plz pray for me


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