My Bishop bugs me...


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Sorry, I haven't read all the replies...

I just want to chime in with my 2 cents - yikes! Yeah, this would bug me too if our bishop would do this. Because, even if I want to bare my testimony it would feel different if I am compelled to do so by the bishop instead of my personal relationship with the Holy Ghost.

But, he is bishop. And from the looks of it, he's not really the most approachable of bishops. What I would do in that situation is to go 10 minutes early to the next fast sunday casually walk by the bishop and say, "Oh hey bishop, it's fast Sunday today, right? Yeah, hey, don't call on me today because something has been worrying me lately and I might not feel the Spirit as strongly as I need to in baring a testimony. Thanks, Bishop!". Or something to that effect...

Basically, I won't make it a "ward" thing - just a "personal" thing between the bishop and I.

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Or you could look at this a totally different way ... not just how uncomfortable it makes one. We have all as members of teh church at one time or another raised our hand and sustained our leaders. In doing so we are basically agreeing that these men are called of God. Maybe ... just maybe ... there is someone in the congregation who needs to hear what you have to say no matter how off the cuff ... and the Lord has passed this message on to your Bishop ... go with the flow ... just remember the blessings that come from obedienance. In the whole scheme of things whats as a few uncomfortable moments when compared to the help it might be. I adore my bishop and SP and they both have a habit of doing things like this ... no big deal.

Yet with my personality, I will go mule-stubborn if told to do something like this.

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I guess my point would be don't sweat the small stuff ... and when you look at it as compared to say ... the atonement ... well it is pretty much all small stuff. Save your energy for the hard stuff. We have to learn to bend to the will of the Father ... if that means doing as your leaders ask then who are we to quibble? Especially after the price that was paid for us. But if it really is such a problem ... talk to the bishop ... not the rest of the ward. If we follow our leaders be it wrong or right we will be blessed and the problem becomes theirs not ours for murmuring. JMHO

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I guess my point would be don't sweat the small stuff ... and when you look at it as compared to say ... the atonement ... well it is pretty much all small stuff. Save your energy for the hard stuff. We have to learn to bend to the will of the Father ... if that means doing as your leaders ask then who are we to quibble? Especially after the price that was paid for us. But if it really is such a problem ... talk to the bishop ... not the rest of the ward. If we follow our leaders be it wrong or right we will be blessed and the problem becomes theirs not ours for murmuring. JMHO

While I agree with don't sweat the small stuff, why should I bare my testimonty if I don't feel the Spirit? Why should I be the one person who refuses to let my bishop know it bothers me while others who speak out don't have to?

As for following our leaders wrong or right... I really have to disagree with that. Bishops may be bishops, but they are still men. I'm not going to but myself in extreme discomfort in hopes of getting the bishop in trouble later on.

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Regarding testimony meeting.. That's scary, especially for people that may suffer from anxieties, like myself. I don't typically go around telling people I have anxiety issues, so suddenly being called up to the podium in front of masses, is really quite frightening. But what's perhaps more relevant, is that what the Bishop is doing (meaning well), could actually be hazardous to some individuals. Particularly those that may have a teetering testimony or none at all. I think being placed on the spot like that can be very harmful. For some, being called up just once may be enough to push them not to return again at all..

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I can give an example from one of my folks missions. They were doing leadership training and came across a brother in the stake presidencey who begged them to teach him. He said he knew that what the SP was doing was wrong but he also knew that if he followed what his leader asked of him he would be blessed. It's not about getting the SP in trouble but rather making sure we stay out of trouble ... the Lord will handle the rest.

As for why should we bear our testimony when we don't feel like it ... well for me it would not be about how I felt but a matter of what the Lord was using me for. Life isn't easy ... but if done right ... it is so very worth it. We are here to serve ... if bearing my testiminy is how I can be of sevice then so be it. That's just the way I look at life .... good thing we all have our free agency. Like I tell my SS kids choices choices choices ...

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Yet with my personality, I will go mule-stubborn if told to do something like this.

Well if outright told by the Bishop that I will bear testimony I'd probably tell him no. If he asked me before hand I'd probably agree. If called out in front of the congregation in the middle of the meeting there are fairly good chances I'd decline.

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WHAT :o And here I thought you were nice, cuddly, sweet and gentle :P

Oh, I am. But I'm also pretty much the textbook example of White on the Hartman personality profile, which means you do NOT tell me what to do when I don't want to do it. My poor fiance still thinks I'm nice, cuddly, sweet, and gentle, and my parents and I are still trying to make him understand that I do what I want. Now, admittedly, I'm very laid-back and a people-pleaser and will do lots of things, but if I don't want to do something, I do not want to do something and I will either not to do it or whine and complain the entire time. It's as simple as that. :D

If my bishop did ask ahead of time if I would be willing to bear my testimony, I would probably smile and agree and do it and think nothing of it. But putting me on the spot in the middle of sacrament meeting would rub me the wrong way.

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I can give an example from one of my folks missions. They were doing leadership training and came across a brother in the stake presidencey who begged them to teach him. He said he knew that what the SP was doing was wrong but he also knew that if he followed what his leader asked of him he would be blessed. It's not about getting the SP in trouble but rather making sure we stay out of trouble ... the Lord will handle the rest.

As for why should we bear our testimony when we don't feel like it ... well for me it would not be about how I felt but a matter of what the Lord was using me for. Life isn't easy ... but if done right ... it is so very worth it. We are here to serve ... if bearing my testiminy is how I can be of sevice then so be it. That's just the way I look at life .... good thing we all have our free agency. Like I tell my SS kids choices choices choices ...

Good example, thank-you. If the bishop is truly inspired, and I'm inspired to bear my testimony, I wouldn't mind so much.

But there seems something more rote than serviceable in just calling random members to bear their testimony.

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I thought over my feelings regarding what the OP has presented.

I will willingly give a talk if given at least 7 days notice. Turned down my Branch Pres when he called on Friday night (8:30 PM) and asked me to give one the upcoming Sunday. I could tell it bothered him I said no, and I told him why no - not enough time to prepare one, we then compromised and I said I would give one that following Sunday. I did, and I got more comments and compliments than I have ever gotten regarding a talk.

Okay, so now he stands up during member participation on Fast & Testimony and says: Sister Iggy, please come up and give your testimony.

I stand up and say: Thank you for this impromptu invitation, but I feel I must refuse, as I do not feel the prompting of the spirit - but please - feel free to share your testimony with us. Then I sit down, or leave the chapel.

NO ONE can make you stand and share your testimony. You have the agency to either say NO or to go up there and do it. If you are NOT prompted by the spirit, then why in the world would you allow man to guilt you to do something that should come from the holy spirit, when you do not feel the spirit moving you? He is manipulating and controlling, and he is doing it unrighteously. If my Branch President did this, I would make an appointment with my Stake President that same day and tell him what has been going on.

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I was at girls camp sitting with my leaders and it was testimony meeting, My young womens leader kept elbowing me and telling me to go up there. It really took away from the spirit of the meeting for me. Later in young womens we were talking about testimonies and I pointed out how you shouldn't go up and bear your testimoney just because someone else did or because someone wants you too. Then, I gave her a look.

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Oh, I am. But I'm also pretty much the textbook example of White on the Hartman personality profile, which means you do NOT tell me what to do when I don't want to do it. My poor fiance still thinks I'm nice, cuddly, sweet, and gentle, and my parents and I are still trying to make him understand that I do what I want.

I am now sufficiently frightened.

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Just make it a one liner...And then say Amen.


I know complaining about church leaders is the beginning of apostasy blah, blah, blah,:rolleyes: but not to worry, I am no-where near apostasizing. I just have to get this off my chest.

Do I have the only Bishop out there that makes it a habit to stand up in between member testimonies and cold calling random members to "share" their testimony during Fast Sunday.

So far he has gotten me up there three times in the last six months. I don't mind sharing my testimony since I stick to the basics and don't do a storymony but I feel that the decision to share your testimony is a personal one and not to be decided upon by someone else :unsure:

He usually calls at least two people every time, no matter how well the flow is going or how very little dead time there is between testimonies.

Is there something that can be done about this? I am not the only one in our ward that feels this way, some of us have discussed this outside of church.

What to do? :angry2:

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Unfortunately Christians focus too much on the outside meaning of the Name of Jesus Christ. We cannot let their false doctrines and imaginations on what is right infect our services. True there should be at times some mention of His NAme when the Spirit thinks that this is the right moment.

It is the nature and mind of Christ we need to put on and adopt. And they who will put it on will manifest it in their talks and actions we have no need to mention His name too often as we open and close all our church activities asking and thanking the Father in the Name of Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 2:16 - For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.

Galatians 3:27 - For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ

Let us hope to exercise faith to receive the exceeding and great promises and thereby be partakers of the divine nature.

2 Peter 1:4 - Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.


For the love of everything though make that one line about the Savior.

Dravin aka He who cringes at the number of testimonies born that make no mention of Jesus Christ.

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If we follow our leaders be it wrong or right we will be blessed and the problem becomes theirs not ours for murmuring. JMHO

I'm just curious but where do you draw the line on obedience? You say we should do as our leaders say whether it be right OR WRONG? So does this mean then that you think we should do ANYTHING that a bishop or a stake president says, regardless? Didn't God give us a brain so that we can decide for our own selves what is right and what is wrong?

Edited by Carl62
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you should change ward if u dont like the bishop or the people

Unfortunately it's not that easy. You can't just change wards at whim. There are a lot of considerations if considering that.

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I'm just curious but where do you draw the line on obedience? You say we should do as our leaders say whether it be right OR WRONG? So does this mean then that you think we should do ANYTHING that a bishop or a stake president says, regardless? Didn't God give us a brain so that we can decide for our own selves what is right and what is wrong?

I liked a quote I read by Elder Packer ... something to the effect that people think we follow blindly but in fact we are not blind because we see.

I am not a blind follower ... in fact I was released as 1st counselor in the RS when the RS Pres was gone all summer because the Bishop then did not want to deal with me. If it comes down from the prophet I have no problem following ... I know where his authority comes from ... my bishop I have no problem following becuase I have seen in action how he follows the promptings of the spirit. Other problems I take to the Lord and let Him work it out. But the Lords house is also a house of order ... if there is someone called to be a leader, until they are released they wear the mantle .. follow and then quietly take your concerns to a higher authority or to the top .... of course if they said jump off a bridge or something then to follow is just plain stupid ... by their fruits ye shall know them. If it is within the cover of church policy then following .. for me ... is the best policy.

Obedienance is a big thing in the gospel or if you don't like that word how about bending to the will of God ... we have the perfect example ... the Savior was obedient in all things. I guess it is a matter of where you are in your progression on how you choose to follow.

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