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A church leader made a statement about a recent Broadway musical, where he said, "they focus on trivialities" which is really true. In one song, the lead actor sings, "I believe that God lives on a planet called Kolob." Well, aside from that being inaccurate, it's also trivial and unimportant other than perhaps some poetic symbolism found in Joseph Smith's writings. (In contrast, the Bible has more references to unicorns.) To be fair, the same song does at least start with "I believe that the Lord God created the universe" and "I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins" so I give credit for starting off with the important stuff. :)

So, which do you think is more likely to be the focus of a Sunday School lesson? Kolob or the atonement? Hmmmm...

Edited by bytebear
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As a site, we are not here to fight or debate with people out to destroy the LDS Church. There are plenty of sites out there that can and will fill that void. That being said, we also recognize that some people learn things from anti-LDS sites which tend to shed a bad light on the church, and need help in understanding or resolving in their minds things that are written about us. Bear in mind that while there may be a kernel of truth in the accusations against us, those who repeat them usually have an axe to grind and are not interested in giving a full background of the things they say. They generally are not really interested in the truth either.

We don't mind addressing the sincere concerns of people searching for the truth, whether they are members hearing certain things for the first time, or honest investigators wishing to know more. What we don't care for, and will usually remove without comment, are cut-and-paste jobs lifted from sites that have agendas designed to denigrate the LDS people and our faith. We have more than a few members of the site who have had dealings with those types of sites before and can usually spot them pretty quickly and point them out to the moderator staff.

If you have honest concerns about things you have heard about the LDS Church and are struggling with them, ask about it. As has been said before, please start a new thread for each new topic, as it is easier to deal with each one individually on its own merits rather than using a 'shotgun' approach wherein some issues may be answered and others may be ignored or lost in the discussion.

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I've seen many people lose their testimonies when their testimonies were based on the leaders of the church. None of the leaders of this church have been perfect. They are men, just like you. But, the principles of the Gospel are true. Jesus Christ is our Savior. This is his restored church. In order to have the church restored, and have his Gospel here on the earth, He has had to use men and women. We are His tools in building His kingdom here on earth. Each person has their own personalities, and weaknesses and strengths. And because of the imperfections of man, mistakes are sometimes made within the church. Does that make the church false? No. And really basically, it comes down to this--either the church is true or it isn't. There's no in between gray area. The church is more than just a nice church that promotes family values. This is the Lord's restored church. The Book of Mormon was translated by Joseph Smith. And, if the Book of Mormon is true, then Joseph Smith was a true prophet. I received a witness from the Holy Ghost of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. For me, that is all I need to counter the anti stuff I have heard or read.

I don't know what advice to give. There are a lot of great scholars on this forum who could probably help you with specifics. My heart goes out to you and your struggle with your faith.

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As an apologist for the Church, I have frequently studied anti-Mormon literature. And I have almost always found the huge flaws in their arguments. On the few occasions where I haven't, it is usually on small, minor issues of interpretation.

That said, I suggest you start by doing something: First, think about how you felt when you first gained your testimony. Did it bring peace, light, happiness and joy to you? I would imagine it did, as that is the way the Spirit works with us on testifying of true things.

Then, compare that feeling and witness to how you have felt since studying the anti-Mormon stuff. I'm guessing it replaced those feelings of joy and peace with confusion and darkness.

So, why are you allowing the writings and statements of anti-Mormons to affect your spiritual witness? The reality is, I could show enough logical "evidence" against Christianity and God to "prove" they are absolutely false. Wanna be an atheist? I could show you how! But that does not explain the Spirit's witness. Why would God allow you to gain a joyful witness, if it were false? And if their claims are true, why do they make you feel confused inside?

Confusion and contention are of the devil. Peace, light and joy are from God. This is what Moroni taught in chapter 7 regarding the light of Christ. We can determine good from evil by how they affect our own spirit. If it edifies and enlightens us, then it is of God. If it brings confusion and darkness, just guess who it is from.

So, I suggest you run away from the anti-Mormon literature and spend the next few months studying the Book of Mormon prayerfully. Allow God to tell you (again) whether it is true or not.

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This post is more of a shout for help than anything else.

I've been a member my entire life, I'm an RM, and I used to have the most sincere and committed testimony you could imagine. I accidently ran across what has been deemed "anti-Mormon" literature over several months ago. My first exposure got to my curiousity and I began to pursue the subject matter even more. It has rocked my testimony. I won't get into any details of what I read, this post is simply a broad disclosure of stating that I came across anti literature.

I'm really struggling now with trying to have faith in our church. Does any one on here have a similar experience of reading this stuff and still having faith in the divinity of the church? I could really use some encouragement and answers. I'm a man, and very much a logical person. I would appreciate something outside of "pray to feel the spirit" response.

I would have died for this church on my mission because my testimony was so rock solid. Now I really battle internally to trust in any of this. All answers are welcome. Thank you!

Our test in this life is to see where we place our trust. In our modern world (just so you know I come from a science background, logical thinking field) it is easy to focus our 'trust' in things that are proven and logical. I think this is why in the latter days the pull between trusting science versus things that cannot be proven with our science pull away from each other stronger. It comes down to where you put your trust and that is a personal decision. This is a natural bias in our world whereas the ancient world it may have been biased towards things unseen and so false Gods etc. was their strongest pulling away force. Now, our 'false God' so-to-speak is science itself and the 'scientific mindset' that 'proof' of any kind outweighs faithful knowledge.

I think one ask to ask themselves, if I were to know something in my heart would that outweigh some seemingly scientific proof that it is not true?

Jesus wept when He gave the Jews proof of His power by raising Lazarus. They didn't believe even what was proven right in front of them because they already believed that he was of the devil. If one already had faith that Jesus is the Son of God and witnessed such an event it would have been a testimony building experience and not one of solidifying their disbelief.

I look at anti-mormon literature that way, I think Satan works harder at turning things of this world that pull away from him. If there was no anti-mormon literature out there, then I would wonder if this gospel is true. I don't pursue reading it or finding it but knowing it is out there and that it is so powerful actually strengthens my testimony.

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I think of being perfect as doing your very best at all times. Kind of like when a coach urges his football team to be perfect....perfect execution, play to the whistle blows, etc. As a Latter Day Saint being perfect could mean:

1. Pray twice daily

2. Study the scriptures daily

3. Keep and honor your covenants.

4. Pay an honest tithe.

5. Do your home teaching.

6. Hold Family home evening.

7. Attend the Temple regularly.

8. Forgive as we have been forgiven.

9. Have charity.

10. Love one another.

Rather than doing just some things....do all things. Be perfect in your efforts. Strive to do your best. Don't become complacent.

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Many will tell you to avoid anti-Mormon literature which is perfectly fine and understandable. That's something I advise to people as well.

As far as myself goes, I actually look up the anti-Mormon literature so I can be informed on what to expect from critics. Doing so has really helped me a lot. There are many things I didn't know people criticized so I did my research and have been able to answer nearly all criticisms people have given me about the church. I submitted my papers for a mission this past Monday so I find it important to me to understand what to expect so I can give answers and correction. Another thing, there's no problem with correcting critics. There's a difference between correction and contention. Correction is just that, correcting errors. Contention is intentionally arguing. Whenever someone was wrong about the scriptures Jesus didn't sit back and do nothing, he corrected them without having contention. Anyone that knows me personally knows my testimony of Jesus Christ and his church is very strong.

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Here's something you might want to read. On he Society for the Prevention of Anti-Mormonism, we had a former member who had fallen away join us and engage us in anti-Mormon discussions. He ended up writing a big screed, which I called his "monologue." All exMormons have a monologue they use to justify their actions and why they left the Church. I encourage you to read my summary and analysis of it.

Anti-Mormonism is designed to steal your testimony. The Spirit of the Lord will never tell you do anything that violates a covenant you made with Heavenly Father, your wife, or your family. Perhaps when you read "Ishmael's Monologue" you will see some of the tactics that are being used to destroy your faith right now.

I know from many years of experience, that whenever I don't have answers to anti-Mormon questions, that my faith is being tested. When I hold to my covenants, the Lord eventually brings the answer over time. Check out "Ishmael's Monologue" here"

Ishmael's monologue - The Society for the Prevention of Anti-Mormonism - "Truth is not a tactic"

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