Difference between temple dress & bridal gown?


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anatess, stop showing dresses!

You're making me impatient for my sister's boyfriend to finish his mission (which he won't be doing for a year and then he'll probably have a year and half of serving) so they can hurry up and get married so I can go dress shopping with her.


So what's the deal with your sister's fiance? He's home for a year of (?) recuperation, then goes back out for 18 months?

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So what's the deal with your sister's fiance? He's home for a year of (?) recuperation, then goes back out for 18 months?


Basic situation: he and his mission president felt he needed to return home to take care of some things. He has been released. In about a year he will have the opportunity to finish up the mission--and as of Friday when I FINALLY got to see my sister and sister's boyfriend at a party, that seemed to be the plan. Gotta say, I was happy to see him. I'm hoping he will be able to stand in the circle to bless my baby.

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This happened to my nephew. He came home while he was in the MTC, and was released. And then just last Sunday (after about 20 months) he had another farewell and is leaving tomorrow for the MTC. He didn't get a new mission call, he is going to the same mission he was originally called to. I don't know all the particulars, (and I don't want to know) about why he came home, (I know it wasn't medical). I'm just grateful he has made the decision to complete his mission. It very well could have been personal/emotional problems for the reason that he came home early. His mom filed for divorce right after he left.

Edited by classylady
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My wedding dress was extremely puffy in the skirt (yay!) and while I did see some wedding dresses whilst that would have been convenient to actually be married/sealed in, I just wore my temple dress for the sealing. Because I liked my dress and it was going to my dress.

However, if I had not done a reception, I probably would have made more of a point of picking a temple-handy wedding dress as my wedding day would have consisted of the temple and some pictures on the temple grounds. No need for a dress to show off at the reception.

My wedding was at the courthouse - in my office clothes. LOL! The reception was a lunch break at Pizza Hut. So, the temple endowment and sealing was our 2nd wedding. Like we had a "kiddie wedding" and now we have a "real wedding". LOL.

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My wedding was at the courthouse - in my office clothes. LOL! The reception was a lunch break at Pizza Hut. So, the temple endowment and sealing was our 2nd wedding. Like we had a "kiddie wedding" and now we have a "real wedding". LOL.

I had a YW leader who, as she hadn't made the one-year-since-baptism mark, actually had a Vegas elopement for the wedding. A year later at the sealing, they actually did up a nice reception with a cake and everything.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there any reason to why the different temples have different rules concerning the wedding dress for sealing? Just found it puzzeling that some temples allow some "bling" but some doesnt, shouldnt it be one set of rules that all should follow so you dont have to call each temple to see what the allowed or not?

It's under the discretion of the Temple President. Much like Mission Presidents, Temple Presidents are called, set apart, and entitled towards revelation tailored towards their stewardship. Also similar to Mission Presidents I suspect a lot of differences show up as a result of particular issues the Temple is having to address. A temple where where people aren't going overboard in beading and bling won't establish a rule to cut down on excess.

Also, a standard, unless it's 'no beading whatsoever' or 'you must wear a dress purchased from the Distribution Center' will be open to the parsing and interpretation of the relevant leadership. While standardization is nice, and in some cases quite necessary, in other cases individual adaption is a good thing.

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Is there any reason to why the different temples have different rules concerning the wedding dress for sealing? Just found it puzzeling that some temples allow some "bling" but some doesnt, shouldnt it be one set of rules that all should follow so you dont have to call each temple to see what the allowed or not?

Yes, but each temple has a presidency which has some leeway in the rules. In the seven years I volunteered at the temple we had 3 presidencies. The big important things never change but the little less important things can change as they are directed by the Spirit.

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