Ministering Angels


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I've studied a lot recently on the topic of ministering angels. We know that the Spirit World is here on this earth in a finer dimension. There are thousands of examples of near death experiences of those who have conversed with loved ones beyond the grave. There are also many recorded instances where Joseph Smith and others have appeared to earthly individuals and have indicated that the work beyond the veil is very busy.

My question is this: Are there documented statements from General Authorities who have outlined the organization of the work beyond the veil?

We do have some insight from D&C 138 of the organization of missionary work going on. I am interested to learn more of the structure and organization of the work that spirits are assigned to.

My theory is that there is a very structured organization for the work to go forward beyond the veil. I feel that our kindred spirits have callings and assignments to work with us in our family history work, or temple work, and even our callings. I have also heard it expressed from members of temple presidencies that there is a spiritual structure and organization that is set up beyond the veil to assist us in temple work.

I just wanted to see if anyone had additional documented sources on this interesting topic.


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Brigham Young answered this question simply when he said: "Where is the spirit world? It is right here."

And then on

Where Is the Spirit World?

In a funeral sermon, Joseph Smith declared that the spirits of righteous people who have died “are not far from us, and know and understand our thoughts, feelings, and motions, and are often pained therewith” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 326). Other latter-day prophets have made similar statements. President Ezra Taft Benson said: “Sometimes the veil between this life and the life beyond becomes very thin. Our loved ones who have passed on are not far from us” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1971, p. 18; or Ensign, June 1971, p. 33). President Brigham Young said: “Where is the spirit world? It is right here” (Discourses of Brigham Young, p. 376).

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Thank you, Pam. Sometimes I think about that and wonder how much of this life they can see. Do they see us making stupid mistakes and worry about us? I know my grandmother told a few people that grandpa had never left. She was not LDS but talked to grandpa up to the day she died. (and yes he answered back) She didnt tell many people because she thought they would decide she was crazy which she was not.

On a funny note can you imagine people, who want zero population growth, going nuts at the thought of every person who ever existed living right here beside us? Even worse is that I am inclined to think that the preexistence is here too. So that would mean that all people are here. lol.

Edited by annewandering
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New here.

I've studied a lot recently on the topic of ministering angels. We know that the Spirit World is here on this earth in a finer dimension. There are thousands of examples of near death experiences of those who have conversed with loved ones beyond the grave. There are also many recorded instances where Joseph Smith and others have appeared to earthly individuals and have indicated that the work beyond the veil is very busy.

My question is this: Are there documented statements from General Authorities who have outlined the organization of the work beyond the veil?

We do have some insight from D&C 138 of the organization of missionary work going on. I am interested to learn more of the structure and organization of the work that spirits are assigned to.

My theory is that there is a very structured organization for the work to go forward beyond the veil. I feel that our kindred spirits have callings and assignments to work with us in our family history work, or temple work, and even our callings. I have also heard it expressed from members of temple presidencies that there is a spiritual structure and organization that is set up beyond the veil to assist us in temple work.

I just wanted to see if anyone had additional documented sources on this interesting topic.


I don't have any more documented sources. But, I agree that the work on the other side is structured and organized. There are many scriptural references that the Priesthood and the Lord's house is a house of order. When we look at the church, and the way it is set up, in every organization there is structure and order. Because it is the Lord's work, here and beyond the veil, it stands to reason, that it is ordered and structured.

As to ministering angels--this can be a very personal and sacred experience. There are times when I and my family have known we've had help from beyond the veil. For me, there have been times when I've known the specific individual who has helped me, and at other times when I have not been given that knowledge. One example I'll give, is just last week, my daughter-in-law had to have an emergency c-section. She distinctly knew that my daughter, who passed away in a car accident 8 years ago, was there with her. My DIL had never met this sister-in-law, as she had met and married my son several years after the accident. But, she knew it was my daughter who was with her, and received much comfort in knowing that she was being watched over.

I don't know why there are times when we know who is assisting us from the other side, and other times when we don't know who it is. I don't know why there are times when I feel like I'm left on my own to struggle through life's heartaches and trials, and other times when I distinctly know I'm not alone, and receiving help from the other side. I'm very grateful for those experiences I've had that show me that I'm not alone.

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If you have not read it already, I recommend the book Life Everlasting, a Definitive Study of Live After Death by Duane S. Crowther. It contains quotes by general authorities and many accounts of visions and experiences of LDS members in the spirit world. Of course it is not doctrine but I believe it contains many truths.

One experience in the book from Heber Q. Hale, then President of the Boise Stake:

I presently beheld a mighty multitude of men, the largest I had ever seen gathered in one place, who I immediately recognized as soldiers, the millions who had been slaughtered and rushed so savagely into the world of spirits during the great world war [WWI]. Among them moved, calmly and majestically, a great general in supreme command. As I drew nearer, I received the kingly smile and generous welcome of a great loving man, General Richard W. Young. Then came the positive conviction to my soul, that of all the men living or dead, there is not one who is so perfectly fitted for the great mission unto which he had been called. He commands immediately the attention and respect of all the soldiers. He is at once a great general and a great High Priest of God. No earthly field of labor to which he could have been assigned, could compare with it in importance and extent. I passed from this scene to return later when I found General Young had this vast army of men completely organized with officers over successive divisions, and all were seated, and he was preaching the gospel in great earnestness to them.

Another from Henry Zollinger, who met his two brothers-in-law in the spirit world and saw one working as a mission president, he says; "We then had the privilege of visiting my brothers-in-law who had died. William, who had been on a mission in Austrailia...told me he was presiding over a large mission and was very happy in his labors and to tell his parents and his people not to mourn about him as he was losing nothing but doing much good."

I tend to agree that the work is organized well in the spirit world.

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If you have not read it already, I recommend the book Life Everlasting, a Definitive Study of Live After Death by Duane S. Crowther. It contains quotes by general authorities and many accounts of visions and experiences of LDS members in the spirit world. Of course it is not doctrine but I believe it contains many truths.

One experience in the book from Heber Q. Hale, then President of the Boise Stake:

I presently beheld a mighty multitude of men, the largest I had ever seen gathered in one place, who I immediately recognized as soldiers, the millions who had been slaughtered and rushed so savagely into the world of spirits during the great world war [WWI]. Among them moved, calmly and majestically, a great general in supreme command. As I drew nearer, I received the kingly smile and generous welcome of a great loving man, General Richard W. Young. Then came the positive conviction to my soul, that of all the men living or dead, there is not one who is so perfectly fitted for the great mission unto which he had been called. He commands immediately the attention and respect of all the soldiers. He is at once a great general and a great High Priest of God. No earthly field of labor to which he could have been assigned, could compare with it in importance and extent. I passed from this scene to return later when I found General Young had this vast army of men completely organized with officers over successive divisions, and all were seated, and he was preaching the gospel in great earnestness to them.

Another from Henry Zollinger, who met his two brothers-in-law in the spirit world and saw one working as a mission president, he says; "We then had the privilege of visiting my brothers-in-law who had died. William, who had been on a mission in Austrailia...told me he was presiding over a large mission and was very happy in his labors and to tell his parents and his people not to mourn about him as he was losing nothing but doing much good."

I tend to agree that the work is organized well in the spirit world.

As far as doctrine of the Church, it has been established that the Spirit World is here on this earth, as we as mortals and departed spirits, are assigned to this earth and none else. It is also established that worthy spirits (those in paradise) are allowed from time to time to see and communicate with earthly mortals. Moroni 10:14, in addressing the gifts of the spirit, indicates that one of the gifts is "...the beholding of angels and ministering spirits."

President Woodruff said, "The living cannot see the departed spirits, but the latter can see and administer to those in the flesh, even though the latter know it not."

And Elder Dallin H. Oaks has taught, "The ministering of angels can also be unseen. Angelic messages can be delivered by a voice or merely by thoughts or feelings communicated to the mind. President John Taylor described 'the action of the angels, or messengers of God, upon our minds, so that the heart can conceive . . . revelations from the eternal world."

Joseph F. Smith said, "When messengers are sent to minister to the inhabitants of this earth, they are not strangers, but from the ranks of our kindred, friends, and fellow-beings and fellow-servants. The ancient prophets who died were those who came to visit their fellow creatures upon the earth. . . . In like manner our fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters and friends who have passed away from this earth, having been faithful, and worthy to enjoy these rights and privileges, may have a mission given them to visit their relatives and friends upon the earth again, bringing from the divine Presence messages of love, of warning, or reproof and instruction, to those whom they had learned to love in the flesh."

It is comforting to know that we have many, even hundreds or thousands, that are personally interested in us and our work on the earth.

What I'm interested in, is if there are any talks, quotes or papers written on the organization and order of this work on the other side. Reason seems to say so, but it would be nice to review some authoritative comments on the subject.

Thanks for the comments thus far. I look forward to additional input.

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  • 1 year later...

The location or extent of the spirit world is NOT established doctrine of the church. Brigham said that the spirit world was "right here", and so it is. But he did not say that it was nowhere else. And he was not giving revelation in so doing.

The spirit world is all around us, and many other places also. Spirits are free to move within limits, and can "explore" places or areas of space that in their earthly life they wondered about. They are not earthbound - which I think is implied by the idea that the "spirit world is here on earth."

For that matter, is it "on the earth," or does it also include the area IN the earth (since spirit matter is not at all bound by physical matter.)

We really do not know the limits, extent or qualities of the spirit world, which I think is the basic question in the OP.

We can agree as LDS that the spirit world is here on earth, and there, and there, etc... I think it would safer to ask where the spirit world is NOT.

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The location or extent of the spirit world is NOT established doctrine of the church. Brigham said that the spirit world was "right here", and so it is. But he did not say that it was nowhere else. And he was not giving revelation in so doing.

The spirit world is all around us, and many other places also. Spirits are free to move within limits, and can "explore" places or areas of space that in their earthly life they wondered about. They are not earthbound - which I think is implied by the idea that the "spirit world is here on earth."

For that matter, is it "on the earth," or does it also include the area IN the earth (since spirit matter is not at all bound by physical matter.)

We really do not know the limits, extent or qualities of the spirit world, which I think is the basic question in the OP.

We can agree as LDS that the spirit world is here on earth, and there, and there, etc... I think it would safer to ask where the spirit world is NOT.

I'd like to know what your sources are.

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What I'm interested in, is if there are any talks, quotes or papers written on the organization and order of this work on the other side. Reason seems to say so, but it would be nice to review some authoritative comments on the subject.

Thanks for the comments thus far. I look forward to additional input.

My friend I don't want to sound to rude but quotes, talks, papers etc will only get you so far on this topic. Interesting enough the Aaronc priesthood holds the keys to the ministering of angels. Every time I interview a primary boy turning 12 who is about to receive this priesthood we discuss the ability to call down the powers of heaven when needed and have this blessing of the ministering of angels in their life. There's no quotes from prophets, no doctrinal discourses, no elaborate sermons. They simply believe it and can walk away knowing its true.

I was once in a situation where I needed protection immediately, I was the branch president at the time and the situation I found myself in was quite life threatening. Interesting enough came to my mind the need to call down the ministering of angels by the power of the aaronic priesthood. I thought it a little strange at first since I held the Melchizedek priesthood surely that was a greater priesthood . Needless to say I didn't really have time to argue with my self I simply did what I was told. The rest of the story is not really appropriate for here. I'm simply suggesting that if you really want to know about this ask god to open your eyes like Elijah did for his servant and show you.

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My friend I don't want to sound to rude but quotes, talks, papers etc will only get you so far on this topic. Interesting enough the Aaronc priesthood holds the keys to the ministering of angels. Every time I interview a primary boy turning 12 who is about to receive this priesthood we discuss the ability to call down the powers of heaven when needed and have this blessing of the ministering of angels in their life. There's no quotes from prophets, no doctrinal discourses, no elaborate sermons. They simply believe it and can walk away knowing its true.

I was once in a situation where I needed protection immediately, I was the branch president at the time and the situation I found myself in was quite life threatening. Interesting enough came to my mind the need to call down the ministering of angels by the power of the aaronic priesthood. I thought it a little strange at first since I held the Melchizedek priesthood surely that was a greater priesthood . Needless to say I didn't really have time to argue with my self I simply did what I was told. The rest of the story is not really appropriate for here. I'm simply suggesting that if you really want to know about this ask god to open your eyes like Elijah did for his servant and show you.

Just an update... A year and a half later after my original post, I received the information that I was seeking. Thanks.

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What I'm interested in, is if there are any talks, quotes or papers written on the organization and order of this work on the other side. Reason seems to say so, but it would be nice to review some authoritative comments on the subject.

Thanks for the comments thus far. I look forward to additional input.

You have intrigued me with your question. Why is it so important that you understand the "organization and order" of such work? Does it matter if it is done two-by-two or if there are 12 lectures as opposed to 6 or if their is teaching by object lessons as opposed to written material or telepathy? Do they knock on doors or do they simply tap their shoulder? Do they have to report back to some spirit world mission president or just directly to Christ? Or does the individual have to seek out the information their self?

I am not sure of what the significance of such information would provide us here. I am curious why you find this important for your mortal existence.

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Alma 12:9 And now Alma began to expound these things unto him, saying: It is given unto many to know the mysteries of God; nevertheless they are laid under a strict command that they shall not impart only according to the portion of his word which he doth grant unto the children of men, according to the heed and diligence which they give unto him.

Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual - D&C 6:7, 11. The Mysteries of God—Should One Seek to Know Them?

“A mystery is a truth that cannot be known except through divine revelation—a sacred secret” (Smith and Sjodahl, Commentary, p. 141; see also D&C 42:61, 65; 76:5–10; 89:18–19; 1 Nephi 10:19; Alma 12:9–11).

President Joseph Fielding Smith defined mysteries in a similar way: “The Lord has promised to reveal his mysteries to those who serve him in faithfulness. … There are no mysteries pertaining to the Gospel, only as we, in our weakness, fail to comprehend Gospel truth. … The ‘simple’ principles of the Gospel, such as baptism, the atonement, are mysteries to those who do not have the guidance of the Spirit of the Lord.” (Church History and Modern Revelation, 1:43.)

A common expression heard in the Church is that we should stay away from the “mysteries,” yet these verses speak of the mysteries in a very positive sense, promising them to the righteous who seek after them. Elder Bruce R. McConkie explained the seeming contradiction:

“There is also a restricted and limited usage of the expression mysteries; it is more of a colloquial than a scriptural usage, and it has reference to that body of teachings in the speculative field, those things which the Lord has not revealed in plainness in this day. It is to these things that reference is made when the elders are counseled to leave the mysteries alone.

“‘Oh, ye elders of Israel, hearken to my voice,’ the Prophet said, ‘and when you are sent into the world to preach, tell those things you are sent to tell; preach and cry aloud, “Repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand; repent and believe the gospel.” Declare the first principles, and let mysteries alone, lest ye be overthrown. Never meddle with the visions of beasts and subjects you do not understand.’ (Teachings, p. 292.)” (Mormon Doctrine, p. 524.)

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You have intrigued me with your question. Why is it so important that you understand the "organization and order" of such work? Does it matter if it is done two-by-two or if there are 12 lectures as opposed to 6 or if their is teaching by object lessons as opposed to written material or telepathy? Do they knock on doors or do they simply tap their shoulder? Do they have to report back to some spirit world mission president or just directly to Christ? Or does the individual have to seek out the information their self?

I am not sure of what the significance of such information would provide us here. I am curious why you find this important for your mortal existence.

Yes me too... I have read many Near Death Experienced books and yet to see how it could be important. Any input would be nice.

The only element I have pertaining to this. There are some thing we must learn through angels. The endowment speaks of this. What would the purpose of knowing "an angel of light" or "angel of darkness" if we didn't need to know it. However, their call is to progress us further in some areas, the blessings of the Aaronic Priesthood, once we reach a certain point of progression. Sometimes they are too warn, other times to protect us.

Does it matter who they return and report too?

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  • 1 year later...

Hi! This is my very first post here on I just joined a few minutes ago. I was finishing up the Book of Mormon tonight and read Moroni 10:14. I have read the Book of Mormon many times. This is the first time I noticed this verse. I read the verse a few more times and was inspired to get out of bed and research, "beholding of angels and ministering spirits". I was led here, of course. I have become obsessed with angels and ministering spirits. I feel them around me quite often. Sometimes I call them forth and send them out to bring forth abundance into my life. I don't know if we are supposed to do that as Latter Day Saints? I asked my Stake President about this and he said to run everything through our Father in Heaven through prayer. So I do that now. However, I don't feel them around quite as much as I did when I was calling them forth. My question is: Is it appropriate to call them forth and send them out to bring forth abundance into our lives, if our intent is to use that abundance to benefit the Kingdom? Or should we pray and ask our Father in Heaven to grant us the abundance, according to His will regarding His Kingdom? Of course, the latter feels right, on paper... But the connection with angels is fun and exciting and quite satisfying! Not to diminish from prayer and our connection to our Father that way; but, I like exciting things and to "explore" and experience adventures. Angels and ministering spirits are quite adventurous and exciting! Thank you for your comments! 

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My first example concerns Satan’s efforts to corrupt a person who has an unusual commitment to one particular doctrine or commandment of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This could be an unusual talent for family history work, an extraordinary commitment to constitutional government, a special talent in the acquisition of knowledge, or any other special talent or commitment. - DALLIN H. OAKS


Edit: This was in response to this: 

 I have become obsessed with angels and ministering spirits. I feel them around me quite often. 


Edit more: Actually the whole talk is fantastic. Here.

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Thank you Folk Prophet! That is a great talk! I am pretty aware of my weaknesses and strengths. My weaknesses lie in being idle... My strengths are testimony, faith, and desire to serve. I think it becomes fairly easy to discern how being idle negatively impacts my strengths... This is normally how "he who we shall not mention here" has tempted me for the past several decades. I have experienced "dark forces" trying to destroy me by hanging over me and holding my mouth closed and freezing my senses and and paralyzing me, etc... That wasn't fun! And I am certain others here have experienced that or have heard of someone who has experienced that. I know those forces are real. The thing that concerns me is whether angels of "him who will shall not mention here" are able to appear to me as angels of light and me not be able to discern them as such. I have some very powerful experiences with some very powerful beings of light. There is no question in my mind or heart or being who that was or what "side" he/they were on. I got that down pretty good! Some of the other angels are family members who have passed on and are waiting to come... I have a very good idea of whom sent them and which side they are on/from. Actually, I am most certain which side these angels and ministering spirits are on. It's funny though, because they don't communicate with me verbally or visually. We communicate in some form of light and knowledge exchange. It is like a heart to heart form of communication. And of course, through the "still small voice". The voice can be very loud at times. It is becoming more of a way of life now a day. I just do what I am told whatever it is. It is almost always in reference to baring testimony of Jesus Christ or handing out the Book Of Mormon. I don't think "he whom we shall not mention here" is inspiring me to hand out the Book of Mormon or testify of Jesus Christ... 


Please, if anyone has some insight into whether it is acceptable to communicate with ministering angels through personal requests or not, after we have been obedient and sought after the Kingdom of God? Has anyone experienced or experimented with this, as directed by the Spirit? I get that this topic is maybe not one that is appropriate for this type of setting. I think I will continue to work with my Stake President and Bishop on this. They haven't had a lot of experience with this and so that is why I brought it up. I am not receiving the responses I expected. Actually, I am not sure I am even supposed to be discussing this openly! I just received the impression that this is absolutely not the right place for this.. LOL! I didn't mean to offend anyone. If this helped you with something you are going through, great! If not, please disregard and pretend you never saw it (hands going around in circles in front of my face). :)

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“Beholding of Angels and Ministering Spirits”

If a man has power to part the veil and converse with angels and with the ministering spirits who dwell in the realms of light, surely this is a gift of the Spirit. Also, how can anyone discern between the spirits sent of God and the evil spirits that do the devil’s bidding except by revelation? Among us there are those so endowed. (Bruce R. McConkie, New Witness , p. 374). 


I love Bruce R. McConkie! 

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Dallin H. Oaks

"Since spiritual gifts come by the power of the Holy Ghost, and the gift of the Holy Ghost comes by the laying on of hands by those holding the priesthood, the priesthood is always a factor in spiritual gifts. But spiritual gifts obviously bless the lives of those who do not themselves hold the priesthood. 
"Moroni speaks of the spiritual gift of 'beholding of angels and ministering spirits.' (
.) Alma and Amaleki both list this among the various gifts of the Spirit. (See 
.) Mary had such an experience when she was visited by the angel who told her that she was to become the mother of the Son of God. (See 

"A more familiar gift of the Spirit is personal revelation. Alma described the universal character of this spiritual gift: 'And now, he imparteth his word by angels unto men, yea, not only men but women also. Now this is not all; little children do have words given unto them many times, which confound the wise and the learned.' (
.)" (
, Sep. 1986, "Spiritual Gifts")


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I would suppose that the attending of ministering angels and the "when" of that is the purview of the angels as directed by the Lord, and not our place to "call them forth", particularly not for selfish reasons. Our place is to obey -- or, rather, to do the will of God in all things,  not to improve our lives and situations by trying to wield sacred things as if they are magic.

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Is it possible to converse with Angels in diverse ways? I'm not finding too much info regarding rules and regulations here... Most of what I see is based on following the Spirit and the Light. I understand dark magic is one form of communicating with the other angels. I'm not talking about dark magic. Actually, I'm not exactly sure what I am talking about. Other than the fact that it is real and exciting stuff! I suppose the feelings would change if the angels were from the dark side (by their fruits). Maybe sometimes they come to us to deliver a message via Spirit to spirit. So in this physical worldly realm we feel them and know that they are there but we don't exactly comprehend the message? Maybe it becomes a pure exchange of intelligence that our "5% capable" brain doesn't quite get. But that our spirit needs and gets completely? And maybe my "5% brain" wants to make sense of it so I try to send them off to create and bring forth abundance? LOL! Pretty crazy stuff! 

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Hi Lennoxlewy,

It sounds like you have been given a special gift. I think it can be a great blessing to you throughout your life. Let me just give you a couple of my thoughts.


Angels may in special circumstances come and communicate in our language. However, Nephi talks about speaking with the tongue of angels (ie their language) and it is by means of the Holy Ghost. He says, "Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ" (2 Ne 32:3). Note that term, the power of the Holy Ghost. It is by the power of the spirit that they speak. This is the language of heaven. We must grow to learn how to understand/feel the spirit, by so doing we are communicating with heaven.


Holy angels come in the service of the Lord. We are the ones who need to hear the truth from them. We are the ones who inhabit this mortal realm who need their support. I find it strange that you would tell them to go serve. They come to tell us and to deliver messages from the Lord to us. When we listen to them and do as they ask, we are also fellow servants. 


The Aaronic priesthood holds the keys to the ministering of angels (D&C 84:26, D&C 13). Angels are a stepping stone to help us gain more light and knowledge. But Paul in Hebrews puts the situation in the right order, he says the Son is superior to the angels (see Heb 1:5-13). It appears some of the Hebrews were focused on angels. So we too, must continue on the path, until we pass the angels and gain the "testimony of Jesus" and our eternal salvation. May the Lord bless you on that walk. 

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