Wonderful Photos of mountain ranges


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Thought you might like these photos. They are of the smaller mountain ranges in northern utah, nevada and southern idaho.

Obscure mountain ranges of southern Idaho, NW Utah, and Eastern Nevada | The Wildlife News

very nice, thank you

I used to climb this one every year during early or late summer.

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lol. in this part of the country its looking at every sage brush wondering if there is a rattlesnake wound around its base trunk.

Oh my gosh, this summer Sophie jumped over a rattlesnake TWICE and didn't even notice it. She was on a trail thru tall grass by the river. We think she thought it was just a rock. My honey was behind her and almost stepped on the thing before he realized what it was. When he realized what it was, he was trying to get Sophie to come back to him, but off the trail, and she just came running back to him and jumped over the now coiled up snake for the second time.

We call her the little snake charmer now. Whew we were lucky on that one because the drive to the nearest vet would have been over an hour away. We thought about getting her the vaccine, but we haven't heard if it works very well or not.

Anyone ever gotten their dog the rattlesnake vaccine before? Does it work? Did the dog react okay to the vaccine? (sorry to hijack ur thread anne... just came to mind when I read your post...)

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Oh my gosh, this summer Sophie jumped over a rattlesnake TWICE and didn't even notice it. She was on a trail thru tall grass by the river. We think she thought it was just a rock. My honey was behind her and almost stepped on the thing before he realized what it was. When he realized what it was, he was trying to get Sophie to come back to him, but off the trail, and she just came running back to him and jumped over the now coiled up snake for the second time.

We call her the little snake charmer now. Whew we were lucky on that one because the drive to the nearest vet would have been over an hour away. We thought about getting her the vaccine, but we haven't heard if it works very well or not.

Anyone ever gotten their dog the rattlesnake vaccine before? Does it work? Did the dog react okay to the vaccine? (sorry to hijack ur thread anne... just came to mind when I read your post...)

np at all. I havent heard about that vaccine but it would be worth looking into especially with a bouncy pup!

I had it happen to me too. I was out walking carrying my oldest daughter with me. She was maybe 6 months old. We went past some very tall sagebrush when I heard the rattle and looked back. A huge snake was coiled around the brush we were just passing. I nearly died of a heart attacki!!!

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