Any One Know A Good Online King James Bible Online?


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any one know a good online King james bible online? that is non lds? its for the Reserch that am doing

and is there a non lds king james bible that has a bible dictionary? online? and also anyone know of someone where on the net that i could get a non lds king james bible for free with out a person coming over to get me in their faith?

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umm well i have looked online and they are diffrent as with the footnotes and the bible dictionary and they dont have a topical guide and also there is the word BOOK OF MORMON in the chapter heading in the bible in the lds one as with the non lds one there is none of it its diffrent

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well u can have a look online if you like

at this is non Lds bible KJV

look in isalah 29 in the chapter heading and u will see the word book of mormon now get your lds kjv of the bible and have a look it dont say that in the non lds bible and also no chapter headings and no footnotes at the bottom at all and no bible dictionary in the non lds kjv of the bible

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