Baby girl pink's pretty, but I prefer white


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My husband has a sensitive nose so I have to buy unscented laundry stuff, which means I don't look over anything, just go straight for the Tide.

Amazing, Tide to me is the smelliest of the lot! I buy the cheapest liquid detergent I can find. I also DO NOT use the amount of soap recommended by the manufacturer of the soap. Rule of Thumb: 1/2 to 1/3 of what the soap manufacturer says. I also use the detergent to rub on stains prior to washing, and use the hottest water the fabric allows. I rinse in cold only.

When I use fab softener, I do the same, reduce the amount used. The manufacturer wants you to use their goods, and lots of it, so they encourage you to use the maximum amount. I also DO NOT use fab softener on anything I want to be absorbent = pick up liquid. Stop using it on your towels and see how much more absorbent they become.

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Some scents trigger my head aches. My honey uses fabric softener in his laundry (I mean like 7 sheets per load, he's crazy), and some times they make it into my loads. Then I usually end up finding them in my pant legs while in the most embarassing places, like in line at Walmart.

(I'm so lucky, not only does my honey cook and clean, but he does his own laundry too! lucky me, lucky me!!!)

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