Kindle WiFi - Deseret Ebooks to Mobi


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I have just bought a Kindle wifi - mainly for my Scriptures.

Am trying to find a way of taking the ebooks I got from Deseret and loading them onto my Kindle.

I have a 7" pad running Android, which I have used for the Deseret books in the past but I would really like to put them onto the new Kindle.

Anyone managed to do this please?

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What format are the books in currently? If they are .prc it will be a very long and intensive process. So says my wife who is a professional e-book formatter. She creates files in all the formats for all devices. She is one of the top in the industry with clients all over the world.If they are from Deseret they probably DRM'd and Calibre won't strip that out. It would probably much easier to just buy the Kindle versions. And disregard my Bluefire comment. Doesn't work on kindle either, but it's what I use on my Android tablet to read everything else, including .pdf files.

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iPad? blech, My wife has one. If someone gave me one I would use it for a doorstopper.

A year ago I'd strongly disagree with you. DH and I have been Apple users for a few years now and for the most part have been happy. But now that I'm venturing into new waters, it's sooo refreshing to breakaway from the Apple conformity! I think once I'm ready to upgrade, I'll be leaving my iPhone and going to a Droid. It's time!

Jezebel, glad you figured it out :] And you'll enjoy your iPad. It's still a great product.

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