"We Have Been Warned"


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I just recently watched this talk on a video by Randy Hall I bought from E-bay. While I have watched a lot of scripturally based talks by Evangelical Christians, this is one of the few with such "pretty numbers" that comes from an LDS source incorporating Daniel, Revelations as well as BOM Isaiah, Joseph Smith History, etc. While he makes some big jumps at times to make things fit, particularly with his definitions of a "generation" it was very intere

sting and I look forward to watching it again.

Some things that stuck out in my mind are all the ways that "2012" works towards being the start of "The Day of the Lord". He believes that this will encompass a financial devastation that will take down the world as we have known it. It puts a whole new face on people looking and seeing it all come down in an hour (not his thinking, but mine) as I watched the video.

While he thinks the coming in glory of the Lord won't be for many, many years (his best guess is ~2050-75 at the latest.) He does believe that the earlier comings could be as soon as 2017-2018 which is interesting because that has been my thinking for a while now.

So I tend to agree with him. I think we will see the financial world devastated within the next year and the war of Armageddon to start in the next few years culminating with His saving the righteous Jews on the Mount of Olives in 2018. (Take that FWIW as I have been wrong before.)

A few weeks ago a guy posted a few of his notes here...

"Witnessing the Powerful and Great Changes Together": Randy Halls DVD "We Have Been Warned" On the Last Days Warnings

If you read this he says that "the Day of the Lord" ends with Christ's return to the Mount of Olives and the devastating earthquake talked about in both the 6th and 7th seal times. He explains how/why the seals overlap. But just to make it as clear as mud, "the Day of the Lord" Bro. Hall says begins this year in 2012.


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I really dislike people trying to put timelines on this. That just gives people thoughts that they have plenty of time to put their lives in order. When really people should be working on this now.

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Sadly, what often happens is a person has a theory, then searches the scriptures to back it up. So, with all the 2012 doomsday Maya stuff being discussed, it becomes easy to then start calculating it from the scriptures by picking and choosing what we look for.

We may say the same thing about the priesthood ban furor now going on. There was a ban started for some unknown reason after Joseph Smith's death. Many LDS scholars believe that some racism was involved as white LDS leaders were afraid of blacks marrying whites in the temple. So, they started at their assumption point, and searched through the scriptures to find what they wanted to find. So, because of that, we got the curse of Cain explanation that sadly is still believed by many Mormons.

Yet, a fresh look at what the scriptures really tell us is entirely different than the assumptions forced upon the scriptures. And perhaps this is what is happening with this claim of 2012, etc., now.

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A quote from a friend's picture posted on facebook (I assume it was created on leap year day this year):

"There have been about 514 leap years since Caesar created it in 45 BC. Without the extra day created every 4 years, today would be July 28, 2013.

Also, the Mayan calendar did not account for leap year...... so technically, the world should've ended 7 months ago."

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to agree with Pam...

The big concern for me are the people that continue to believe that since we have lived in peace and abundance for most of our lives, that our lifestyle will continue as it always has...at least until our grandchildren's time when it all goes up in a big fireball, at least for them if they are wicked.

I don't believe that is how "the end of the world as we have known it" will come about for us though. Just like the DVD is just the guys (very interesting to me) opinion of a financial collapse this year, it is my opinion that the downward trend in the economy will continue if not accelerate in the future.

I believe the day when many/most of us can't afford to buy what we want or even truly need could be not that so far distant...and the Church has already told us that they can't provide for us all should there be a widespread calamity.

There has been a not so widespread calamity for my family...the company my husband worked for was just sold. So we were just quoted the Cobra to keep our health insurance for our large family...$2,000 per month! That doesn't include the house payment, food, utilities, children's lessons and activities, etc...

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Sorry guys but the time to prepare is quickly coming to a close as just getting the "essentials" could take every penny we can scrape together in the future.

Recent news from the government says we are already seeing inflation in the "essentials" and deflation in the "non-essentials." This trend will only increase as we continue to live as a country on money that we don't have.

Add to that the possibility of war (in the middle-east), and wierdness all over including weird earthquakes, wierd solar flares, really weird abnormally hot and cold weather that affect growing seasons, seriously...we could be in for an "interesting" ride...

Recent news from the government...

"Indexes for shelter...medical care, and household...operations all advanced, while indexes for apparel, recreation...all declined."

Consumer Price Index Summary (From the statistical arm of the government...

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Talk of the 2nd coming has filled me with dread, as well as some skepticism. I've really been uncomfortable with trying to "predict" when the catastrophes will come.

When my husband and I moved to Arizona for a few years, it was interesting to listen to how many people would talk about the 2nd coming. It was certainly on a lot of people's minds....This invariably would elicit feelings of fear in me...I didn't really know how to handle it and would end up praying not to be in the destruction when it came and then would try to shrug it off.

Yet, this subject keeps coming up to me through different people around me. I have a close friend from Arizona who came up to SLC to visit. We spent a long time talking about it last night. Her father spent a great deal of his life researching the signs of the 2nd coming, and based much of his life decisions (where to live, food storage, etc.) on trying to prepare for it. So, she has a lot of knowledge from growing up in this environment. Talking to her happened after I had recently spoken to an intelligent, educated, and rather nonreligious friend who warned me about the state of our economy and other things. Basically saying that we are heading into another great depression. So, I was more open to listening to my good friend from Arizona about the end times. The result being that I felt the Spirit stronger and stronger the longer she talked. Rather than feeling the fear I usually do, I felt God's love encompass me.

I believe I'm being warned to prepare and get ready. This has impressed me to the point that I spoke to my traditional Christian husband about what we could do to start preparing for the 2nd coming.

Some ideas that have come to my mind are;

1) Pay a full tithe.

2) Seek diligently to "draw near unto" the Father and Saviour through prayer, scripture study and following the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

3) Become educated on what we, as LDS, have been counseled to do by our leaders/prophets to prepare for the 2nd coming. Also, to take the classes offered by our church on how to prepare food storage, a 24 hour emergency kit, and other things we need to do to be ready.

4) Learn how to garden and to prepare the produce (drying it) for keeping in case of a catastrophe.

5) Start storing food, water, and physical necessities to have on hand in the face of a calamity.

6) Do all that I can to prepare. Then, be at peace and leave it in God's hands to protect me and my loved ones should those events happen that necessitate His protection.

For the first time in my life, I am taking this seriously. I have never wanted to be a "dooms sayer;" but, this has come up so many times by many different people and by my own observations (our gospel becoming known universally through missionary work, for one example) that I no longer want to "shrug it off."

So, I'm writing this post as my own witness that I believe it's important for us all to take heed and to follow the warnings of our prophets on this subject by preparing for what lies ahead. Better safe than sorry. I'd rather die being prepared and at peace in my bed than in some terrible way.


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For the first time in my life, I am taking this seriously. I have never wanted to be a "dooms sayer;" but, this has come up so many times by many different people and by my own observations (our gospel becoming known universally through missionary work, for one example) that I no longer want to "shrug it off."

So, I'm writing this post as my own witness that I believe it's important for us all to take heed and to follow the warnings of our prophets on this subject by preparing for what lies ahead. Better safe than sorry. I'd rather die being prepared and at peace in my bed than in some terrible way.


Thank you for sharing your recent experiences Dove. I wish you the very best in gathering what your family will need in the future. If you need any advice just ask in the preparedness area and we will do our very best to help you get what you need the cheapest/quickest way possible.

Your friend,


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Scare mongering is great for making money! Selling books, DVDs, speaking engagements, etc. $$$$$

As long as we're doing our best to live right, things will be okay in the end (even if that means the next life). Bad things (and good things!) happen in all time periods, in all places, to all people, regardless of whether they're wicked or righteous (Matt. 5:45), but life will go on, and at least we can strive to be at peace with ourselves and our fellow beings.

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Scaremongering. Doom and gloomers. Hoarders. Survivalists. Preppers. FEARer...particularly of Zombies and Aliens, people who believe in Armageddon, etc. All of these are derogatory "politically correct" names used to ridicule those who prepare in any significant way or believe last days prophecies (particularly if they believe that some or all could be fulfilled in their lifetimes.)

Are there politically correct names to call people who don't prepare?...not really. But they get a lot of support from the mainstream media and others around them...as people who don't prepare (aren't "hoarders") are considered unselfish, caring, world citizens, etc.

Wow, what is the source and purpose of such language and beliefs and who benefits when people accept it and use it?

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Brother Hall has been a frequent small fireside LDS speaker for well over ten years. People started asking him to speak because he is a scholar of the scriptures. I understand he often speaks for various wards, etc. and I have not heard of him being paid for his firesides over these many years.

As his talks are always brim full of information many have asked him to make a recording for them. He has put doing that off for a long time. If any of you know the cost involved in putting out a DVD and the small audience that would be interested in such a topic...you would know that there is not a lot of money to be made in such an endeavor. This is the last bit of the description on his video...

"This video recording is a journey through the scriptures and is done to assist the student of the scriptures to better understand the final history of the earth as laid out by the prophets of old and help the student to better understand the Apostles two questions and the Savior's two answers. It in no way represents any official doctrine of any church or organization and in no way is the author a spokesman for any organization. After a long pursuit of study it is just simply the testimony of Randy Hall."

Again, if you will read my posts I have said that I don't agree with everything he says, however, his perspective is interesting and I don't believe his intent is to make others afraid or to "scare" them or to make a lot of money from his "journey through the scriptures." Seriously, how many people read their scriptures let alone have a desire to spend additional time "journeying" through them?


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Me...I'm looking forward to the 2nd Coming. Comping at the bit actually, it comes from the knowledge that even if I die some horrible death by the hands of terrorists, I'll be okay. The only thing keeping me from reaching the Celestial Kingdom is me and my own sins, there is no fire ball, no horrible terrorist action, nothing anyone else can do to me to **** my eternal progression, that's all up to me. I'm going to die at some point the way of my death isn't the point of my life, it's if I lived my life in with out fear and with charity, forgiveness and having the ability to teach others of the gospel.

I pity people who don't have an understanding of the Atonement and that it covers so much more than just our sins. That must be a fairly scary life to live, fire balls and barbarians at the gate must be horrifying thoughts with out having faith in Christ.

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You are right as the Lord has told us...

D&C 38:30 I tell you these things because of your prayers; wherefore, treasure up wisdom in your bosoms, lest the wickedness of men reveal these things unto you by their wickedness, in a manner which shall speak in your ears with a voice louder than that which shall shake the earth; but if ye are prepared ye shall not fear.

The Lord tells us to "treasure up wisdom" and we can do that by reading the words of our prophets...President Uchtdorf said last conference, "Like two sides of a coin, the temporal and spiritual are inseparable...The Giver of all life has proclaimed, ‘All things unto me are spiritual, and not at any time have I given unto you a law which was temporal.’...Unfortunately, there are those who overlook the temporal because they consider it less important. They treasure the spiritual while minimizing the temporal...The one complements the other. The one without the other is a counterfeit of God’s plan of happiness...This work of providing in the Lord’s way is not simply another item in the catalog of programs of the Church. It cannot be neglected or set aside. It is central to our doctrine; it is the essence of our religion. We must not turn aside our hearts or our heads from becoming more self-reliant...The temporal is intertwined with the spiritual. God has given us this mortal experience and the temporal challenges that attend it as a laboratory where we can grow into the beings Heavenly Father wants us to become."

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Scare mongering is great for making money! Selling books, DVDs, speaking engagements, etc. $$$$$

As long as we're doing our best to live right, things will be okay in the end (even if that means the next life). Bad things (and good things!) happen in all time periods, in all places, to all people, regardless of whether they're wicked or righteous (Matt. 5:45), but life will go on, and at least we can strive to be at peace with ourselves and our fellow beings.

Hello, HEP;

I like what you've said, and I agree.

This is what I used to feel a great deal. Don't you think though, it's wise to prepare, i.e., food storage, etc., as we've been asked to do? Even if the "end of the world" doesn't come in our lifetime, having a food/water/emergency preparedness kit at our disposal is helpful in case of a job loss or financial loss?

I don't know. I had your same outlook until I felt the Spirit so strongly guide me to become better prepared for what may lie ahead. Of course, I don't want to live life out of fear. But, now I'm thinking that "preparedness" as has been counseled is the way to go.


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Hello, HEP;

I like what you've said, and I agree.

This is what I used to feel a great deal. Don't you think though, it's wise to prepare, i.e., food storage, etc., as we've been asked to do? Even if the "end of the world" doesn't come in our lifetime, having a food/water/emergency preparedness kit at our disposal is helpful in case of a job loss or financial loss?

I don't know. I had your same outlook until I felt the Spirit so strongly guide me to become better prepared for what may lie ahead. Of course, I don't want to live life out of fear. But, now I'm thinking that "preparedness" as has been counseled is the way to go.


Thank you.

Yes, of course it's wise to prepare. It is always wise to be prepared, and always has been. Not only for potential disasters, but for regular, everyday life. I went to school for a number of years to prepare for my future, for example.

But it's not necessary or, in my opinion, desirable, to engage in scare mongering in order to get people to prepare. From what I can tell, scare mongering benefits pretty much only those who are doing the scare mongering, by selling books, or radio shows, or whatever.

Preparation =/= Scaremongering

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I don't worry about when the world will end. I could be in a car accident today and that could be the end for me. The only thing I need to worry about is whether or not I'm living my life every day as if it were my last, because any given day could be.

Treat every day as if Christ were coming, because it could very well be the day that YOU go to HIM!

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Yes, one of my good friends who thought he would be around on the Earth for the millennium went to see him last week. Certainly being ready to meet him is the most important thing. Following His commandments and His example are the way to do that.

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I love this talk from "a few" years ago...

"I hope we are all familiar with these words of the Lord and with his predictions concerning other coming events, such as the building of the new Jerusalem and the redemption of the old, the return of Enoch's Zion, and Christ's millennial reign. Not only do I hope that we are familiar with these coming events; I hope also that we keep the vision of them continually before our minds. This I do because upon a knowledge of them, and an assurance of their reality and a witness that each of us may have part therein, rests the efficacy of Christ's admonition, "be not troubled."

Be Not Troubled

by Elder Marion G. Romney Quorum of the Twelve Apostles General Conference, October 1966

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just saw that the poster of notes found in the first link has greatly added to them. I know that this is not an interesting topic to most, but for those few out there that study the scriptures, his thoughts can be interesting, again I do not agree with all of them.

(Oh and Randy Hall is not a personal friend of mine and I in no way benefit (except that I find them interesting and think some others might too) from sharing his thoughts...FWIW)

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