pntkl Posted April 24, 2012 Report Share Posted April 24, 2012 Mark 7:14-23 The pursuit of signs are abominable. They are seated in and promote faithlessness. Even to hold to prophecy, without the Spirit, it is without faith. For faith manifests myriad powers, not of sorcery, but of God the Father. Looking towards His Second Coming isn't all you should see forward. If the Spirit prompts you so, that you recognize a sign, do not be like Harold Camping; drunken, stumbling, and now fearful.John 14:1-4 It isn't for us, that we should be troubled by the Word, or prophecies. Our comfort is found in the Christ. For what man among can say with surety, concerning the meaning, without some mention of lacking knowledge? Are men in sin given all Keys to doors yet locked? Not a man among this generation could claim to having that which is hidden away. Even Brother Monson will not speak of that which is not yet translated from Spirit to temporal. All wise men of God are found in His Son, yet not all may be exacted to His mysteries.3 Nephi 28:12-24 In this day, there walks among you those given immortality. They speak knowing the Son, more so than even the first modern prophet. Yet, there are many that will not hear them, for the will not hear God. If even simple truths are spoken, however rejected--for what need is there that can be fulfilled, for even higher truths?Matthew 24:3-44 I hear a lot of discussion and hushing, over what is spoken of as higher doctrines. This is not His truth, that principle knowledge should be hidden. There is one true God. Such as it is written, concerning those finding perfection, that their likeness is not entitled to precede Him, who was from all beginnings, still is, and is even unto all endings. His love is so strong, even teaching falsely can be redeemed, if man is not apathetically ignorant or worse with rejection of the Spirit.Isaiah 11:1-16 Doctrine and Covenants 65:1-6 The higher doctrines are heavenly. Locked away, firmly sealed up; until the course of His plan is manifest. The Second Coming is so sacred, not even the Christ, Son of God, our Savior was not first sent knowing of the Father's time. With all directions gathered, even if the time were now, who would recognize the signs, rather than being covetous of them? And for what is it that they should come, that they be Apocalyptic, rather than in reconciliation of the sinner to the Father, His Son, and the Holy Ghost? For in this time, you are witness to great miracles and signs and yet who in sin can recognize their entirety? In all eventuality, you may be found faithful, if your grip is upon righteousness, His refined rock. Do not deceive yourself, that you think it impossible for yourself to let go, but be vigilant, so you do not lower your guard and slip away. Even Lucifer, who was Great among His Children, let go--even now and through and through an eternity, found faithless, even so to find spiritual death.Proverbs 21:31 However accused by any adversary, do not be as the heathens, that you think you may mock those in stray. For all may be found that way, in His Day, if we do not know that in faith, we are all as equals before my Father, who is your Father; not as contenders in a battle to be kings. Let the scriptures be a reference, but remember the Spirit is the compass, His Son is the vehicle, and our Father is the destination; not simply by our lonesome, but even to lift up those we love, our family and even our enemies. Would it not be better to be found by a thief, for them to take wonder of your greatness, insomuch as to find it untouchable? My words, proceeding from our Father, they are part of an epistle: turn from any wicked wantonness within, as He assembles the Host, which marches on and tramples the wicked.Love,T.J. Wood"Each heartfelt prayer, each Church meeting attended, each worthy friend, each righteous decision, each act of service performed--all precede that goal of eternal life." - Thomas S. Monson Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John_kindhearted Posted April 26, 2012 Report Share Posted April 26, 2012 Mark 13:32 "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but ONLY the Father."Excludes Holy Spirit. Excludes Jesus.In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most MercifulThe Qur'an 33.63 "People ask you about the (final) Hour: Say: "Its knowledge is with Allah (Alone):" And what will make you understand? Just in case the Hour is near!"The Qur'an 20:15 '"Verily the Hour is coming - My design is to keep it hidden - for every soul to receive its reward by the measure of its Endeavour."The Qur'an 22:7 "And verily the Hour will come: there can be no doubt about it, or about (the fact) that Allah will raise up all who are in the graves."The Qur'an 15:99 "And serve thy Lord until there come unto thee the Hour that is Certain."The Qur'an 25:11 "Nay they deny the hour (of the judgment to come): but We have prepared a blazing fire for such as deny the hour:"The Qur'an 75:36-40075.036 Does man think that he will be left uncontrolled, (without purpose)?075.037 Was he not a drop of sperm emitted (in lowly form)?075.038 Then did he become a leech-like clot; then did (Allah) make and fashion (him) in due proportion.075.039 And of him He made two sexes, male and female.075.040 Has not He, (the same), the power to give life to the dead?Al-Qur'an, 075.036-040 (Al-Qiyama [The rising of The dead, resurrection])How do we get to Paradise?The Mercy of God.The Prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "Whoever witnesses that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Messenger, Allah forbids the Fire from touching him." Narrated by Bukhari and MuslimThose are the answers in Islam (interpretation: Submission to the Will of God).Any wrong ideas about Islam are thoroughly cleared up when reading The Qur'an. People have taken opinions over truth. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pam Posted April 26, 2012 Report Share Posted April 26, 2012 We appreciate that you want to participate. But it is unnecessary to continue to copy and paste the same response into numerous threads. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pntkl Posted April 27, 2012 Report Share Posted April 27, 2012 Any wrong ideas about Islam are thoroughly cleared up when reading The Qur'an. People have taken opinions over truth.It is by our acceptance of lies that truths get willfully ignored. A man will say to himself, "For what I do not understand, that is all for naught." Making his heart hardened and imposing it on others--he hates not only his brother, but worse, the Father of our fathers.Speaking boldly, higher truths cannot be known by reading alone. Good and evil both read the same books--it is their interpretations therein that differs. Seeking signs and noticing them are not one in the same. Instead of that pursuit, let us ask of God that we might become more faithful, that we may know Him and what truth is, so we may walk upon the straight path.Any fellowship that doesn't believe their own doctrines, they hold to false doctrines and follow false teachings. For any fellowship, to be held in reverence, it is a fellowship that holds truthful doctrine. All truthful doctrines help one be prepared for the Hour of Judgment.Let us be each others' keepers.If the other is straying, cry out:Victory is not far!Endure these afflictions!Stand firm against temptations!Quran Explorer Taqi Usmani&TajweedRules=Off&Zoom=5.2Do not approach the property of the orphan, except with the best possible conduct, until he reaches maturity. Give full measure and full weight in all fairness 44 - We do not obligate anyone beyond his capacity - 45 and be just when you speak, even though the one (against whom you are speaking) is a relative; and fulfill the covenant of Allah. This is what He has enjoined upon you, so that you may observe the advice. (152) And: This is My path that is straightforward. So, follow it, and do not follow the (other) ways, lest they should make you deviate from His way. This is what He has enjoined upon you, so that you may be God-fearing.” (153) Then We gave Musa the Book, perfect for the one who does good, and explaining everything in detail, and a guidance and mercy, so that they may believe in meeting their Lord. (154)Quran Explorer Daryabadi&TajweedRules=Off&Zoom=5.2(65) Lo! verily Allahs is whosoever is in the heavens and whosoever is on the earth. And what is it that they who call unto associate-gods beside Allah follow They follow but an opinion, and they are but conjecturing. (66) He it is who hath appointed for you the night that ye may repose therein and the day enlightening. Verily in that are signs for a people who listen. (67) They say: God hath taken a son.Hallowed be He-He, the self-sufficient! His is whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. No warranty is there with you for this. Ascribe ye falsely unto Allah that which ye know not? (68) Say thou: verily those who fabricate a lie against Allah shall not fare well. (69) A brief enjoyment in the world; then unto Us is their return; then We will make them taste a severe torment, in that they have been disbelieving. (70) And rehearse thou unto them the story of Nuh, when he said unto his people: O my people! if my standing forth and my admonishment with the commandments of Allah be hard upon you, then on Allah I rely; so devise your affair, ye and your associate-gods and let not your affair be dubious unto you, then have it decreed against me, and respite me not. (71) If then ye turn away, I have asked of you no hire, my hire is only with Allah, and I am commanded to be of those who submit. (72) So they belied him; then We delivered him and those with him in the ark, and We made them successors, while We drowned those who belied Our signs. Behold then what like hath been the end of those who were warned. (73) Then, We raised after him other apostles to their people, and they brought them evidences, but they were not such as to believe that which they had belied afore. Thus We seal the hearts of the transgressors.Quran Explorer Taqi Usmani&TajweedRules=Off&Zoom=5.2Surah At-TariqIn the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the MercifulBy the heaven and the night-comer (1) And what shall make thee know that which the night-comer is? (2) It is the star shing brightly. (3) No soul is there but hath over it a watcher. (4) So let man look - from what is he created. (5) He is created from a water drip-ping, (6) That issueth from between the loins and the breast-bones. (7) Verily He is Able to restore him, (8) On a Day whereon secrets shall be out. (9) Then he shall have no power nor any helper. (10) By the heaven which returneth, (11) And by the earth which splitteth, (12) Verily, it is a discourse distinguishing. (13) And it is not a frivolity. (14) Verily they are plotting a plot. (15) And I am plotting a plot. (16) So respite thou the infidels - respite them gently, (17) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lds2 Posted April 28, 2012 Author Report Share Posted April 28, 2012 (edited) Who else would bet money that John_kindhearted and PNTKL are the same person or at least related in some way? Hard to understand...not a first language speaker? and quoting the Kuran...yep...although pntkl says that he is LDS it is doubtful that he is a believer in our religion from what is said and the way it is said...FWIW Edited April 28, 2012 by lds2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lds2 Posted April 28, 2012 Author Report Share Posted April 28, 2012 There is difference between "seeking for signs" and watching for fulfillment of prophecy. We are commanded to watch, Jesus told us to study Isaiah in some of his last words of instruction when he was on the Earth. Elder Bednar has said on several occasions that we should be "watching with all perseverence" here are two of the talks I was able to find..."Who's On the Lord's Side", BYU-I Education Week Address, July 30, 2010Elder Bednar"The Lord has on the earth some potential spiritual giants whom He saved for some six thousand years to help bear off the Kingdom triumphantly, and the devil is trying to put them to sleep. The [adversary] knows that he probably won’t be too successful in getting them to commit many great and malignant sins of commission. So he puts them into a deep sleep...And what good is a sleepy, neutralized, lukewarm giant." ...For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, spiritual warnings lead to increasingly vigilant watching. You and I live in “a day of warning." And because we have been and will be warned, we need to be...“watching … with all perseverance." As we watch and prepare, truly we have no need to fear."...***"Watching With All Perseverance", April 2010 General ConferenceElder Bednar"Spiritual warnings should lead to increasingly vigilant watching. You and I live in “a day of warning” (D&C 63:58). And because we have been and will be warned, we need to be...“watching … with all perseverance” (Ephesians 6:18)."Watching with All Perseverance - general-conference everance+(name%3a"David+A.+Bednar")Elder Bednar also gave this warning (I've been told) while giving talks in regional conferences...Elder Bednar is referencing the same quote that President Monson used this last conference and originated with President Benson's addresses given in 1979 and repeated in 1987. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pntkl Posted April 28, 2012 Report Share Posted April 28, 2012 (edited) Who else would bet money that John_kindhearted and PNTKL are the same person? Hard to understand...not a first language speaker? and quoting the Kuran...yep...although pntkl says that they are LDS it is doubtful that he is a believer in our religion from what is said and the way it is said...FWIWDoctrine and Covenants 38:23-27*Doctrine and Covenants 42:18-29*Doctrine and Covenants 43:8-14*Doctrine and Covenants 64:1-22*Doctrine and Covenants 84:54-61*Doctrine and Covenants 101:1-8*Doctrine and Covenants 101:81-101*Without reciprocating doubt, for what it's worth, it is for naught. You ought not busy yourself with that for which you explicitly do not sympathize, nor by effect understand. Loose your contentious spirit, as I AM that I AM; the sole provider for my wife, five children, my sister, my brother and his wife, and now my disabled uncle.Do to others, as you would have done unto yourself. If it is that you would tie me to a whipping post, to doubt my sincerity, or the origins of my motivations; do as you will. However, if you have an ounce of humility--let it be, that we can be civil in discourse, to know each others' hearts, if they are pure or they are corrupt.Love,T.J. Wood Edited August 20, 2012 by pntkl Personal Information Rescinded Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lds2 Posted April 28, 2012 Author Report Share Posted April 28, 2012 (edited) I believe you may have returned to Church but which one is the question..why do you write in Greek, that isn't usually normal for LDS members. When were you baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and did you attend an LDS ward last Sunday? I don't think so from what you have written and the contention you bring to every thread. Sorry, but what you say and how you say it is not that of a first language speaker. That doesn't mean we don't have millions of speakers of other languages, just what you say isn't at all typical and seems very unlikely for someone born and raised in the LDS Church in Provo...just sayin...and some of the ways you say things would not be typical of an LDS member of 5+ years...or even one. Edited April 28, 2012 by lds2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pntkl Posted April 28, 2012 Report Share Posted April 28, 2012 I believe you may have returned to Church but which one is the question..why do you write in Greek, that isn't usually normal for LDS members. When were you baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and did you attend an LDS ward last Sunday? What you say and how you say it is not that of a first language speaker. That doesn't mean we don't have millions of speakers of other languages, just what you say isn't at all typical for someone born and raised in the LDS Church in Provo...just sayin...and some of the ways you say things would not be typical of an LDS member of 5+ years.Twenty years, as of yesterday, to be more specific. I am a member of the Fairview Ward, in Henderson, Nevada. You aren't the first, nor will you be the last, to stand at odds with some of the things I have said or will say in the times to come. So be it.The greek tongue is to say 'five lines'. I will leave it cryptic, beyond that. I would rather be at odds with man, than with my Father.There will come a Day, let us prepare.Love,T.J. Wood Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lds2 Posted April 28, 2012 Author Report Share Posted April 28, 2012 (edited) Loose your contentious spirit, as I AM that I AM. On June 17, 2007, I was lifted by the Spirit, to His Dwelling Place. That I might speak in language and cite doctrine they we are in agreement with; so it is duly appointed, by my witnesses, the Father, His Son, and the Holy Ghost.Like I said... Edited April 28, 2012 by lds2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pntkl Posted April 28, 2012 Report Share Posted April 28, 2012 Like I said...Isaiah 28:1-29 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lds2 Posted April 28, 2012 Author Report Share Posted April 28, 2012 You say, "I AM that I AM" when referring to yourself and then say "This also cometh forth from the Lord of hosts, which is wonderful in counsel, and excellent in working." Those are some strong words...when referring to yourself and your words. Okay, back to my genealogy... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pntkl Posted April 28, 2012 Report Share Posted April 28, 2012 You say, "I AM that I AM" when referring to yourself and then say"This also cometh forth from the Lord of hosts, which is wonderful in counsel, and excellent in working."Those are some strong words...when referring to yourself and your words.Okay, back to my genealogy...If you followed closely enough, you would understand it in context: I AM that I AM, after Elohim. With the faithful, so it is. Hope you are enjoying the genealogy!Love,T.J. Wood Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
volgadon Posted April 28, 2012 Report Share Posted April 28, 2012 why do you write in Greek, that isn't usually normal for LDS membersI write in Hebrew and Russian, is that nor mal? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
volgadon Posted April 28, 2012 Report Share Posted April 28, 2012 If you followed closely enough, you would understand it in context: I AM that I AM, after Elohim. With the faithful, so it is. Hope you are enjoying the genealogy!Love,T.J. WoodIf you are worried that he is calling himself Jesus, he did mention Jesus as a separate entity. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
volgadon Posted April 28, 2012 Report Share Posted April 28, 2012 The greek tongue is to say 'five lines'. I will leave it cryptic, beyond that. I would rather be at odds with man, than with my Father.The five wounds of Christ, the five joys of Mary, the five senses, etc., are probably as good a clue as any. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lds2 Posted April 28, 2012 Author Report Share Posted April 28, 2012 (edited) Looking towards His Second Coming isn't all you should see forward. If the Spirit prompts you so, that you recognize a sign, do not be like Harold Camping; drunken, stumbling, and now fearful.Why would I be fearful of the Lord's return? I can't wait, and I would LOVE for my grandchildren to be raised in the Millennium when they could play outside without fear. All will have useful work and there will be no "entitlements" or poor among us. What is to fear about that? Perfect health, living to be as old as trees and remain vigorous...yep, yep. We have been comanded once we are self-reliant to help others become self-reliant. I believe there is a reason why preparing for calamities has been told us for well over 70 years. I want all my brothers and sisters to have what they need now and in the future. Even Brother Monson will not speak of that which is not yet translated from Spirit to temporal.This is a huge red flag...who among us would speak of the prophet that way?In this day, there walks among you those given immortality. They speak knowing the Son, more so than even the first modern prophet. Yet, there are many that will not hear them, for they will not hear God. If even simple truths are spoken, however rejected--for what need is there that can be fulfilled, for even higher truths?We are all given immortality, to be saved as children of God is one of the greatest gifts Christ gave us through His sacrifice. Who are these immortals that speak out knowing the Son even more than Joseph Smith? The only people that would apply to are the three Nephites and John the revelator and I haven't heard them speaking to us lately and it is not their calling to "speak to the Church."The higher doctrines are heavenly. Locked away, firmly sealed up; until the course of His plan is manifest. The Second Coming is so sacred, not even the Christ, Son of God, our Savior was not first sent knowing of the Father's time. With all directions gathered, even if the time were now, who would recognize the signs, rather than being covetous of them?Who's covetous? We are commanded to "watch with all perseverance" which Elder Bednar repeated over and over in his talks around 2010. I believe that Christ was talking of himself when he was a man, I totally believe that He now knows the whole plan for the Second Coming as He is part of the Godhead.Your final quote talks of Thomas S. Monson...again those who are believers do not write his name with such disrespect. FWIW Edited April 28, 2012 by lds2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lds2 Posted April 28, 2012 Author Report Share Posted April 28, 2012 (edited) I believe you may have returned to Church but which one is the question..why (did) you (respond) in Greek, that isn't usually normal for LDS members...That doesn't mean we don't have millions of speakers of other languages, just what you say isn't at all typical and seems very unlikely for someone born and raised in the LDS Church in Provo...and some of the ways you say things would not be typical of an LDS member of 5+ years...or even one.For any fellowship, to be held in reverence, it is a fellowship that holds truthful doctrine.I AM that I AM. My name is Terrance James Wood. On June 17, 2007, I was lifted by the Spirit, to His Dwelling it is duly appointed, by my witnesses, the Father, His Son, and the Holy Ghost.That language is (in my opinion) the most sacred in the bible. When it was used He (notice the big H here) was saying who He was. For someone else to use such in referring to themselves is another red flag. I have seen a lot of people come and go on forums and those who speak in scriptural language are almost always apostate or close to it...not saying this is the case here, just another red flag. A man's teachings mingled with scripture is also another red flag...that is why I mostly try to stick with the words of our recent prophets when talking of doctrine.. Edited April 28, 2012 by lds2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
volgadon Posted April 28, 2012 Report Share Posted April 28, 2012 Loose your contentious spirit, as I AM that I AM. My name is Terrance James Wood.Looking at the portion you ommited (I bolded it) I'm not to sure that he was referring to himself.BTW, I've also seen a lot of people harping on about the signs of the times who are apostate ornear-apostate, does that make you one?I don't know pnktl at all, maybe he is, maybe he isn't, but I'm sure you could find quotes that you don't have to edit. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lds2 Posted April 28, 2012 Author Report Share Posted April 28, 2012 (edited) Looking at the portion you ommited (I bolded it) I'm not to sure that he was referring to himself..Again, that it is language that most hold very sacred and it is unusual to see one referring to himself in such a way it is a big red flag.BTW, I've also seen a lot of people harping on about the signs of the times who are apostate or near-apostate, does that make you one?.. No, but your right it is certainly a red flag to be very careful. You have to "watch with all perseverance" and study these things out for yourself. That is why I have all the disclaimers on this thread and on most of my others pertaining to my studies unless I am quoting the general authorities. That is also why I mostly try to stay with modern day prophets quotes regarding these things when discussing these things myself, not a scripture and then my interpretation of it.I don't know pnktl at all, maybe he is, maybe he isn't, but I'm sure you could find quotes that you don't have to edit. For any fellowship, to be held in reverence, it is a fellowship that holds truthful doctrine.Your three posts were one-liners so lets all call our kettles black :)...His posts are very hard to understand and very long. Without editing I don't believe most would read much (and before you say it, I know I can get long-winded at times don't like me very much, I just say that because you seem to follow me around with one (or more) liners a lot) I don't know pnktl at all by their fruits ye shall know them and I guess we will...(see I can speak scripturese in a mysterious way too. ) Okay...perhaps I am coming across more contentious than I intend...sorry about that. Between a new puppy and my other farm work (i.e. a mountain lion attacked four of our animals last night) I haven't been getting enough to work in the future garden.... Edited April 28, 2012 by lds2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hundsmo Posted April 28, 2012 Report Share Posted April 28, 2012 When he works in grace the end of days it will be his time and place. the scriptures do not lie, "prepare for the bridegroom...." we have been warned and so has every past generation. If you have your home and family in order will he observe its cleanliness or is it that he will observe you in his comming. One cannot change that time by worry and fear only by love and joy of his comming and sweeping the evil from amung us that are not chosen right away. we prepare our housholds for a year in foods and supplies it is time to prepare your faith as well; without the word the other will not serve you as well. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
volgadon Posted April 28, 2012 Report Share Posted April 28, 2012 Again, that it is language that most hold very sacred and it is unusual to see one referring to himself in such a way it is a big red flag.If it was referring to himself. While that understanding is certainly possible, the sentence was ambiguous..No, but your right it is certainly a red flag to be very careful. You have to "watch with all perseverance" and study these things out for yourself. That is why I have all the disclaimers on this thread and on most of my others pertaining to my studies unless I am quoting the general authorities. That is also why I mostly try to stay with modern day prophets quotes regarding these things when discussing these things myself, not a scripture and then my interpretation of it.I'm not quite sure how private interpretations of canonised scripture are somehow more dangerous thn than private interpretations of statements made by general authorities. Gospel hobbies are gospel hobbies.Your three posts were one-liners so lets all call our kettles black :)Whatever floats your boat, Mrs. Pot....His posts are very hard to understand and very long.Yours aren't particularly laconic either. Without editing I don't believe most would read much (and before you say it, I know I can get long-winded at times myself......Since you admit to writing long posts, does that mean that I can edit them by taking statements out of context? Here, clear proof of your apostasy: "I am... the general authorities..."Do you see what I mean about editing?you don't like me very much, I just say that because you seem to follow me around with one (or more) liners a lot)When was the last time I "followed you around"? I don't believe that I've responded to anything you've said in quite a while, so you might be overreacting just a tad. I don't know pnktl at all by their fruits ye shall know them and I guess we will...(see I can speak scripturese in a mysterious way too. ) Okay...perhaps I am coming across more contentious than I intend...sorry about that. Between a new puppy and my other farm work (i.e. a mountain lion attacked four of our animals last night) I haven't been getting enough to work in the future garden....That is horrible, I hope you stop the marauder. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
volgadon Posted April 28, 2012 Report Share Posted April 28, 2012 For the record, I don't believe that LDS2 is apostate, or that pnktdl is some bearer of truth in lieu of the prophets, but I really dislike apostate-hunts and misrepresentations. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pntkl Posted April 28, 2012 Report Share Posted April 28, 2012 I fail to see the importance of the discourse, as it has occurred. If I speak from what the Father prompts me to, it is what it is. If not, reprove me and bring a witness. Anything else is of a contention I will have no part of. Additionally, the I AM that I AM statement should be clear enough, with it I say that my faith is not wavered by unbelief, naysaying, or even courts. I AM a Child of God. This isn't a new concept, nor is it blasphemous. My handshake is firm and with love, T.J. Wood Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
happymom Posted October 29, 2012 Report Share Posted October 29, 2012 I've watched the Randy Hall video and after considering it, I've concluded that he is not correct. He says a lot of truth, but his dates are not correct. This is my own personal opinion based on my own personal feelings when I pray about it. I take what I recognize as truth and just do the best I can to be ready. The day is soon, but no one will know when. We will know the season, but never the day. Not even Jesus Christ himself knows the day (this is according to the book, Jesus the Christ). Only Heavenly Father knows. It is exciting to me to watch recent events unfold. I am looking forward to the Lords Second Coming. This topic does not make me nervous or afraid. I do not think it will be easy, but sometimes hard work is exciting because of what the end result will be. The end result of these latter days will be a visit from our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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