Why does this pervert still have a teaching job?


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Ha. That quiz is hilarious. But not at all appropriate for high school. That's more like the thing you distribute in a freshman intro to psych class.

Oh, yes. Utterly roll-on-the-floor funny. So, so clever. Please make sure you give it to your eighteen-year-old daughter. Be sure to laugh when you give it to her, so she understands how funny and clever it is. Maybe she can laugh at it, too, and pass it along to all her Church friends so they can be in on the funniness. Then she can incorporate it into her view on men, women, sexuality, and human relations in general.

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Ah, didn't see before that the text of the quiz was linked to from the article. Oy, oy, oy! Don't know what that teacher was thinking. Big mistake! I don't know why the article singled out the words "penetrates" and "discharge," which are perfectly appropriate words for discussing the subject matter. But the quiz itself was obviously FAR from appropriate.

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Yeah. It's not at all appropriate. Notice, however, that the school board was 'Taking steps to make sure that quiz wasn't handed out any more'. My guess is that there was more than the teacher involved.

It's a stupid quiz and I'd have complained about it, too. I understand why some people wouldn't want their son or daughter in there, thinking the person might be predatory, but my thoughts are that the teacher was simply very stupid in handing that out.

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What the heck? lol Oh my goodness! Hahaha! Sorry but I just read the quiz and I thought it was funny. Anyways...yes, I don't think it was an appropriate quiz to give to high school students but why is the title of the thread calling the teacher a pervert? Unless there is proof that the reason he gave this test was to satisfy some sort of sexual fantasy doesn't the title border on slander?

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What the heck? lol Oh my goodness! Hahaha! Sorry but I just read the quiz and I thought it was funny. Anyways...yes, I don't think it was an appropriate quiz to give to high school students but why is the title of the thread calling the teacher a pervert? Unless there is proof that the reason he gave this test was to satisfy some sort of sexual fantasy doesn't the title border on slander?

I agree with you, semantically speaking; but I think colloquially most people would have no problem labeling a middle-aged man talking dirty with underage girls as a "pervert" whether he actually derived any . . . er . . . satisfaction from the experience or not.

But, yeah. Probably "scumbag" or "sleazebag" or "dirty old man" or "filthy lecher" or (my personal favorite) "a bounder and a cad" would have been a bit more accurate. ;)

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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What the heck? lol Oh my goodness! Hahaha! Sorry but I just read the quiz and I thought it was funny.

In the eye of the beholder. I don't think giving a sexually suggestive "quiz" reveling in sexual double entendres is in the least little bit funny. But if MoE and Suzie want to laugh it up and give the quiz to their 18-year-olds, then whatever.

Anyways...yes, I don't think it was an appropriate quiz to give to high school students but why is the title of the thread calling the teacher a pervert?

Because exposing high school children to blunt, ugly sexual double entendre is a perverse thing to do. Duh.

Unless there is proof that the reason he gave this test was to satisfy some sort of sexual fantasy doesn't the title border on slander?

Oh, please. The guy is a pervert. If you're incapable of understanding that, the problem lies with your lack of perception, not with my assessment.

Edited by Vort
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Nah, we aren't that old yet. ;)

Well, then, perhaps that's why you are so sadly incapable of seeing the perversion in this man's actions. When you have a child that could potentially be exposed to that sort of thing, maybe then you will see things in a different light.

Or were you trying to be funny by calling me "old"? Guess what -- I'm 49. If that makes me "old" in your eyes, I don't really care, nor do I find it funny (or particularly offensive). But it does tell me something about your personality that you would try to mock someone based on his age.

I'm only going to get older from this point on, so I'm sure you can figure out tons of other highly clever stuff to say on that account.

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Well, then, perhaps that's why you are so sadly incapable of seeing the perversion in this man's actions. When you have a child that could potentially be exposed to that sort of thing, maybe then you will see things in a different light.

Or were you trying to be funny by calling me "old"? Guess what -- I'm 49. If that makes me "old" in your eyes, I don't really care, nor do I find it funny (or particularly offensive). But it does tell me something about your personality that you would try to mock someone based on his age.

I'm only going to get older from this point on, so I'm sure you can figure out tons of other highly clever stuff to say on that account.

Oh wow...all that? Uptight much? lol Once thing for sure, you can't make a living as a psychic because seriously, you are really bad at "reading" people (perhaps because you spend 99.9% of the time making assumptions).

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Oh wow...all that? Uptight much? lol Once thing for sure, you can't make a living as a psychic because seriously, you are really bad at "reading" people (perhaps because you spend 99.9% of the time making assumptions).

Yet I'm pretty good at "reading" what people post. And that's what I use to make my assessments.

Funny how you assume I spend 999 seconds out of every 1000 making assumptions. What would you say that makes your percentage?

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Anyhow, back to the ORIGINAL topic.

Says she who enjoys making accusations but does not care to answer when the question is put back to her.

What kind of formal discipline this teacher received? A warning, suspension?

Did you bother even to read the article?

The district spokesman said disciplinary action was taken against the teacher immediately and the school is communicating directly with parents whose children were affected.

Concerned parents say whatever discipline was doled out by the district simply isn't enough.

They say the Rozanski shouldn't be a teacher at Dwyer High School any more.

The school district confirmed Rozanski is still a teacher at Dwyer. The district won't say how he was disciplined, because it's a personnel issue.

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The quiz is completley inappropriate, but I LOVE the idea behind it. How words have connotations ect. However, it definitively could have been taught a better way. Although I understand the teacher trying to get the students to pay attention in class to the point of doing stupid things.

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