Women shall not put on the Armor of a Soldier.


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Not really, as the trick is in how you lift. There are tiny female physical therapists who are able to lift large men.

In engineering terms the stress factors on the structure of a woman are excessive and joint tolerances in various places make long term performance questionable.

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Yet Syria is still part of the security council!

Confusing, is it not? Having been Muslim, at first I thought it was yet another tiresome Sunni/Shia feud, but these Alawaits are hated by both sides, and allied to the communists. Now, I wonder if a world war over Syria is more likely than one over Israel?

The pathetically sad thing is that there are Christians in Northern Syria that still speak Jesus Christ's language, Aramaic. I would love to hear their take on the true church.

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Confusing, is it not? Having been Muslim, at first I thought it was yet another tiresome Sunni/Shia feud, but these Alawaits are hated by both sides, and allied to the communists.

None of this was new to me, there are Alawis in Israel and everyone knows the Asads aren't really Muslims. Alawis (and Druze) are a heretical offshoot of Ismaili Shiia, really more of a "gnostic" philosophy than a religion. They have lived as a separate people for centuries, fighting hard to remain themselves. Can't excuse the sickening barbarities of the Asad regime, but I do have a soft spot for Alawis. Apparently the Asads have been trying to get Alwais recognised as either Sunni or Shii, something the Alawis themselves aren't very keen on. They even say that sinful souls would be reborn as a Jew or Muslim. That is how much they don't care for either, though Asad's father was a supporter of the Jewish national idea in the 30s.

Now, I wonder if a world war over Syria is more likely than one over Israel?

Not enough oil. Before anyone jumps down my throat, I wasn't this cynical until NATO intervened in Libya but has stayed out of Syria.

The pathetically sad thing is that there are Christians in Northern Syria that still speak Jesus Christ's language, Aramaic. I would love to hear their take on the true church.

Suryoyo is not quite the same dialect, but I get what you are sayng.

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None of this was new to me, there are Alawis in Israel and everyone knows the Asads aren't really Muslims. Alawis (and Druze) are a heretical offshoot of Ismaili Shiia, really more of a "gnostic" philosophy than a religion. They have lived as a separate people for centuries, fighting hard to remain themselves. Can't excuse the sickening barbarities of the Asad regime, but I do have a soft spot for Alawis. Apparently the Asads have been trying to get Alwais recognised as either Sunni or Shii, something the Alawis themselves aren't very keen on. They even say that sinful souls would be reborn as a Jew or Muslim. That is how much they don't care for either, though Asad's father was a supporter of the Jewish national idea in the 30s.

Not enough oil. Before anyone jumps down my throat, I wasn't this cynical until NATO intervened in Libya but has stayed out of Syria.

Suryoyo is not quite the same dialect, but I get what you are sayng.

An issue for me is that I know too little from too many different perspectives, and it causes my thinking to be fragmented. The views on Jesus Christ from Evangelical to Muslim to Mormon is multi faceted and confusing for me at times. And, I am not dogmatic about any of it because I think that Heavenly Father will teach me in his time as I study LDS documents.

Another burden is the presence of non canonized early church documents, and the fact that I neither trust nor like the people who established what should be in the Bible. Some of these people slaughtered the Essenes and the Gnostics. Others savagely murdered Hypatia of Alexandra, others advanced the idea of celibate priests, of church property, the inquisition, transubstantiation, and so many other heretical ideas.

There is a book that says that Jesus Christ was taken up while Judas was crucified in his stead. I so desperately need someone in my life to remove the confusion and set me on the right path, if it exists.

For me, the existence of the Church is all about present conduct, not documents that are sometimes questionable.

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Another burden is the presence of non canonized early church documents, and the fact that I neither trust nor like the people who established what should be in the Bible. Some of these people slaughtered the Essenes and the Gnostics. Others savagely murdered Hypatia of Alexandra, others advanced the idea of celibate priests, of church property, the inquisition, transubstantiation, and so many other heretical ideas.

Look, I know this is an LDS board and I do try not to be defensive when I read some occasionally provocative comments, but I must respond when someone posts about my faith as you have, Hala. It is the Holy Spirit who, "established what should be in the Bible". If it was not, then I plan on going golfing this Sunday and wont grace the door of a church again because it's all hooey. The Bible is either God's divine Word, or the Christian faith, (restored or not), is nothing but fairy tales. It is that same Bible which directed that,

"An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs —how he can please the Lord. But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world—how he can please his wife and his interests are divided." Cor. 7:32-34.

Those celibate priests are married to their congregations. They are celibate because their vocation is to imitate their chief priest, Jesus Christ, who lived His life in celibacy, in complete service to His flock.

The idea of transubstantiation was come up with by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, who stated, "This is my body. This is My Blood." and in passage after passage of the Gospels, tells us that,

"Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day." John 6:54.

St. Paul even castigating the Corinthians for not understanding that partaking of Holy Eucharist was not simply symbolic, but actually doing just that,

"For he that eats and drinks unworthily, eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord's body." 1 Cor. 11:29.

It has been so believed by the Christian faith from the earliest days,

"For not as common bread nor common drink do we receive these; but since Jesus Christ our Saviour was made incarnate by the word of God and had both flesh and blood for our salvation, so too, as we have been taught, the food which has been made into the Eucharist by the Eucharistic prayer set down by him, and by the change of which our blood and flesh is nurtured, is both the flesh and the blood of that incarnated Jesus" -St. Justin Martyr, First Apology AD 150.

Transubstantiation was universally held by the Christian faith for over 1,500 years until the Protestant reformation began to abandon it.

Edited by Desertknight
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I am sorry I insulted you.

The fact remains that I was roughly and abusively handled by the followers of Jesus Christ for doing nothing more than wanting to know more!!! I have a right to question, and you will NOT push me into a corner and scold me like a child ! You will not!

The Christian faith is more fragmented than a train wreck, and it seems obvious to me that if the spirit was in any of the myriad numbers of churches that exist, it would not be so.

I am LDS largely due to their performance of the wishes of Jesus Christ. Look closely at the instructions and wishes of Jesus Christ, Mr Knight. As far as I am concerned, The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints has earned more trust from me than anyone in a very long time. It is to them I am loyal because they worship the Heavenly Father that I know.

I have shed the burning tears of injustice at the hands of the faithful, and it is by the restraining hands of the Holy Spirit that a few are still standing. Some christian churches in my estimation, do murder the different by their judgmental, unkind and inquisitional wrath.

Do not take me on!

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I am not taking you on. I am not scolding you as a child. You did not insult me and I most certainly did not insult you. I am not telling you that you should not question. I am telling you that if you post things that I know to either be wrong, or clearly bigoted by the way that you have written them, then I will correct that, as best and as civilly as I can. I did just that, making a clear, unemotional, factual and logical response to those issues that you raised in your earlier post.

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I am not taking you on. I am not scolding you as a child. You did not insult me and I most certainly did not insult you. I am not telling you that you should not question. I am telling you that if you post things that I know to either be wrong, or clearly bigoted by the way that you have written them, then I will correct that, as best and as civilly as I can. I did just that, making a clear, unemotional, factual and logical response to those issues that you raised in your earlier post.

I am sorry. I am too incendiary on some issues.

Good night Mr Knight.

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