Lack of desire


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Hello everyone. I am brand new to this forum. However I am definitely not brand new to the LDS religion. I have been born and raised LDS. It's been less than two years since I have come home from my two year mission. Yet I am finding myself in a dilema.

My dilema is that I cannot find the motivation or desire to pray or read the scriptures. It's not that I don't believe the church is true or anything. I definitely believe Joseph Smith was a Prophet and that this is the true church. I know the Book of Mormon is true. Yet I've read the Book of Mormon a number of times, and the idea of just reading it again bores me.

I know this is going to sound arrogant, but I want to explain how I feel. I feel like I know everything. Not like I am a Mr. Know-it-all, but it's like I've already been taught the basics. Now I feel like I know what I should do, but whether or not I chose to do it is another problem.

Deep down, I do really want to be keeping the commandments. I want to enter the celestial kingdom. Obviously I recognize that my choices contradict these wants. It's just... I know I need to get back into the habit of reading scriptures faithfully and praying daily, but I just can't get myself to do it.

Any advice on how I can get myself interested in faithfully reading the scriptures again?

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I doubt I am a good motivator but I do have some thoughts about this that I hope will help you.

It may be time for you to switch how you read/study the scriptures. Instead of reading the Book of Mormon from start to finish, choose a subject you want to know more about. Since you mention the basics you may want to find a theme that goes beyond those basics you've been taught and see what answers the scriptures hold for something else.

You've mentioned prayer also as an area where you lack motivation. Perhaps reading scriptures that focus on prayer and things about prayer that may be frustrating you will help you with both areas.

If time to read in the scriptures is part of the problem, then just read a verse a day to start out with or for a few minutes. I have found that it does help me to remember to read in the scriptures if I have a set time each day when I read. For me that time is when I am going to bed. The scriptures are near by and I always remember to pick them up and read in them.

One thing I have found that was a problem for me when I have had difficulty reading consistently in the scriptures is that it was because I didn't have a goal to read in them. So if you have no goal for reading the scriptures then I believe setting one will help you do it regularly until you find more motivation to do so. Set the goal small to start with so that it will be easy to meet and then steadily increase it as needed.

I've found the feelings I get from the Holy Ghost every time I read the scriptures help to increase my faith and testimony even when I don't notice gaining any new knowledge or understanding.

I hope you find the motivation you need to read in the scriptures regularly and to pray more often.

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I've always been told that you should just pray until you feel like praying. It's when you don't want to or feel the need to that you probably need to the most. Perhaps pray to be humbled and to gain a testimony of the power of scripture study and prayer. Maybe it's something you just have to make yourself do. You will be blessed after the trial of your faith.

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The problem is you are just reading the BoM and just praying. If they are boring, it is because you are not preparing properly to study or pray. Enos' prayer was not boring, even though he prayed through the day and into the night, because he prepared for the prayer. It meant something to him deeply.

If the Book of Mormon is "boring" it is because you think you know it, but have not done more than just skim the surface. I suggest you read it in conjunction with my blogging on the BoM, which can be found here at LDS.Net:

Book of Mormon - LDS Social Network Forums

or also on my blog: Joel's Monastery

Read this, then study the BoM with the concepts I include, and see if it is still boring. Then, when you are done reading what I've written, realize that I have not even begun to scratch the surface of the concepts and ideas and symbolisms found in that awesome book!

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So....what you are saying is that you are normal. :)

I think you need to change the way you look at these activities and also change the reason you are doing it. If all you want is to check it off your list so you don't feel guilty, then no wonder you are unmotivated.

You know how you act when you are in love with someone? Like you just can't get enough....Like you can't wait to see them again...Like it's hard to say goodnight?

Well, maybe it's time for you to fall in love with communicating with God. If you can't wait to see what you learn, or you fall in love with how God infuses your life with revelation.. then reading and praying gets real easy.

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Guest pspence2

there are lots of great ways to get motivated to go to church or read the scriptures. Check out some dalai lama books or the quaran. Read some emerson or Henry thoroeu(spelling?), read hosea ballou those guys are just as prophetic as nephi or lehi or moses(if moses even existed). As far as church look up your local UU congregation. Always a great time. Try going to a presbyterian or a methodist congregation for a change. There are plenty of ways to worship. Each book/church is just a different spectrum eminating from the same single source of light. god/buddhahood/allah or whatever you want to call it.

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If you are in a predominantly lds area then I suggest you find a branch somewhere to call home for awhile. Volunteer for assignments as much as you can and really get involved. You will start to see the scriptures and the gospel differently.

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My dilema is that I cannot find the motivation or desire to pray or read the scriptures. It's not that I don't believe the church is true or anything. I definitely believe Joseph Smith was a Prophet and that this is the true church. I know the Book of Mormon is true. Yet I've read the Book of Mormon a number of times, and the idea of just reading it again bores me.

I know this is going to sound arrogant, but I want to explain how I feel. I feel like I know everything. Not like I am a Mr. Know-it-all, but it's like I've already been taught the basics. Now I feel like I know what I should do, but whether or not I chose to do it is another problem.

Let me give you some of my thoughts along the lines of scripture study because I have felt as you've described. I realize after writing this that it may not provide the "help" you are looking for, but here it is anyway.

Why do I find myself lukewarm sometimes? This is not an idle question but a serious problem, here is why. God the creator of the universe, the maker of worlds feels it necessary to give me his written words. I, who am less then the dust of the earth, instead of reading and searching His words am bored by what He says. Bored! This seems the most illogical response imaginable. Overwhelmed, amazed, this would make some sense but boredom, is so not in keeping with logic, consistent belief, or behavior that I must review the premise.

1. Perhaps I don't actually believe the words written in scripture are from God.

2. Perhaps I believe I am so great and wise that God's word can actually bore me.

3. Maybe God's words are so basic that a couple of readings will reveal all.

Or it could be some combination of the above, such as:

4. Maybe I understand so little and am so inconsistent in my faith that I can fool myself into thinking I believe but in actuality not recognize the power of His words.

None of these possibilities thrill me but I can think of few other reasons why I would be bored. This really requires some soul searching. Anyway, I have found myself doing some searching lately on this and other related questions so I'll leave it for now.

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Hello everyone. I am brand new to this forum. However I am definitely not brand new to the LDS religion. I have been born and raised LDS. It's been less than two years since I have come home from my two year mission. Yet I am finding myself in a dilema.

My dilema is that I cannot find the motivation or desire to pray or read the scriptures. It's not that I don't believe the church is true or anything. I definitely believe Joseph Smith was a Prophet and that this is the true church. I know the Book of Mormon is true. Yet I've read the Book of Mormon a number of times, and the idea of just reading it again bores me.

I know this is going to sound arrogant, but I want to explain how I feel. I feel like I know everything. Not like I am a Mr. Know-it-all, but it's like I've already been taught the basics. Now I feel like I know what I should do, but whether or not I chose to do it is another problem.

Deep down, I do really want to be keeping the commandments. I want to enter the celestial kingdom. Obviously I recognize that my choices contradict these wants. It's just... I know I need to get back into the habit of reading scriptures faithfully and praying daily, but I just can't get myself to do it.

Any advice on how I can get myself interested in faithfully reading the scriptures again?

"Obviously I recognize that my choices contradict these wants", this is so like me sometimes but it takes a lot of work and suffering. I've made my choices that contradicts the teachings of gospel of christ, but because I have been given much I too must give. It was foretold that it's not easy to follow in the light of Christ, but it is not impossible due to the "Atonement".

It's unfortunate some speculate and consider the "Atonement" to be a scare tactic to make everyone become people of righteousness because if you don't you will suffer the wrath of Heavenly Father. Our Saviors Atonement was a gift given from Heavenly Father to let us know that he loves us and wants us. It's almost like those earthly parents who strive to live righteously in the light of Christ, they have a beautiful family and some of the children become lost sheeps. With the love and grace that the parents implanted in their children shall the children learn to return back to their parents.

These days testifies how much as parents we are to nurture our children regardless of our circumstances single or married, if Heavenly Father was so eager to provideth a way for us what better way to seek out the way he provided than to do so because we were told. To seek is to desire, to desire to be in the Celestial Kingdom is wonderful!! If you know that your choices are not supportive to such desires, maybe, reconsider and compare what's logically supporting right (heavenly father) and wrong (selfishness, satan, not doing good works or deeds, idle, not being involved with community service for the public).

Free agency is our gift from Heavenly Father, although we know what's good for us it is our "God given right" to act accordingly to our freedom. We become our choices not our past but hoping that in the future we can find tranquility and happiness (the pursuit of happiness). Now, it's not easy because we have stumblingblocks that are inflicted as the consequences of our choices that were not wise or very very poor. Now from my understanding you were born and raised as a member of the Church, do you recall singing "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam", "Choose the right" and "A childs prayer". These were the songs that helped us to understand who Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are and their purpose, as we grow up we become exposed to the ways of the world. With this knowledge of our Heavenly Father, Savior Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost we can differentiate that joyful happy feeling from the overwhelming and sorrowful feelings.

The ways of the world is not spiritual it's unequal and I don't believe that we can understand our heavenly father until we can keep his commandments. Now since it's been a curse for ages it can actually change by utilizing "Jesus Christ Atonment". My Aunty always told me to learn from my parents mistake because they didn't have Heavenly Father nor the gospel as their foundation that our family became separated. How blessed are we to be able to build our homes upon a rock:

To build upon His rock is to build your testimony of Him and His gospel. To do this you must believe ... If you make your home a house of prayer and fasting, faith, learning and glory, and order, it can become a house of God


Jesus Christ gospel does more good for us than our adversary who wants us to be weak and a product from a house of chaos. With my parents being separated and the corruption that was going on within our home I was able to learn from it and realize that is not happiness, it was all like one of Beyonce Knowles lyrics "Beautiful Nightmare". The adversary is so cunning as times go, satan will try to rationalize our poor choices with the "Atonement" saying it's okay keep making these bad choices because Jesus Christ died for them. The question becomes "When are you going to draw the line?" when are you going to say enough, I haven't found happiness from all this trance of drinking, smoking, drugs, sex, and pride. When are you going to sacrifice your carnal happiness for eternal happiness?

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A few passages sprung to mind.

Continue to read the scriptures

2 Nephi 28: 29-30

29 Wo be unto him that shall say: We have received the word of God, and we need no more of the word of God, for we have enough!

30 For Behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.

Continue to pray

2 Nephi 32: 8

8 And now, my beloved brethren, I perceive that ye ponder still in your hearts; and it grieveth me that I must speak concerning this thing. For if ye would hearken unto the Spirit which teacheth a man to pray ye would know that ye must pray; for the evil spirit teacheth not a man to pray, but teacheth him that he must not pray.

I challenge you to ponder these words in your heart and mind. As already said, we need God and are most vulnerable when we think we don't need God. Lean not into Man's understanding but God's understanding. Please pray to your Heavenly Father - he is there and ready to listen and comfort you whenever you desire. I hope you can get through this.

And remember this... "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Phillipians 4:13. All things are possible through the glory of Christ.

Stay strong, Brother.

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GregO.. I've been there. It's an individual journey to be sure. What worked for me, once I realized the gravity of the situation, was to pray and read the scriptures. Already stated I know, but I focused on the need to change my outlook, attitude or whatever you want to call it and continually praying for help to make that change. Sounds simple, but it can take a long time to accomplish depending on the level of personal engagement and/or other things. I kinda see it as 'waking up' when ya never realized ya went to sleep. However you see it, I think you're going in a good direction.

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