Book: HISTORY IS WRONG by Erich von Daniken


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Hello everyone:

Has anyone here ever read the book, HISTORY IS WRONG by Erich von Daniken? History Is Wrong (9781601630865): Erich Von Daniken, Nicholas Quaintmere: Books

I didnt get to read it in it's entirety, but what I did get to read out of it was extraordianry to me!

The fun thing about getting into the ANCIENT ASTRONAUT theory, is that it never discriminates any world religion---everyone is included in the experience of beings coming out of the skies and communicating to humans!

My reason for bringing up this particular book is because he has a section in it that deals with subject of beings coming out of the sky and giving revelations to humans on gold plates. If I may quote a paragraph from

"Von Daniken also unearths the astounding story of a lost subterranean labyrinth in Ecuador that is said to be home to an extensive library of thousands of gold panels. He supplies evidence that the metal library has links not only to the Book of Enoch but also to the Mormons, who have spent decades searching for it, believing it to contain the history of their forefathers."

He seems to mention in the book that there is a very HIGH interest in this archeological find in Ecuador from Mormon Christians. Has anyone here ever read this particular work by Von Daniken and is there still an intereest by the LDS regarding this find in Ecuador today?

With love to all my LDS Christian friends,

Joe B.

Hanford, CA^_^

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He's written many books since the 1970s, beginning with Chariot of the Gods. There are many other interpretations to the things he shows as evidence. In the end, his are not very convincing when you study the archaeology, etc. It just goes to show that archaeology and history can be interpreted in more than one way.

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He's written many books since the 1970s, beginning with Chariot of the Gods. There are many other interpretations to the things he shows as evidence. In the end, his are not very convincing when you study the archaeology, etc. It just goes to show that archaeology and history can be interpreted in more than one way.

Especially if you want to make a living selling books and are not constrained by truth.

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