General Conference talk on EQ moves


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So I'm trying to remember a General Conference talk that recently given last year and part it was mentioning the Elders Quorum being a moving company pretty much. Thought it was in a priesthood session but not sure. I've been asked way too many times to help in last minute moves, some one getting evicted, a storage unit, getting kicked out of house apartment and so on. I was hoping to show this to our EQP that seems to say yes to every move brought to him and how this not the most effective thing the EQ to be doing.

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One of the greatest principles of our faith that we live by is to bear one another's burdens. It is the essence of the Law of Christ. As an Elder, I see nothing wrong with Elders rallying round to help each other move in and out. I'd even go so far as to say it is a good litmus test of those who are truly service minded. What a great welcoming and fellowshipping tool it is to move families in and out of wards. I've done both many times and look forward to it many more times. I have also been extremely grateful to be on the receiving end of those stressful moves.

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Let me just elaborate some more on my situation, I have no issue helping people move. Its one the things I most enjoy in the church, but in this ward I am the one and only person that owns a truck.

On a weekly basis and sometimes more I get calls and emails to help someone out. These are people that are being evicted because they hoard too much, including storage units. I get a call from the missionaries that person they are teaching is getting evicted in 4 hours and want people to come out and help this individual. A sister in the ward that is not active has a friend that needs help moving and knows the EQP will not say no. We have a sister that has been evicted twice and had her storage unit confiscated because she refuses to get rid of her junk that has not been touched in 12 years. The EQ and RS have assisted her 3 times now in the last 18 months alone. The day of someone is moving they decide to give me a call to borrow my truck and then get mad when I say no because I already have plans for the day with my family. The latest one just yesterday was someone that was having their items tossed out by an apartment manager and had till Saturday morning at 10am to pick up all their belongings. The email goes out Friday at 10pm for help on this and then a second email goes out to me asking me to come with my truck.

These are just some of the situations that happened to me in this year alone and there are many more stories I could share. My main thing is to not harp on every one that needs help moving but when did it become the norm for the EQ to be a personal moving company for everyone in the ward, most of these individuals take advantage of the church and ward members because they know they wont say no. When legitimate help from therapists and professional organizers is needed why does a Bishop or EQP ignore this and think the ward can do it themselves.

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Let me just elaborate some more on my situation, I have no issue helping people move. Its one the things I most enjoy in the church, but in this ward I am the one and only person that owns a truck.

I thought this was brought up in one of the World Wide Training broadcasts? I thought after the new handbook came out thats when this idea came to be...

I can't seem to find much on

I know our ward has tried to push this more. Not that we don't help people move, but to let the family know that they need to find people too. We tried to even do something like match what they bring... Meaning if the family gets 3 people to help move then the Elders bring 3 people to help move. But things never work out that way.

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I thought this was brought up in one of the World Wide Training broadcasts? I thought after the new handbook came out thats when this idea came to be...

I can't seem to find much on

This sounds right to me. I remember hearing the comment as well, and smiling to myself at it, so I know it wasn't the Priesthood session. It sounds like the kind of thing that would have been addressed in the WW training broadcast, though. I can almost hear Elder Bednar saying it.

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Very interesting, I remember the talk being as such that the EQ is NOT a moving company.

We have a very transient ward, and when I was EQP, we helped people move-in and out at least twice a month, sometimes 3-4 times a month.

There isn't anything wrong with helping people move, it is when Elders, perfectly capable Elders, think the EQ is their moving company. In other words, they expected the EQP to plan everything, get everybody there, and all the trucks they need.

Sometimes we would show up and nothing was packed. They expected the Elders to box everything up, and then move everything.

At the end, which is now still instituted in our ward, the Elders only help with major furniture (e.g. couches, entertainment centers, TVs, Bookshelves, etc...), unless it was a single mother or a widow in the ward. If a widow or a single mother we expected them to box things up, at least the easy stuff, and then the Elders would arrive and assist in putting everything in.

The worst experience I had was when the family expected the EQ to purchase a utility truck, and sit there while the Elders moved all the stuff in. They called the night before, and expected everybody to show at 10am in the morning the next day.

I no longer feel it is a good show as to the desire a person has for service. There are plenty of other activities within the quorum and wards that express a person's desire to serve, even as simple as accepting the call to say a prayer during sacrament (excluding phobias).

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Elder Oaks' overview of the worldwide training broadcast: Overview of the New Handbooks

The roles of elders quorum presidents and high priests group leaders are significantly enhanced in the new handbooks. These leaders and their counselors have increased responsibilities to help individual quorum or group members, both spiritually and temporally. Handbook 2 directs them to “encourage quorum and group members to fulfill their priesthood duties, especially their duties as husbands and fathers” (7.3.2). They are also directed to work with their “counselors and with home teachers … and others in reaching out and ministering to those in their organizations and others who need assistance” (4.5.1) In order to accomplish these vital ecclesiastical responsibilities, these priesthood leaders will have to delegate extensively and may need to reduce some temporal service demands, such as helping members move.

(emphasis mine)

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I am of the opinion that moves should be treated like any other welfare need.

In a nutshell the church shouldn't do anything that the family or person is capable (within reason) of doing themselves.

This leaves it open for all kinds of help depending on need, but also cuts short anyone feeling that they are somehow 'entitled' to have members of the church stop what they are doing, and do stuff for them just because.

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At the end, which is now still instituted in our ward, the Elders only help with major furniture (e.g. couches, entertainment centers, TVs, Bookshelves, etc...), unless it was a single mother or a widow in the ward. If a widow or a single mother we expected them to box things up, at least the easy stuff, and then the Elders would arrive and assist in putting everything in.

Our ward has a similar policy. The EQ is happy to help move boxes and furniture but we don't pack.

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You need to talk with the EQP and then the Bishop if necessary.

As far as using your truck, no, they must use a moving truck that they arrange in advance,

As far as moving non-members or friends of members - no

All moves must be arranged at least 2 weeks in advance - that's how it should be.

Talk to your missionaries and tell then that your truck is off limits, period.

Learn how to say no when someone asks for the use of your truck.

Edited by mnn727
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  • 1 year later...

Elder Oaks made very similar statements in both Nov 2010 and Feb 2011 WW Ldrship Training. He clearly suggested that we need to curtail helping people move in order to focus on more important Priesthood purposes.

My father-in-law and I own a pick-up truck and a tough old trailer. We and our equipment have been volunteered many times to help folks move. If I don't do this, I'd need to join a health club. I enjoy it. I have moved and will continue to move as many people as anyone in our ward.


Our mandates as Priesthood holders are

1) turn hearts to the Savior, family (and, I think, friends)

2) lift up hands that hang down and strengthen the feeble knees

3) do all that we do in the name of Jesus Christ -- in His service, for His glory & honor, after His order.

I almost never respond to a pulpit call for volunteers to move peoples' stuff. The Church is a rich source of friendships. If my friend asks me, I generally am there to help.

My policy is to always ask, "When do the family and friends want to gather and do it? I'll be there." If a person has no family or friends who will help, then this is a wonderful opportunity for reevaluation of their lifestyle, and repentance, and downsizing. And, generally, cleaning.

Preach My Gospel mentions helping people move only once that I can find: inviting non-member friends to help us help others. I suppose that is another Priesthood Purpose for moving. It does not endorse the common procedure in our ward of making pulpit calls to move non-members who are being taught by the missionaries.

You lift up the hands that hang down by putting something in them to carry -- not by carrying it all for them. You strengthen the feeble knees by getting them up from the couch or computer to do something for themselves, not do it for them.

We certainly cannot move people who have trashed a residence to another and think we are acting in the name of Jesus Christ. We are not acting in His service, certainly not for His glory and honor.

Elder Bednar said at WWLTraining in 2010, "Everything we do should foster self-reliance." If we fail to do that, then we hurt people, and we will be held accountable. "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these, my brethren [and sisters], ye have done it unto me."

Of course, this reasoning can be used to justify laziness and unkindness by the Priesthood and Relief Society. So can the Atonement. In the end, those who are exalted will be those who, like our Father in heaven and Jesus Christ, are able to be "ministering spirits to all heirs of salvation."

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I have been EQP for three years and I would venture a guess that we average a move per month. I am almost always there as are my two sons (one now as one is in Italy on a mission) and usually the same few brothers and maybe the full time missionaries. We are happy to lend a hand, the disappointing aspect is that it is typically the same group of men that volunteer.

The EQ is in my view a service organization. If service is moving someone in or out of the Ward, then we want to help bear that burden. If it is mowing grass, cutting down trees or whatever we feel like we can do...we want to do it. It is not always convenient, but, I am not sure I have ever helped someone move when they we were not very appreciative.

I have a "week-end" truck and use it often to help others. My goal is to motivate the brethren that never help out or home teach pitch in a lend a hand.

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