The Obesity Epidemic


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Oddly skinny is worse than obese as a health risk.

UC Davis study finds that above-normal weight alone does not increase the short-term risk of death

It was interesting to me that it took 11 pages of google to find this study. People just dont want to hear that thin is dangerous, perhaps MORE dangerous than fat.

I will have to read that, Anne.

It seems that there would be less emphasis on obesity if overall being excessively overweight equaled the same or had lower risks than being thin/slim.

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I will have to read that, Anne.

It seems that there would be less emphasis on obesity if overall being excessively overweight equaled the same or had lower risks than being thin/slim.

I think it has a lot less to do with medicine that people, generally, just dont like to look at fat and they do like having people they can feel superior to. Our culture certainly pushes that idea. Check out all the jay leno jokes on fat, even on children. Ironic since he isnt all that thin. Never heard him tell a joke on thin yet.

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Never heard him tell a joke on thin yet.

That's because thin is not and never has been considered funny, per se. The ridiculousness of how certain "pipe cleaner" skinny people (usually men) look has been commented on and laughed at -- e.g. Mr. Collins in Pride and Prejudice or Ichabod Crane in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow -- but thinness itself has been associated either with beauty or with starvation, neither of which are generally considered fodder for jokes. Those jokes that do exist tend to be about conditions such as anorexia, and so are considered crass and tasteless.

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I think it has a lot less to do with medicine that people, generally, just dont like to look at fat and they do like having people they can feel superior to. Our culture certainly pushes that idea. Check out all the jay leno jokes on fat, even on children. Ironic since he isnt all that thin. Never heard him tell a joke on thin yet.

Putting health risks aside, I very much agree that society applies unkind stigmas to weight, that do little in terms of encouraging self-improvement and do a lot in terms of degradation.

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Underweight likely gets less press because the incidence of underweight in the US is 1.8% (Products - Health E Stats - Prevalence of Underweight Among Adults). In contrast, the incidence of obesity (not including 'overweight') is 35.7%.

Consider also that anorexia and bulimia account for a little more than 2.5% of the population, and it seems that being underweight, while a serious health risk, is highly correlated with having an eating disorder. In such cases, we tend to address the psychological disorder more directly than the weight since the weight is only a symptom of the cause.

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That's because thin is not and never has been considered funny, per se. The ridiculousness of how certain "pipe cleaner" skinny people (usually men) look has been commented on and laughed at -- e.g. Mr. Collins in Pride and Prejudice or Ichabod Crane in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow -- but thinness itself has been associated either with beauty or with starvation, neither of which are generally considered fodder for jokes. Those jokes that do exist tend to be about conditions such as anorexia, and so are considered crass and tasteless.

Point taken!

I've been the butt of many jokes throughout my life, and I must say that it discourages me from going out most of the time. I am kind of funny in appearance, and I know that. I'm an easy target for the fat jokes and the stares.

Thanks for all the replies and advice people! ;)

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Point taken!

I've been the butt of many jokes throughout my life, and I must say that it discourages me from going out most of the time. I am kind of funny in appearance, and I know that. I'm an easy target for the fat jokes and the stares.

Thanks for all the replies and advice people! ;)

Well, I think fat jokes are as crass and tasteless as anorexia or bulimia jokes.

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i think it has a lot less to do with medicine that people, generally, just dont like to look at fat and they do like having people they can feel superior to. Our culture certainly pushes that idea. Check out all the jay leno jokes on fat, even on children. Ironic since he isnt all that thin. Never heard him tell a joke on thin yet.

Thank you!!! :D

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Ana, thanks for sharing your story. I have a daughter who struggles with a severe weight issue, so I think I can sort of see where you are coming from. I think all that can be said has been said by everyone else, but take that advice because it's good. You need to get your life in order--not just the weight. It's like the gospel--get the basics right and everything else more or less falls into place. Look at your sleep habits, your social habits. And keep up the positive outlook.

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Ana, thanks for sharing your story. I have a daughter who struggles with a severe weight issue, so I think I can sort of see where you are coming from. I think all that can be said has been said by everyone else, but take that advice because it's good. You need to get your life in order--not just the weight. It's like the gospel--get the basics right and everything else more or less falls into place. Look at your sleep habits, your social habits. And keep up the positive outlook.

Thank you Nadia!

Yes, I know my life is a mess and it reflects in my health. Just today, I didn't wake up until 1:30 and I went straight to the Wendy's drive through. BAD! lol

Other than that, I've been sitting on the couch all day and eating leftover cake. But I can feel that I'm ready for a change. I don't want anymore lectures from my sister! It sucks to be disappointing her. I can tell that my lifestyle and size worry her and my family.

Other than that, my apartment is a mess. My family is actually coming over today to help clean it out. My mother made some off-hand comment about the smell yesterday and it nearly broke my heart.

But anyway...

Thank you for all of your advice, everyone. It means a lot. :)

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I think often it's a combination of genetics and overeating, but whether it helps you lose weight or not, eating healthy and exercising is good for you. :) It's a long story, but I went from being so skinny people thought I was anorexic (I was actually very sick) and then medication caused a bunch of health issues for me including weight gain and symptoms that made it very hard to do much of anything - dizziness, nausea, etc.. A lot of women I know who can't seem to lose weight have PCOS. Do you know if you have that?

I haven't had fast food or pop for over 18 months, I've been exercising frequently, and I haven't lost any weight. I do at least feel stronger and have more energy. Today I jumped on a trampoline with my kids for the first time in years. :D I went and did the Thriller dance too after months of practicing back in October. So much fun! I'm not going to wait to get skinny for certain things like so many people I know. My sister-in-law won't go to Canon Beach until she reaches her goal. She is successful for a while, but then the weight comes right back. I fear she isn't going to live long and she will have spent her life punishing herself for being fat.

Someone asked me how I manage to be happy even though I'm overweight. I'm just grateful to be alive because when I was 19, there was no end in sight when I was so sick. I really started to think that I would never get married or have kids.

For some reason, I only lose weight when I'm pregnant and it happens without trying. Then it comes right back again.

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Thank you Nadia!

Yes, I know my life is a mess and it reflects in my health. Just today, I didn't wake up until 1:30 and I went straight to the Wendy's drive through. BAD! lol

Other than that, I've been sitting on the couch all day and eating leftover cake. But I can feel that I'm ready for a change. I don't want anymore lectures from my sister! It sucks to be disappointing her. I can tell that my lifestyle and size worry her and my family.

Other than that, my apartment is a mess. My family is actually coming over today to help clean it out. My mother made some off-hand comment about the smell yesterday and it nearly broke my heart.

But anyway...

Thank you for all of your advice, everyone. It means a lot. :)

It sounds like you're pretty depressed. Is it hard physically to clean your place? Your family just loves you and they want you to be around for a long time. I know it feels bad to hear those things.

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Yeah, things aren't great for me right now. But that's okay.

So here's what I have ahead of me today:

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Not going to be easy, considering I get light-headed every time I bend over! lol But my mom and my sisters are going to help. I just hope they keep the judgment to a minimum. My sisters have been joking about it a little, which makes me uncomfortable. But I need the help.

And I made sure to empty out all of my fast food wrappers out of the trash can! lol

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It's not that one disorder that makes you smell like a fish, is it? =D

Haha! Well I hope I don't smell like fish!

She's just saying that I smell sweaty. Which makes sense, I guess. I mean, I'm almost 500 lbs for Pete's sake! I sweat pretty constantly... :/

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She's just saying that I smell sweaty. Which makes sense, I guess. I mean, I'm almost 500 lbs for Pete's sake! I sweat pretty constantly... :/

Fat people (and I know from personal experience) have folds of skin that are catching points for sweat. sometimes you need to take special steps to make sure they get cleaned, sometimes multiple times a day.

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Thank you Nadia!

Yes, I know my life is a mess and it reflects in my health. Just today, I didn't wake up until 1:30 and I went straight to the Wendy's drive through. BAD! lol

Other than that, I've been sitting on the couch all day and eating leftover cake. But I can feel that I'm ready for a change. I don't want anymore lectures from my sister! It sucks to be disappointing her. I can tell that my lifestyle and size worry her and my family.

Other than that, my apartment is a mess. My family is actually coming over today to help clean it out. My mother made some off-hand comment about the smell yesterday and it nearly broke my heart.

But anyway...

Thank you for all of your advice, everyone. It means a lot. :)

Okay Ana... we're gonna get you through this with just this thread. (God knows we all need it, not just you).

Okay, nothing wrong with going to Wendy's. Lots of good stuff at Wendy's. So, tomorrow... if you happen to stop by Wendy's again, try the Ultimate Chicken Grill Sandwich. No fries. If you're still hungry, instead of getting fries get the fruit cup with yogurt. And don't order a soda (unless you don't mind the diet drink dispenser - I think the diet drinks from the dispenser tastes wierder than the same diet soda from the can/bottle) - so go stop by the gas station or convenience store and get the diet soda from the fridge instead - or just go ahead and grab a 6 pack diet soda and some flavored water while you're at it. Now, if you feel up to it, you can do the water thing too - for every diet soda you drink, you need to drink the same exact amount of water. Yep! You drink a can of diet soda, you need to drink 12 ounces of water (flavored water like Fruit2O is fine).

So, let's just have this change for now. Continue waking up when you feel like waking up. Continue to go to Wendy's - but order the Chicken Grill Sandwich... if you're feeling adventurous, try the Caesar Chicken Salad. If you don't open up the dressing, you can even add a second order of Caesar Chicken Salad. Should fill you up good.

What we're trying to accomplish here is to get your first meal of the day close to 500 good calories (not empty calories that just makes you more hungry) and just set up one goal. That's it. One. If this is too drastic of a change, you can just forget the calorie-counting and just go with the easier water challenge. That's it. Continue going to Wendy's but instead of ordering soda, order water and drink up the same amount as you would if it was soda. This is small enough to be doable, I think.

Let's see how this one goes! I'll do the same from my end. I need to lose 30lbs. My goal for the week is to drink 72 ounces of water a day. That's it. I'll report to you if I accomplished this goal, then if you're game with your goal, you can report to us if you accomplished your goal.

How's that?

Edited by anatess
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Fat people (and I know from personal experience) have folds of skin that are catching points for sweat. sometimes you need to take special steps to make sure they get cleaned, sometimes multiple times a day.

This is going to sound crazy... I have to do this with my English Bulldog! If I don't wipe down my EB's skin folds with alcohol and talcum powder, it gets stinky.

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