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I have no hang-ups with having my delivery at the hospital. The hospital and OB are still capable of honouring your Birth Plan, whatever it be. I had two friends that went au naturale but only one of them actually had her babies (she had two) at home. She said it happened this way primarily because she did not have insurance, and a midwife was an affordable route to go.

Yeah, I'm not a big fan of hospitals. Not for any legit technical reasons like I think it's impossible to have a natural birth there (my friend did so just 2 months ago). I'm just not a fan of them. They smell funny ;), I'm a borderline hippy, and I know myself. If I want a natural birth I'd have to have it at a place where drugs are not an option...or wait so long that when I got there drugs couldn't be an option. I don't believe in my sheer will power to keep me away from pain meds. I'll take 3-4 IB profen just at the first sign of pain during that time of the month.

I didn't think you had any hang ups, more so that you had a bit of a struggle reconciling what you'd believed as an au naturale mom who then had a c-section. I was basically stating try for the VBAC and be ok with plan B...I was agreeing that being adament on just one type of birth as the way to go isn't the best attitude.

Anyway, as I rethink this, I classify a "natural" birth only one that resulted in no medical intervention. So a vaginal delivery with meds is not a natural birth, nor is a cesarean. They are what they are, a vaginal delivery, and a cesarean.

Agreed. I see natural birth in the same way.

with luv,


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Hi Bini, I've been lurking on this site for a few months but had to join today because I am a "birth-junkie" (it's my favorite topic). Anyway, I have 4 children and 4 different birth stories.

#1 - 9 days late, water sprung a leak. Had pitocin, epidural, got to 10cm, pushed for 3.5 hours with no luck. Dr was very, very, VERY good to let me come to the c/s conclusion on my own. I had my husband give me a blessing and I was hoping he would pronounce the power to birth the baby on me, but it wasn't like that. ;) The c/s was hard on me emotionally because it's the one thing I wanted to avoid. Baby was 9.5 lbs and I truly think that my pelvis never spread because I was on my back the entire labor.

#2 - 5 days early, went into labor on my own. My only goal for this birth was a vbac. The hospital wouldn't admit me until I was at 5cm and that was really hard for me because I had NO tools in my bags of tricks to cope with natural labor. Epidural at 5cm, water broke on its own, 20 minutes of pushing resulted in a healthy 7'14 baby.

#3 - I was interested in natural childbirth and was doing hypnobirth. My sister was my "doula" and my goal was "to see how far I could get" without drugs. Went into labor at 38 weeks, foolishly let them break my water to speed things up about 5cm and could deal with the pain. As soon as I got the epi they checked me and I was ready to push. :S Baby was born (after waiting for Dr to arrive) 7.5lbs. Dr told me he stuck his hand up inside me and that my c/s scar felt great. I was not happy that he did that without my knowledge.

#4 - I was on the "natural or bust"' wagon. Had midwives that practiced with the same OBs that delivered my last two. Went into labor 2 weeks early, was at the hospital 11 hours and delivered 9'2 baby with hand up by his head. The midwives were SO much more accommodating to natural birth!

Sorry, that's probably TMI, but I would absolutely recommend you look for an OB/midwife that will allow you a trial vbac. It sounds to me like you didn't have "failure to progress" but that your Dr had "failure to be patient"! I learned that my body stalls often in labor when I change environments or someone new comes in. We can't all be expect to have textbook labors (if there is even such a thing).

Also, take advantage of your right to revelation and priesthood blessings. If a vbac is something you shouldn't try, I believe you can gain that knowledge for yourself. :)

Good luck!

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