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Well thank's for deleting the talk's the prophets have said, at least the people wont have to read a talk not 'properly' sourced.

The Times in Which We Live - general-conference

We are a Warlike People | Renounce War and Proclaim Peace - the site also discusses other important topic's on the side bar, that embrace's Christ's teaching's.

Here they are in there proper link's. Please read them, and with a humble mind and meek in heart.

I have also read your site rule's and would like to mention that I was wrong in my display of the talk's. Now they have sources. And I believe I was related to a unintelligent beauty pagent who only can spout that she want's world peace, and that I am arrogant of the history in the middle east. I did not spout name calling or inteligence remarks back, but I find that is of note now that I have read the site rule's.

I suppose some of the past prophets were beauty pagent contestants too since they warned about the dangers of war. I do not think moroni would have sanctioned the lamanite people for there leaders for working towards obtaining a nuclear weapon. He would talk with them and act in Gods commandments. And by this the lord will protect you. And when the lamanites did strike by there own ignorance, who was saved? The nephites. The book of Mormon initself is a warning for our day's. It mirror's our times in every aspect. Replace the things of that time with twenty first century tech and there you have it.

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Edited by NoxNullaEgetDeumPerfectum
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From Wikipedia's entry on the apostrophe:

The apostrophe ( ’ although often rendered as ' ) is a punctuation mark, and sometimes a diacritic mark, in languages that use the Latin alphabet or certain other alphabets. In English, it serves three purposes:

* The marking of the omission of one or more letters (as in the contraction of do not to don't).

* The marking of possessive case (as in the cat's whiskers).

* The marking as plural of written items that are not words established in English orthography (as in P's and Q's, the late 1950's). (This is considered incorrect by some; see Use in forming certain plurals. The use of the apostrophe to form plurals of proper words, as in apple's, banana's, etc., is universally considered incorrect.)

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Thank you for letting me know of my grammatical errors. If you can get back to me on the links and your opinion and insight on it, that would be much appreciated. I am sorry a am no english grammer expert. I am also sorry if my opinions and fealings about gospel doctrine have offended some. I am going to stick to the teachings of christ, rather than my own intuition or an officals when it comes to playing with the idea of a war.

Edited by NoxNullaEgetDeumPerfectum
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Volgadon, you are a lot more mid-east "aware" than Noxnulla, so I feel confident you will see how the Arab Spring did not extend to Syria after I present to you some things of my understanding.

I think you are under the impression that I wanted the "Arab Spring" to win. I didn't. Things, though, have now spiralled out of control, and something must be done. The whole region would have been far stabler, had intervention been carried out early in the game. Now this conflict is spilling over into Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, and most probably into Iraq and my own country next. Syria was and is a powder keg. Any analyst who didn't know it isn't worth their salt.

1.) First of all, the POTUS mounted a campaign in Libya without the approval of Congress. Congress was hesitant to oust Qaddafi after seeing how Egypt's uprising led to the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood. They wanted to make sure Qaddafi is not going to be replaced by a group hostile to the US. After Qaddafi got killed, Libya opened their prisons and released people the US has captured in the war against terror and Qaddafi extradited. Also, anti-US groups continue to overrun the Libyan regime and if you follow the rabbit down the rabbit hole it will lead you to the recent events in Benghazi.

The US knew full well what groups were active. Never listen. Not with bin Laden, and not now.

2.). Onto Syria. There are several factors different between Libya and Syria. First of all, Syria did not want external forces involved in their uprising. Libya wanted the UN to intervene at the get-go. France executed the air strike that saved civilians from a massacre in Benghazi after the UN Security Council procured the agreement of the council including Russia and China (the two who are usually against things of this nature).

Now, you realize that Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain toppled their regimes on a surprise attack. Libya and Syria govt were a lot later in the Arab Spring so that their govts were prepared to suppress rebellion. When the Syrian rebels failed to topple Al-Assad, they started to change their minds on the UN intervention.

Doesn't hold much water now that we are many, many months into the conflict. Why not go in now that it is wanted?

Also, Syria has had its plans in place since at least 1976.

Unfortunately, the Security Council are divided on the ousting of Al-Assad. And this is why. Syria is a country of many religions. Al-Assad is not just fighting to keep his regime, he is also fighting for the lives of the Alawites - a minority religious sect that he belongs to. There is a very good chance that if Al-Assad topples and the UN loses influence with the Sunnis, Alawites will experience genocide.

Not a very good chance, but a certainty. This has been known for many, many years. There is also an Islamic legal ruling in place which would sanction murdering and pillaging Alawites.

There are other factors, of course, one being Israel feels safer with Al-Assad who, despite posturing anti-Israel sentiments, never really does anything about it, than a possible theocratic anti-Semitic government who will do something about it..

It is too late to save the Assad regime now. Fatal inactivity.

But, all in all, you can see how Syria is very different from Libya.

Yes, a smaller quantity of oil reserves is a major differentiator.

In any case, World Peace is protecting American interests. They are one and the same due to the nature of American enterprise.

I disagree that they are one and the same. Perhaps had you said the American view of world peace, you'd have been closer to the mark. American interests override any concerns of world peace.

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I think you are under the impression that I wanted the "Arab Spring" to win. I didn't. Things, though, have now spiralled out of control, and something must be done. The whole region would have been far stabler, had intervention been carried out early in the game. Now this conflict is spilling over into Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, and most probably into Iraq and my own country next. Syria was and is a powder keg. Any analyst who didn't know it isn't worth their salt.

The US knew full well what groups were active. Never listen. Not with bin Laden, and not now.

Doesn't hold much water now that we are many, many months into the conflict. Why not go in now that it is wanted?

Also, Syria has had its plans in place since at least 1976.

Not a very good chance, but a certainty. This has been known for many, many years. There is also an Islamic legal ruling in place which would sanction murdering and pillaging Alawites.

It is too late to save the Assad regime now. Fatal inactivity.

And that's the thing. The UN doesn't want genocide on either side on their hands. If it has to happen, then let the genociders fight over who gets to go. But that's really only one thing out of many things. Russia and China will not sign the intervention for several reasons.

I can't really express fully my exasperation with this thing because it's election season and the mods will not like it.

Yes, a smaller quantity of oil reserves is a major differentiator.

I disagree that they are one and the same. Perhaps had you said the American view of world peace, you'd have been closer to the mark. American interests override any concerns of world peace.

They are one and the same. You just put it out there - the smaller quantity of oil, etc. The US do not need that oil as much as China does. So, if the view of World Peace coincides with Chinese interests, you might see how much different peace feels. World peace coinciding with American interests is the better option... for now. Contrary to European sentiment, America is not a war-mongering nation. It can afford to be benevolent.

So, you might say - why does it have to coincide with any nation's interest? The answer to that is as ancient as the earth. Without that controlling nation that has the power to define Peace, you'll for sure have Israel wiped off the face of the planet.

So, I hear all these anti-American talk - wanting their own version of Peace. I say to them - be careful what you ask for.

Edited by anatess
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United States Foreign Policy

An excerpt from a discourse by President Ezra Taft Benson.

There is one and only one legitimate goal of United States foreign policy. It is a narrow goal, a nationalistic goal: the preservation of our national independence. Nothing in the Constitution grants that the President shall have the privilege of offering himself as a world leader. He’s our executive; he’s on our payroll, in necessary; he’s supposed to put our best interests in front of those of other nations. Nothing in the Constitution nor in logic grants to the President of the United States or to Congress the power to influence the political life of other countries, to “uplift” their cultures, to bolster their economies, to feed their peoples or even to defend them against their enemies. This point was made clear by the wise father of our country, George Washington:

I have always given it as my decided opinion that no nation has a right to intermeddle in the internal concerns of another; that every one had a right to form and adopt whatever government they liked best to live under them selves; and that if this country could, consistent with its engagements, maintain a strict neutrality and thereby preserve peace, it was bound to do so by motives of policy, interest, and every other consideration. —George Washington (1732-1799) Letter to James Monroe (25 Aug. 1796)

The preservation of America’s political, economic and military independence–the three cornerstones of sovereignty–is the sum and total prerogative of our government in dealing with the affairs of the world. Beyond that point, any humanitarian or charitable activities are the responsibility of individual citizens voluntarily without coercion of others to participate.

The proper function of government must be limited to a defensive role–the defense of individual citizens against bodily harm, theft and involuntary servitude at the hands of either domestic or foreign criminals. But to protect our people from bodily harm at the hands of foreign aggressors, we must maintain a military force which is not only capable of crushing an invasion, but of striking a sufficiently powerful counterblow as to make in unattractive for would-be conquerors to try their luck with us.

We are a Warlike People | Renounce War and Proclaim Peace

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  • 2 weeks later...

When we lose this economic battle we will lose the war and we will realize that there are things much worse than all the corruption brought about by the freedoms and the flawed experiment of the USA's constitutional government and economic attempt at capitalism.

The Traveler

The corruption was not brought about by the freedoms and "flawed experiment" of constitutional government. It was brought about by the erosion of those freedoms and by not following the constitution. As George Washington said in his farewell address, "And if there be changes (in the Constitution), let it be by amendment and not by usurpation." He called usurpation "the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed."

We are at the point now where both of the Bill of Rights and the balance of powers is under attack. As our government becomes more powerful, corruption increases. Think of the sayings that "Power corrupts. And absolute power corrupts absolutely" and "We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will begin to exercise unrighteous dominion."(D&C 121:39)

Also, as the populace becomes more wicked, they are more likely to elect corrupt leaders.

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I do not think moroni would have sanctioned the lamanite people for there leaders for working towards obtaining a nuclear weapon. He would talk with them and act in Gods commandments. And by this the lord will protect you.

I might add, that Moroni would also have been working on the Star Wars program. He was all about defensive strategy and being extremely prepared for an attack. His strategies were aimed toward winning when attacked with the least amount of bloodshed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I might add, that Moroni would also have been working on the Star Wars program. He was all about defensive strategy and being extremely prepared for an attack. His strategies were aimed toward winning when attacked with the least amount of bloodshed.

Having worked for several years in the defense department - Star Wars does not and did not work and is not likely to ever work. I did work directly on one project that demonstrated technology that would deliver and nuclear device completely undetected within 3 feet of any target anywhere in the world. Following the test the project was canceled and the technology forever shut down and everyone that worked on the project for any two, dispersed to never to ever work together again. The ending of the project was politically bipartisan and in essence the shutdown was unopposed and those of us that worked or the project are left to speculate on our own as to why but are not allowed to give any specific information.

The Traveler

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I did hear a report today on Fox News that as we near the fiscal cliff that none of the proposals currently on the table (even combining the most draconian proposals of both parties) even come close to a sustainable balanced budget that will not bankrupt the richest country to ever exist. Where does the idea come from that we can end poverty with money.

In the 60's it was claimed that with only 2% of GDP transferred to the poor would end poverty - since the effort began the idea has remained but with the correction that a little more taxes are needed to make it work. This is not a lie of the liberals - the conservatives have gone along thinking that with "reform" the problems can be fixed.

The Traveler

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The problem with the U.S. and the western hemisphere is they do not understand the importance of the Book of Mormon. The economic pit fall of all gentile nations of our day are do only to immorality. When the gentile nations repent of there immoral behavior and return to following the commandments of Jesus Christ they will start to prosper again. The Lord of this Land has promised that when we follow him we will prosper. This land was promised to the lost 10 tribes of Jacob. What happens when the lost 10 tribes of Jacob becomes more righteous then the gentile nations that now occupy the western hemisphere? Do you think that the Lord will favor the U.S. in there wicked state or the lost 10 tribes of Jacob in there righteous state? Even if the U.S. could justify the wars and the governmental spending they can not protect or defend against the promises made by the Lord and true governor of the Land of Promise. If we follow the Lord we will prosper but if we do not follow the Lord he will cleans this land and will give this land to another people.

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The problem with the U.S. and the western hemisphere is they do not understand the importance of the Book of Mormon. The economic pit fall of all gentile nations of our day are do only to immorality. When the gentile nations repent of there immoral behavior and return to following the commandments of Jesus Christ they will start to prosper again. The Lord of this Land has promised that when we follow him we will prosper. This land was promised to the lost 10 tribes of Jacob. What happens when the lost 10 tribes of Jacob becomes more righteous then the gentile nations that now occupy the western hemisphere? Do you think that the Lord will favor the U.S. in there wicked state or the lost 10 tribes of Jacob in there righteous state? Even if the U.S. could justify the wars and the governmental spending they can not protect or defend against the promises made by the Lord and true governor of the Land of Promise. If we follow the Lord we will prosper but if we do not follow the Lord he will cleans this land and will give this land to another people.

I believe you got some points right and some points wrong. I believe you are correct in you statement that the Book of Mormon is not understood and utilized. For example the words of King Benjamin when he indicated that no healthy person should be idle and look to others to support them - but that we should care for the poor that are fatherless and widows. In our society few single parents have fatherless children - but rather there are fathers that refuse to care for their children and the mothers of their children.

Also I would correct you concerning this land and the lost 10 tribes - This land is promised to the house of Jacob weather by birth or adoption. The other sheep are promised and therefore will be gathered elsewhere.

The Traveler

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