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I am confused by this question.

If your speaking about talking to the missionaries, I don't think I need to speak to them yet. SO I can't really put something off I am not meant to do yet.

Talking to the missionaries can only help. So why put it off? Why put off anything that will help you to gain a testimony?

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Talking to the missionaries can only help. So why put it off? Why put off anything that will help you to gain a testimony?

I think missionaries are a good option. Not the only option. But I think you have to listen to your gut and listen to the spirit. You'll be led. The missionaries are there if you feel you'd like to use them.

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I'm sorry -- after I read my post I know I didn't say it right. Was just wondering if maybe the adversary is the one standing in your way of gaining a stronger testimony. I don't know if it's the missionaries that you need to seek out or read more scriptures or fast and pray or what, but sometimes I know that Satan can whisper in one's ear saying, "none of these things will work."

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I'm sorry -- after I read my post I know I didn't say it right. Was just wondering if maybe the adversary is the one standing in your way of gaining a stronger testimony. I don't know if it's the missionaries that you need to seek out or read more scriptures or fast and pray or what, but sometimes I know that Satan can whisper in one's ear saying, "none of these things will work."

I think he is honestly. At times it is so hard to separate the two. I feel as if it's true but I don't believe it's true. I read my scriptures every day (in the morning both book of Mormon and NW) and pray like... I don't know 2-5 times a day and i fast around 2-5 days a week (when ever I feel I need to fast and even sometimes then I don't do it). I go to church, and I watch the LDS youth videos on youtube (those videos make me want to cry, which I assume is the spirit). No matter what I do I feel like I'm going no where. Maybe I am improving a little bit I just can't see it yet.

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I think you are doing the right things. However, sometimes I think we try soooo hard to get that answer we just don't take the time to listen. Sometimes we need to step back and remember the Lord gives answers in His time.

I'm not saying to quit doing the things you are doing. But sometimes being consumed with doing all the things doesn't allow us time to just listen.

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I'm wondering if you're trying too hard, OR if you're looking for something greater than the way the answer usually comes. - Ensign Article____

Where to Start

It is not unusual to have a missionary say, “How can I bear testimony until I get one? How can I testify that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ, and that the gospel is true? If I do not have such a testimony, would that not be dishonest?”

Oh, if I could teach you this one principle. A testimony is to be found in the bearing of it! Somewhere in your quest for spiritual knowledge, there is that “leap of faith,” as the philosophers call it. It is the moment when you have gone to the edge of the light and stepped into the darkness to discover that the way is lighted ahead for just a footstep or two. “The spirit of man,” is as the scripture says, indeed “is the candle of the Lord.” (Prov. 20:27.)

It is one thing to receive a witness from what you have read or what another has said; and that is a necessary beginning. It is quite another to have the Spirit confirm to you in your bosom that what you have testified is true. Can you not see that it will be supplied as you share it? As you give that which you have, there is a replacement, with increase!

The prophet Ether “did prophecy great and marvelous things unto the people, which they did not believe, because they saw them not.

“And now, I, Moroni, … would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.” (Ether 12:5–6.)

To speak out is the test of your faith.

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The spirit speaks as a whisper to your heart. It testifies of truth to you.

D&C 9:7-9

7 Behold, you have not understood; you have supposed that I would give it unto you, when you took no thought save it was to ask me.

8 But, behold, I say unto you, that you must study it out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, you shall feel that it is right.

9 But if it be not right you shall have no such feelings, but you shall have a stupor of thought that shall cause you to forget the thing which is wrong; therefore, you cannot write that which is sacred save it be given you from me.

If in your prayers, you are asking 'open-ended' questions and are not used to hearing the spirit speak to your heart, try asking yes/no questions.

Try asking: Is The Book of Mormon true? Then wait for the spirit to testify to your heart. The Spirit will teach you by good feelings to confirm truth to your heart. This also assumes that you've read a part of The Book of Mormon. You don't have to have read the entire book to gain a testimony of it. It's like eating a pie. You don't have to eat the whole thing to know that it's good.

Then ask: Was Joseph Smith a prophet? Again, wait for the spirit to testify of truth to you. Prior to asking, you may want to read Joseph Smith History. Listen to the spirit as you read. It may be confirmed to you without even praying... but simply reading the scriptures.

Basically, if you're looking for the heavens to open up and a heavenly choir to start singing "hallelujah"... you'll be disappointed.

That's 'sign-seeking' and the Lord doesn't grant signs to confirm faith necessarily.

Let me ask you: Have you felt the spirit in your life? Can you think of a time when you know it was undeniably the spirit?

Look for similar feelings as you pray and read the scriptures. Simply having a good feeling as you read is the spirit testifying to you and is answering your prayers. If you're looking for more than that, you're looking for a 'sign'.

Trust the spirit and the Lord with the small things first. As you continue to grow in faith, the Lord will grow in His communication with you.

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Let me ask you: Have you felt the spirit in your life? Can you think of a time when you know it was undeniably the spirit?

Look for similar feelings as you pray and read the scriptures. Simply having a good feeling as you read is the spirit testifying to you and is answering your prayers. If you're looking for more than that, you're looking for a 'sign'.

Trust the spirit and the Lord with the small things first. As you continue to grow in faith, the Lord will grow in His communication with you.

I think I have, but I am so afraid to be wrong.

During a girls camp testimony meets while a girl was baring her testimony I got this feeling that I was going to cry. I don't know why I don't think her story was sad. During the temple I just got this calm warm feeling when I asked if the church was true. When watching videos on youtube about LDS youth (some of them were sad) but I got this feeling of I was going to cry again. (I usually never feel like I am going to cry and never have till this year unless someone dies in a movie or show).

I think those feelings were the spirit. but even if I do feel the spirit I am afraid I want believe it even in my heart even if it was the spirit witnessing it to me

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2 Timothy 1:7

7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

This was also a scripture mentioned a few times during this last General Conference. You might want to look it up and see if those talks may also give you some additional insight?

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I think I have, but I am so afraid to be wrong.

During a girls camp testimony meets while a girl was baring her testimony I got this feeling that I was going to cry. I don't know why I don't think her story was sad. During the temple I just got this calm warm feeling when I asked if the church was true. When watching videos on youtube about LDS youth (some of them were sad) but I got this feeling of I was going to cry again. (I usually never feel like I am going to cry and never have till this year unless someone dies in a movie or show).

I think those feelings were the spirit. but even if I do feel the spirit I am afraid I want believe it even in my heart even if it was the spirit witnessing it to me

To me from all your posts it sounds like you have felt the spirit quite often. :) Don't be afraid- 2 Tim 1:7 - "God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

Study the topic of the Holy Ghost in the scriptures. As you do, ask yourself if those things you felt were from the Spirit. Ask the Lord in prayer. If you cry unto the Lord, He answers you by the still small voice, which might be like a real voice, or a voice in your head, maybe even your own voice, or just a special kind of feeling.

Have you already felt these things? It sounds like you have! If you have, go forward in faith! Trust your Heavenly Father. You don't need to doubt what you have felt - wouldn't He want you to go forward in faith and do what you feel is right, what you feel He is leading you to do?

When we exercise faith by taking small steps into the darkness, He rewards us with light to our path and with comfort from His Spirit! Then you know that He is pleased with what you are doing, and you can be confident in your faith.

You should also study faith in the scriptures. You'll find out that faith is an action word- and that's where we find our happiness and purpose in life, when we act in faith! I always feel the Spirit when I study awesome chapters like Alma 32 or Alma 5 and look for new things to learn. Remember the Spirit is not a loud voice. It does not shake us with a heavy hand. It is a still, small whisper or feeling- many times it is simply a feeling of peace to my soul. I believe that you have felt the Spirit - and that you also have a testimony. Actually you bore your testimony to us in that last post you made. You don't need to be afraid Chrissy - because the Church is true.

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Just had a thought -- do you write in a journal? Journal writing while reading your scriptures can be very helpful when trying to understand the answers you may be getting from Heavenly Father. Also writing impressions down after praying sincerely can also be very helpful. Also ditto to what everyone else has said. It sounds to me like you have a very wonderful relationship with Heavenly Father and I know without a doubt that He is very proud of you and loves you very much.

No need to fear, Heavenly Father is near.

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do you write in a journal?

Yes, I have two or three. One personal Journal and one scripture journal and then one journal that I have for when I feel my questions are being answered through scripture. And then I blog about my feelings and figuring out what church is true.

It sounds to me like you have a very wonderful relationship with Heavenly Father and I know without a doubt that He is very proud of you and loves you very much.

Everyone seems to think a long these lines about me. Everyone's like "Wow! You have a strong testimony! (I go to church with my younger brother and no parents)"

or your answer which I don't recall hearing as often as "You have a strong testimony"

I've also heard "It seems like yu have a lot of faith and trust in the lord.

Anyways, all of these things, even if people may think I have them. I don't feel I do. I don't feel I have any of them.

I go to church because I feel like I should and I think it will help me gain a testimony (even though sometimes what they say at church want me to go home and never come back (a lot of things they say, too me seem judgmental because what they say happens in my home, and there's really nothing I can do about it).

I don't feel like I have faith or trust in the lord, I really don't. I don't feel I trust or have faith in him enough. I don't know what people see.

And I think I have a poor relationship with Heavenly Father because it's hard for me to know when hes speaking to me, and sometimes follow what I think he might be saying.

I just really don't know anymore...

But thank you! I loved you're post it made me think!

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Please don't bare you're testimony it doesn't help, I just need comfort and advice.

Yes i've talked about this before, but I feel as if it's getting worse...

I've been struggling a lot with my testimony. I am questioning everything (even down to God's existence (even though I know he exists)). I grew up LDS in fact I am or use to be a molly Mormon, but now... I just have no clue...

My mom fell away a year ago and is now looking into going to a new church which makes me want to cry. My older brother is doing the same thing. Everyday at church I go with me and my younger brother.

A lot of the time I don't think I can feel the spirit and I just don't know what is wrong with me... I am so confused and so lost.

I read my scriptures daily searching for answers to my questions, I talk to friends, but all they do is bare their testimony (which doesn't help). One of the main reasons I want to go to an LDS college is to get away from the life I am in now and make a new life for myself. See if I can gain a testimony of the LDS church by going to an LDS school. Another reason is other schools that don't share the same standards as me, bug me so mcuh. Those kids annoy me.

I feel like crying because I feel I am stuck in a thick fog with no way out. I feel like I can't move and I am in the same spot. I feel like I will never figure things out... I just have no clue anymore...

Does anyone have comfort or advice for me?

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Sometimes to get past something you just have to get through it, Chrissy. The hardest trial in my life lasted 3 1/2 years. I'm sure more will come. Just be patient and keep working at it.

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The only thing that would keep you out of an LDS school from that standpoint is if you have some sin you need to get out of the way. If that's the case and you haven't taken care of something along those lines, it would explain how you're feeling. If it's just that you are challenging your testimony, I see no reason that seeking his help and counsel would jeopardize enrollment.

I say this as kindly as I can- you don't want our testimonies, you do want advice. Many have suggested asking for your bishop's help, but you seem to have a lot of reasons to keep yourself from doing that. It's hard to give advice to someone who won't take it.

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The only thing that would keep you out of an LDS school from that standpoint is if you have some sin you need to get out of the way. If that's the case and you haven't taken care of something along those lines, it would explain how you're feeling. If it's just that you are challenging your testimony, I see no reason that seeking his help and counsel would jeopardize enrollment.

I say this as kindly as I can- you don't want our testimonies, you do want advice. Many have suggested asking for your bishop's help, but you seem to have a lot of reasons to keep yourself from doing that. It's hard to give advice to someone who won't take it.

I'll take the advice I just don't feel anything when people bare their testimonies to me. I need to find my own because I went off of my mothers for so long and once she fell away, I begin to fall too.

No I don't have any serious sins that need to be spoken of. I just don't know what is wrong with me. I feel that maybe God has left me because I committed some sin I can't pinpoint and I keep going over in my head and I can't find any. Thievery seems to be falling apart and I don't know why. I am suppose to have a meeting with him soon (not sure when) for my ecclesiastical form and I think I'll talk to him about me struggles then. Please Pray I can do it! I really need to talk to him, but I am so afraid.

Is there anything else?

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My only other suggestion is that you take every opportunity you can to step outside of yourself and serve someone else. That has always helped me.

I agree, I look for ways to serve and when God gave me tons of opportunities on Friday and I didn't do them I felt terrible and I still do! I wish I could go back and fix that day... I could have helped so many people... I am going to try and serve at least one person a day.

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