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I think the only state that could come close to pulling off secession would be Texas. They are probably one of the few states that can claim it about breaks even between what it sends to the Federal government and what it receives from the federal government (if you ignore medicare and social security withholdings), and they could probably manage just fine by increasing the cost of fuels exported to the states.

However, if they were to secede, the US government would take back its entire military inventory and suspend any and all contracts with companies set up in Texas to manufacture anything for the US military (I'm not sure what, if anything, is produced for the military in Texas). I imagine, by and large, Texas would end up poorly defended and over run by Mexico cartel before too long.

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I would not be surprised if this was tried and even pulled off to one degree or another.

But then I am of the thought that we are going to replay the events of 3 Nephi in one form or another... and these secession events/attempts could be the same as the breakdown of the Nephi government into tribes.

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I'm not texan, but I can hear them all having a big loud bunch of things to say in response to that. And about half of them start with "Boy?"

And that would be how the great Texas-Mexico Cartel war would begin.

Honestly, I think Texas would put up a pretty good fight as a sovereign nation. But I don't think they'd be able to last very long without instituting an income tax (which would more or less violate one of the major principles justifying their secession).

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What kind of a mess would this make anyway? Would people who were born in Texas but living in other states be granted dual citizenship, or required to declare a citizenship? What of people living in Texas who don't want to be citizens of Texas?

How much money are we going to spend building customs stations on the border of Texas and Oklahoma?

Could we pass a law that forbade the purchase of school text books from any company that was writing books to cater to the Texas education standards?

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And that would be how the great Texas-Mexico Cartel war would begin.

Well, yeah. But how great it would really be? I'm thinking it would look less like a war and more like a sustained terrorist campaign. Although if Texas invaded Mexico to put a stop to things, that would pretty much look like a war.

Anyway, 'cartel' hasn't been an appropriate name for a long time. Cartels are competing enterprises that collude to maximize profits. The various families and organizations haven't been colluding in a decade, and they're more than for-profit enterprises these days too. More appropriately called Transnational Criminal Organizations. They know too much about power and money to get too interested in borders and militaries and stuff.

Honestly, I think Texas would put up a pretty good fight as a sovereign nation. But I don't think they'd be able to last very long without instituting an income tax (which would more or less violate one of the major principles justifying their secession).

Lots of great (and not-so-great) fiction out there exploring how things could go. I wonder if people wrote fiction about the future of the British Empire in the 19th century?

What kind of a mess would this make anyway? Would people who were born in Texas but living in other states be granted dual citizenship, or required to declare a citizenship?

Yep, messy. But the study of history is little more than the study of such messes, how they start and how they play out. I'm not predicting anything, but I know for a fact that the U.S. is not immune to such natural historical progressions. Edited by Loudmouth_Mormon
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If I remember correctly, Vermont, Maine, and some other State held State Hearings on secession after Dubya won a 2nd term.

I was living in Maine at the time and I don't remember that. But I was in college and only half paying attention to anything outside of the university walls. But that would be funny. Maine would last about 30 seconds outside of the Union.

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I was living in Maine at the time and I don't remember that. But I was in college and only half paying attention to anything outside of the university walls. But that would be funny. Maine would last about 30 seconds outside of the Union.

I found this: Vermont Passes Resolution To Secede From The US

Vermont held the hearings, Maine and New Hampshire didn't but the secession movement includes citizens from Maine and New Hampshire with discussions to combine the three states into one independent nation.

I think Vermont would last 30 seconds outside of the Union - with or without Maine. :)

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I was living in Maine at the time and I don't remember that. But I was in college and only half paying attention to anything outside of the university walls. But that would be funny. Maine would last about 30 seconds outside of the Union.

Surely it'd take more than 30 seconds for Quebec's independence movement to invade and set up a francophone state?

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So the Texas petition has 11,000 more signatures than it needed for the White House to pay attention to it, according to the government's petition website. However, this doesn't mean anything.

The right of a state to secede was decided by a bloody war from about 1861-1865. I don't think anything has changed.

Wow, when I first heard about the states petitioning Texas only had 2,000 signatures.

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Some nutcase citizens at that. At least one of the states voted for Obama so hard to see that state going for this. Honestly I dont see any of them actually doing anything more than whine over losing an election. act as though because Obama won a State, that everyone now agrees with him. Nearly as many voted against that voted for and many didn't vote at all. Nutcases indeed...

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