Missionary ditches?


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I haven't heard that story - but the missionary who baptised my sister ran away from the mission field. This was back in the late 80s early 90s (when missionaries came out at 18 before it was put up to 19). Anyway prior to leaving for the MTC the poor young man had never spent more than one night away from his parents. He had grown up in the church and he had been prepared spiritually for the mission - but not in other ways. Every YMs camp or Scout camp he want to - either his father was there as a priesthood leader or his mother was there as one of the cooks/first aider - so he couldn't cope with being away from them.

His companion knew he was struggling and had hoped that performing would lift his spirits and his confidence - but he still remained very home sick. Shortly after the baptism he was transferred to a town much closer to the mission boundaries. Several months later we heard that he ran away - and was at the airport when he remembered that his passport was at the mission home for safe keeping. When he called them they convined him to return to the mission home but couldn't convince him to stay and a week later he went home.

I found it really sad that a young man who had the potential to be an amazing missionary just hadn't been encourage to spend time away from his family prior to leaving for his mission.

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When I was at college one of the young men quit in the middle of the first semester. He just missed his family too much. People liked him. He was a good person. He just could not be happy away from them.

Perhaps a stake mission would be better for these people. I dont know. I know he would have been miserable completely away from his family for 2 years probably even when he turned 40.

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I haven't heard that story - but the missionary who baptised my sister ran away from the mission field. This was back in the late 80s early 90s (when missionaries came out at 18 before it was put up to 19).

Missionaries did not go out at 18 in the late '80s or early '90s. That is a very recent thing.

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A missionary left our area early. 'My' missionary was then zone leader and tried to keep this guy here. I hope the missionary president also said something to the kid; I think it is asking a lot to expect another 19 yr old to have enough savvy to counsel someone who is having problems.

Anyway, the kid just couldn't take being out in the big world, away from his Mormon town, and he went home. My missionary was devastated and thought it reflected badly upon him as a leader and missionary. Tough stuff all around.

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Missionary Alec Morgan Ragan Missing In Palmerston... | Stuff.co.nz

yeah, this is the guy who tried ditching his mission, he's actually a missionary where i live, in the New Zealand Wellington Mission. a missionary in my branch served with him and said he has a few mental issues. he also looks like he is 12 and is apparently mocked all the time. he didn't actually ditch, he just ran away and wanted time out.. and he came back/was found 2 days ago.

poor kid.

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