Doctrine & Covenants


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:D I've been studying D&C for personal study. I was wondering if any one else is studying it, or even if not, if any one wants to talk about their favorite parts, or have some kind of discussiona about it. I'm not sure i have the study / reading thing differentiated. also, i'm not so good at having gospel discussions - i get shy and worry i'll sound dumb. I thought this would be a nice place to have one :sparklygrin: My husband is an RM and kind of a scripture mastery master, so i feel like i need a degree in the scriptures to approach him, he's never very engaging :lol:


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I love the D&C, but I don't think I've read it front to back in many yrs. because I study by subject. & I'm weak in church history.

My favorite way to study is with the seminary study manual.

Another fav. way is looking up every foot note.

" " " is outlining each verse (more or less a summary)

Just reading alone makes my mind drift. & I don't need much encouragment in that department. :D

The BYU channel has great study forums on all the standard works. I watch them on line. They help me get an over view before I start study on that section.

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:sparklygrin: That's great, there are some wonderful helps there. I agree about sections 88, 76 & 133. I high lighted most of 88. I was really slack with my scripture reading until ... oh, about a month ago :lol: But i made this goal / committment for this year (and onwards) that i would read / study the scriptures every day for a minimum of half an hour or 5 chapters. I've mostly kept that goal except for 2 nights where on one i only read 2 sections & the other i only read 4 (because i left it late, but i made up for it the next night). At the beginning of the year i was half way through Alma. I'm now in D&C 107.

I have a question (another question), this will sound dumb. How do you really know when you are reading or studying. What is the difference. Do you feel it more than know it, or do you have to follow every footnote? Because i feel like i'm getting alot out of it, i ponder on a lot of it, mark note & everything. But because i'm getting through it so fast i'm wondering if i'm doing it right.

Any suggestions?

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One of my favorite passages from the D&C has to be Section 45:3-5. I call it the true Intercessory Prayer. It's Jesus speaking to the Father, and the words he uses shed much light on what salvation and grace really consist of:

"Listen to him who is the advocate with the Father, who is pleading your cause before him—

"Saying: Father, behold the sufferings and death of him who did no sin, in whom thou wast well pleased; behold the blood of thy Son which was shed, the blood of him whom thou gavest that thyself might be glorified;

"Wherefore, Father, spare these my brethren that believe on my name, that they may come unto me and have everlasting life."

Knowing I have Jesus pleading so strongly on my behalf gives me confidence in the repentance process. I feel salvation's not so far off with my Elder Brother on my side, as long as I keep my covenants.

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