following personal revelation


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If it is not against the teachings of the scriptures, basic commandments or teaching of the living Prophets, DO IT.

I attended a devotional with Elder Summerhays of the Seventy a couple months ago, and I loved the guideline he established: If it`s not bad, it is from God. Also, I`ve personally experienced a few times how God gave me some "insane" promptings, likely just to make sure I`m obedient if He really wants me to do something important.

I hope that helps. :)

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I've been in this situation.

There was a difficult choice ahead of me - doing the right thing would be difficult and bring problems. Not doing the right thing would be easy and promised no immediate hardships. When I prayed about it, I got the unmistakable impression that I should NOT do the right thing.

It was, to say the least, a little surprising. I asked again and got the same answer. It was quite unmistakable.

So, I followed the prompting, and did not do the right thing. The next day, someone else did the right thing. It was pretty clear that God wanted that person to do what needed doing, and not me.

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If it goes against all logic and sanity, I would question it before doing. Meaning, do all I could to understand why I would be receiving such "revelation."

However, I come from some experiences where I thought for sure the "revelations" I was receiving were divine and from God. It took me years to figure out that, while some of the things I was being taught at that time were true, the essence of it lead me away from God and the church. Both costly mistakes in my life....

I've learned that the Spirit speaks to me usually in a still, small, peaceful and non-forcible voice. Oftentimes it seems so difficult to hear because of the many other voices that are not His giving their input....

Usually though, if I am careful and aware, I can distinguish the promptings of the still, small voice of God/the Holy Ghost. At times it's very warm, loving, powerful and strong. It always centers me and gives me a sense of stability, being okay and of well-being. Anything else is worthy of suspicion to me.

Best of Wishes in your journey


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Let's say it's not against church doctrine, fairly in line with it.

It's not something someone else can do.

I know why (or why I think lol) I'm getting it.

The "idea" of it was introduced about 6 months ago. I knew the time would come and felt the Lord was just getting me used to the idea. lol I thought at that time, when the time came, things would be in order and it would be an easy thing to do. But the feelings have gotten stronger and to the point that I think it's probably time but circumstances didn't get better. There are many more reasons now to not do it than there were 6 months ago. All logic says it would be an insane thing to do and it would not come without risk.

However I have not gotten an second opinion so... maybe I should look into that first. lol


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Let's say it's not against church doctrine, fairly in line with it.

It's not something someone else can do.

I know why (or why I think lol) I'm getting it.

The "idea" of it was introduced about 6 months ago. I knew the time would come and felt the Lord was just getting me used to the idea. lol I thought at that time, when the time came, things would be in order and it would be an easy thing to do. But the feelings have gotten stronger and to the point that I think it's probably time but circumstances didn't get better. There are many more reasons now to not do it than there were 6 months ago. All logic says it would be an insane thing to do and it would not come without risk.

However I have not gotten an second opinion so... maybe I should look into that first. lol


If it's what i think it is i'm going to smack you up side the head so hard.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


bad Gwen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we'll talk later.


oh and there's your second opinion lol

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What would you do (or have you done if you've been there) if you felt you were receiving revelation to do something that went against all logic and sanity?

I will begin by saying that I believe G-d to have superior logic. But I do not believe the intelligence of G-d is ever void of logic but that we may need time to comprehend divine logic.

In my experience - I have had initial problems at times with the “logic” of some personal revelation but I have never received divine revelation void of “all” logic. And the more I have studied and “practiced” the more I have understood the revelation and the logic.

But it also appears to me that when personal pleasure is involved that humans will convince themselves that whatever is desired is to them logical in every way. Thus temptation and even sin becomes a kind of logical revelation that they will defend at all costs - even to their own detriment and damnation. Thus I have come to believe that if personal pleasure is involved that one is incapable of logic or divine enlightenment. That logic without discipline will fail.

The Traveler

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If you feel it is revelation or inspiration and you're not sure, perhaps you should ask Heavenly Father again - and perhaps for the courage to act - rather than to ask us.

For that second (or even third, fourth) opinion perhaps you can seek the advice of you family, home teachers, and bishop.

However the Spirit directs you, God bless and do good.

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If you feel it is revelation or inspiration and you're not sure, perhaps you should ask Heavenly Father again - and perhaps for the courage to act - rather than to ask us.

For that second (or even third, fourth) opinion perhaps you can seek the advice of you family, home teachers, and bishop.

However the Spirit directs you, God bless and do good.:)

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I will begin by saying that I believe G-d to have superior logic. But I do not believe the intelligence of G-d is ever void of logic but that we may need time to comprehend divine logic.

In my experience - I have had initial problems at times with the “logic” of some personal revelation but I have never received divine revelation void of “all” logic. And the more I have studied and “practiced” the more I have understood the revelation and the logic.

But it also appears to me that when personal pleasure is involved that humans will convince themselves that whatever is desired is to them logical in every way. Thus temptation and even sin becomes a kind of logical revelation that they will defend at all costs - even to their own detriment and damnation. Thus I have come to believe that if personal pleasure is involved that one is incapable of logic or divine enlightenment. That logic without discipline will fail.

The Traveler

Sometimes the logic may not be immediately apparent. "The world is about to be destroyed. Build an arc." In retrospect, sure it makes sense, but only because we know how the story turns out. If you're being Noah, how do you get over the thoughts of "Could I just be crazy?"

If I received revelation to quit my job and move to Abu Dabi because I would be needed there for something, how would I tell the difference between revelation and some weird idea popping into my head?

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Sometimes the logic may not be immediately apparent. "The world is about to be destroyed. Build an arc." In retrospect, sure it makes sense, but only because we know how the story turns out. If you're being Noah, how do you get over the thoughts of "Could I just be crazy?"

If I received revelation to quit my job and move to Abu Dabi because I would be needed there for something, how would I tell the difference between revelation and some weird idea popping into my head?

It depends. If a being from a non-earth and advanced society contacted you and said that the earth is about to suffer technical failures due to a pending massive solar storm and that we must prepare by building a special hardened facility - it may not seem logical from our current vantage point - but how logical it is to disagree with someone more advanced and intelligent.

What is really at issue is the method by which various levels of information come. If very essential but not logical information comes by a dream or other vague means and only to one person or a few - that to me would not be compelling. But a personal visit in company multiple reinforcements (not impressions) then we ought to pay attention.

But for sure, impressions that are singular in witness including the witness of pure logic - at least in my experience, are not to be of any concern. If G-d is going to destroy society for such an issue - I have my doubts about such a G-d.

The Traveler

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Sometimes the logic may not be immediately apparent. "The world is about to be destroyed. Build an arc." In retrospect, sure it makes sense, but only because we know how the story turns out.

Yeah, if you put enough arcs together you get a full circle. But what happens if you get tired of running around in circles?

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If I knew to be from God...I would probably do it, for the sake of my soul.

That gets to be the problem. How we know? For things with few negative consequences for being wrong, it's easy. "Look at the brazen serpent". My attitude would be "Why not?" (Actually I'd probably say "What brazen serpent" and look for it out of reflex, but I digress). On the other hand, short of a miraculous visitation, how do I know if something is a prompting, or something from myself, or even worse an evil source.

My wife sitting beside me points out that you can tell by whether or not it prompts you to do good, but those cases are fairly obvious. What about something that is on its face morally neutral, such as my previous example of moving to Abu Dahbi? If it truly is a prompting, it's a good. If not, I've pretty much destroyed myself financially.

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What would you do (or have you done if you've been there) if you felt you were receiving revelation to do something that went against all logic and sanity?

I would write out the revelation. I have a special notebook that I use from time to time for personal revelations. I also try to jot down other information such as time of day, where I was, and what the circumstances were. I then reexamine the information at least once a day if it's bugging me, and--very rarely--I pray over them so I may understand it better. If anymore information came to me I would write that down as well.

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I quote this from a BYU devotional:

"I fear I have been guilty of leaning too heavily on the mind, thinking and analyzing, trying to be very rational and logical. President Harold B. Lee frequently said that “when your heart begins to tell you things that your mind does not, then you are getting the spirit of the Lord” (Harold B. Lee, “When Your Heart Tell You Things Your Mind Does Not Know,” New Era, February 1971, p. 3).

I think of Nephi when he was prompted to kill Laban. It must have been hard to accept the prompting as a prompting from God. I t was even against a commandment, yet it was certainly coming from Him!

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I quote this from a BYU devotional:

"I fear I have been guilty of leaning too heavily on the mind, thinking and analyzing, trying to be very rational and logical. President Harold B. Lee frequently said that “when your heart begins to tell you things that your mind does not, then you are getting the spirit of the Lord” (Harold B. Lee, “When Your Heart Tell You Things Your Mind Does Not Know,” New Era, February 1971, p. 3).

I think of Nephi when he was prompted to kill Laban. It must have been hard to accept the prompting as a prompting from God. It was even against a commandment, yet it was certainly coming from Him!

Edited by nellyleyva92
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Against all logic and sanity makes sense to me. My accountant looks at me every year when i tell him that im better off with 90% of my income than 100%. To him it goes against all logic and sanity. To me its just the law of tithing. However if the spirit was inviting you to break a commandment such as in Nephi and Laban's case then the Lord hold himself responsible in justifying the action. Notice in the scriptures how the Angel carefully leads Nephi down the path of reason so he can see what the scriptures refer to as "Weighter Matters" Math 23:23

I Nephi 4 :14-18 is a conversation between Nephi and Nephi on how he came to the correct decision.

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Against all logic and sanity makes sense to me. My accountant looks at me every year when i tell him that im better off with 90% of my income than 100%. To him it goes against all logic and sanity. To me its just the law of tithing. However if the spirit was inviting you to break a commandment such as in Nephi and Laban's case then the Lord hold himself responsible in justifying the action. Notice in the scriptures how the Angel carefully leads Nephi down the path of reason so he can see what the scriptures refer to as "Weighter Matters" Math 23:23

I Nephi 4 :14-18 is a conversation between Nephi and Nephi on how he came to the correct decision.

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Against all logic and sanity makes sense to me. My accountant looks at me every year when i tell him that im better off with 90% of my income than 100%. To him it goes against all logic and sanity. To me its just the law of tithing. However if the spirit was inviting you to break a commandment such as in Nephi and Laban's case then the Lord hold himself responsible in justifying the action. Notice in the scriptures how the Angel carefully leads Nephi down the path of reason so he can see what the scriptures refer to as "Weighter Matters" Math 23:23

I Nephi 4 :14-18 is a conversation between Nephi and Nephi on how he came to the correct decision.

Hmmmm - I question both the logic of your accountant and your logic in using the same accountant year after year. Part of the problem seems to me that you and your accountant are employing the logic that tithing is a lost resource rather than an investment that transcends mere monetary value and considerations.

The Traveler

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FYI I do not feel inspired to kill anyone. The opposite actually. An increasingly stronger nagging feeling that someone is missing.

Perhaps you may want to rephrase your words to give a complete understanding of your position. Are you saying your children, family and friends - should not be protected under any circumstance should someone threaten their lives?

Are you saying you cannot possibly think of any scenario in which you would defend one human life over another?

The Traveler

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