Incorrect teachings and doctrine


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I believe that it is whomever is presiding at whatever meeting you are in.

If it's in Sacrament meeting: The Bishop

Sunday School: The instructor / Sunday School President

Priesthood: Quorum President

Relief Society: RS President

Stake meetings: Stake Presidency

Don't know of any scripture reference other than it is all of our duty to watch over the Church.

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Some years back an older gentleman was assigned a Sacrament talk at our ward; to this day I'm not sure what his topic was SUPPOSED to be.

He chose to go on a rant about the government taking over and making everyone get a chip in their arm, locking families in prison camps, and so forth. As he was getting to the part about dragging people out of their homes and chopping their heads off in the street, the Bishop quietly stood and put his hand on the brother's shoulder and said, "That's enough." It was a bizarre; kids were crying, people were murmuring, what a mess.

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I've had several opportunities to have clarifying discussions with my kids in the last 3 testimony meetings. We had one of our youth commit suicide, and for the last three months, the dad has gotten up to air his family's dirty laundry, call out members who have offended him, and give us lessons about what the scriptures have to say about things.

We've covenanted to bear one another's burdens that they might be light. This poor guy certainly has burdens. I get the impression that we are helping bear them by patiently enduring his 'testimonies' and just quietly helping our children understand the truth.

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Just wondering - who's calling is it (who holds the keys) to correct false teachings and doctrine? Is there scripture reference?

The Traveler

All High is supposed to be out primary fuction to watch over the Ward "spiritually". Without a doubt the D&C "teachers" the "office" is told to do so in D&C 20, if fact all Priesthood offices are given responsibility per office in D&C 20.
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All High is supposed to be out primary fuction to watch over the Ward "spiritually". Without a doubt the D&C "teachers" the "office" is told to do so in D&C 20, if fact all Priesthood offices are given responsibility per office in D&C 20.

And since all Priests and Melchizedek Priesthood holders also hold Teacher duties, they are responsible too.

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Some years back an older gentleman was assigned a Sacrament talk at our ward; to this day I'm not sure what his topic was SUPPOSED to be.

He chose to go on a rant about the government taking over and making everyone get a chip in their arm, locking families in prison camps, and so forth. As he was getting to the part about dragging people out of their homes and chopping their heads off in the street, the Bishop quietly stood and put his hand on the brother's shoulder and said, "That's enough." It was a bizarre; kids were crying, people were murmuring, what a mess.

I am surprised that the Bishop let it go that far.

We had a mother speak during stake conference a few years ago about mothers staying home and raising the kids instead of working. After she finished her talk, the 1st councelor in the stake presidency stood up and corrected the teaching from the pulpit by explaining to the congregation that her instruction was not accurate and mothers were not required to stay home and raise the children. The mother broke down sobbing on the stand and remember feeling so embarrassed for her. I can only imagine how you must have felt during that talk. I am still confused as to why not even a member interviened. I think I am just to bold.

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The most shocking thing I have ever heard was a stake president that pushed a political agenda right before the presidential vote. Just maybe it was interpreted wrong, but shock filled the room. Wow! There was a lot of talk on that one from every priesthood brother I knew. Even his first councelor, an attorney, judge, and friend of mine, did not like the message. In the end, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and accept the idea that even the leaders of our church are human.

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Just wondering - who's calling is it (who holds the keys) to correct false teachings and doctrine? Is there scripture reference?

The Traveler

I do not know of any scripture reference, but your question seems to answer itself. Would not anyone that held keys have right to correct false teachings over the area they serve?

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Guest gopecon

Anyone holding keys does not have the responsibility to correct false doctrine in every meeting that they attend. The presiding officer is the person who is responsible for ensuring that doctrine is correct. A key holding deacons quorum president is not responsible for correct teaching in any meeting but a quorum meeting in which he presides. One need not hold keys to preside in a meeting. When a bishop is away, his counselors can preside in his place with delegated authority, but they hold no keys.

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Anyone holding keys does not have the responsibility to correct false doctrine in every meeting that they attend. The presiding officer is the person who is responsible for ensuring that doctrine is correct. A key holding deacons quorum president is not responsible for correct teaching in any meeting but a quorum meeting in which he presides. One need not hold keys to preside in a meeting. When a bishop is away, his counselors can preside in his place with delegated authority, but they hold no keys.

I dont think he is asking anyone with keys can correct false doctrine. I think he is asking for which specific authority holds the keys. So Deacons Quorum President, Teachers Quroum President, Elders Quorum President, Bishop, Stake President, or the Apostles, or the President of the Church. Also, Mission Presidents. There may be seventies that hold keys, im not sure, i dont think so though.

For instance, when there is a baptism in the church, the keys are held by the Bishop. A convert baptism takes place through the keys that the Mission President holds. You and I can administer this ordinance because we have authority by virtue of the office that we hold in the Priesthood. However we have to be delegated by the one who holds the keys to administer the ordinance. Like keys to a door.

So we all have a responsibility to correct doctrine, but under authority of the one who has the keys. The presiding officer is the one who is delegated to do this right? But where does the delegation come from?

It seems to me that it is probably the Stake President, It makes sense to me anyways. I'll have to do more to look into it.

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There are no priesthood present during the Relief Society meeting, but that doesn't mean that our meeting runs rampant with false doctrine and untruths. ;)

Every member has the obligation and responsibility to teach and preach truth and to correct or dispel falsehoods whenever prompted to do so by the Spirit. The Holy Ghost is the "key".

If that does not satisfy...then has a topical guide and search tool that can provide hours of researching satisfaction. ^_^~TG

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Guest gopecon

The Stake President holds all of the keys for the work in his stake. When a bishop or EQP is set apart, they are given keys for their area of stewardship. So a bishop is responsible for the teaching in his ward. In any ward meeting he presides at, it is his responsibility to ensure correct doctrines are taught. If he is not there, then primary responsibility falls to whoever presides in his absence. The responsibility does not fall to everyone. Sacrament meetings could get pretty chaotic if that were the case.

The RS Pres is responsible for teachings in Relief Society (although the bishop still holds the keys). The EQ Pres is responsible (and has keys) for teaching in Elders quorum meetings. Now if the stake president is there, he presides and holds the keys and would be responsible (just as if Pres. Monson visited a ward, he would preside and be responsible for correct teaching).

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Every member has the right to speak when prompted by the Spirit. I am referring to our classes, our auxiliary meetings, and out in the world among friends, family, and co-workers. In these situations it is not always possible or necessary to run and find the nearest bishop or stake president. :D

However, it is true that the teachers in Sunday School and Primary are responsible for teaching and correcting doctrine, as well as auxiliary leaders in our HP, EQ, and RS meetings. But that is not to say that a member should refrain from participating in the discussion when prompted to by the Spirit. Many truths can be added, and should be added, by all members when prompted. The Spirit would not prompt a person to speak if it was not God's will to do so. Better to have someone follow the prompting, if given, than for everybody or anybody to ignore it and an investigator or member go home confused, hurt, or offended.

This is why the Spirit dwells with those who are worthy, regardless of calling, so that all may learn, all may participate, and all may be edified.

May I mention that this is also why members should also be engaging in regular gospel study. Too many members only read their scriptures when called upon during lessons and classes on Sunday. Too many members depend upon others to give them gospel instruction. Too many teachers only study their lesson the night before or in the morning during sacrament. Too many speakers prepare their talk the night before or hours before sacrament.

There have been a few times in my 14 years of membership that I have come home with a troubled heart by something that was said, and NOT addressed in Church. When I came home I pondered the matter, researched it for myself, and/or discussed it with my husband. Although I did not like incorrect doctrine being taught, I was VERY grateful for the ability and responsibility that I had to ponder and investigate the matter for myself. In the end, my testimony ended up being strengthened on that very gospel principle or doctrine that had been incorrectly taught.

I believe in proper priesthood authority in all things. I know that members are responsible for studying and learning the gospel on a regular basis and developing a personal, lasting, and real knowledge of God and Jesus Christ that is not dependant on what they hear in Church on Sunday. I also know that the Holy Ghost would never direct us to do anything contrary to God's will, because the Holy Ghost only directs us by and through God's will. So, any member, when directed by the Spirit, may speak the truths that God would have others to hear.

Edited by Tough Grits
Had to remove an errant comma :o)
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