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I have been divorced from my ex-wife for just over 3 years. As part of the divorce decree I was given the right to require random drug tests. Over the course of the past 3 years or so my ex-wife has passed 2 drug tests on the first attempt.

Currently the only penalty outlined in my divorce papers is that she loses visitation until she successfully passes a drug test and then her visitation is restored. I am now in the process of working to amend my divorce papers to be more specific as to what is and is not allowed and also implement increasingly more restrictive penalties for failed drug tests.

I know how to file the paper work and am consulting with an attorney. What I need is a good drug testing policy and outline for penalties in the form of loss of visitation. Anyone have any ideas?

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(This is not legal advice; just some pragmatic pointers):

Your profile says you're in Payson. For alcohol-related criminal cases in Utah, as part of their probation offenders are often given a drug/alcohol evaluation and then required to take a course called 'Prime for Life". One (but not the only) provider of such evaluations and courses is an organization called NEFA. You might want to call them and see if they could work with you in your situation. If they can, see if you can build that into your modified divorce decree.

The temptation in these kinds of cases is to just try to write Mom out of the equation entirely, and at some point that may be necessary. But remember, even though you divorced this lady, she's still your kids' mom. Your job isn't to punish her; it's to get her to step up and be healthy so that she can have a functional and positive relationship with your kids.

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Thanks Just_A_Guy. I will give them a call.

If there were a way to remove her from my kids' life without hurting them I would. She is a bad influence in so many ways. However, they love her very much so make every effort possible to facilitate visitation. Having said that, every decision I make regarding her visitation is based on the safety of my daughters. I want her to be a part of their life for their sake. But I need them to be safe while they are with her.

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Have you considered supervised visitation? If the drug test is clean then and only then will there be supervised visitation. The cost of the drug test and the supervised visit is her responsibility.

What this does is show how serious the addicted parent is to getting clean.

There aren't many supervised visit agencies in Utah. The main one in SLC I wouldn't recommend. My son uses WillWin, but they aren't close to Payson.

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