I'm a Mom, I got this.


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Try being a man and catching yourself doing those things your mother did. A friend had a makeup smudge that was just bugging me, so I got out my handkerchief and wiped at it. It didn't come off, and without thinking, I licked the handkerchief and wiped the smudge right off. She froze for a couple seconds, then said "did you just do what I thought you just did?"

After I realized what I did, we both hit the floor laughing. I'd done that to my daughters plenty of times, and it just happened like some weird instinct I picked up from my mom.

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My four-year-old does the third one all the time, and it drives me NUTS!!

I remember doing the third one a lot. Ha ha.

My daughter does the fourth one frequently, and THAT drives me nuts, especially when you're eating the exact same thing that is on her plate or already in her hand!

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