What makes you stay?


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Why do you stay in the LDS Church? I'm not necessarily interested in why you joined the Church, but why you stay. Have you ever considered leaving? What brought you back?

I stay because I made a covenant with G-d (baptism). To date I have found no intelligent reason to consider breaking my covenant with G-d nor have I found or been commanded of G-d to make other covenants (leave). But I must admit that I have not always wanted to keep my covenants and have wished that I could just run away from my priesthood responsibilities - I take some solus in knowing Jesus also on at least one occasion wished to run away from his priesthood responsibilities.

Perhaps it was my upbringing but breaking one's word (covenant) is not an honest option - though it may seem at the time the easiest. Perhaps there are honorable exceptions - but so far I have intended and determined to keep my promises or covenants.

The Traveler

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I stay because I have a firm testimony of the gospel. I stay because of the beauty of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I stay because of the wonderful blessing of eternal families. I stay because I have seen many people morally, spiritually and even physically lost without the framework the gospel provides. The gospel is wonderful!!!

I do struggle with going to church, however. Oh, I'm active, but actually attending ranges from moderately uncomfortable to absolutely miserable. If I didn't have such a strong testimony I would have left long ago.

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I do struggle with going to church, however. Oh, I'm active, but actually attending ranges from moderately uncomfortable to absolutely miserable. If I didn't have such a strong testimony I would have left long ago.

Double thanks to this part.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

I do struggle with going to church, however. Oh, I'm active, but actually attending ranges from moderately uncomfortable to absolutely miserable. If I didn't have such a strong testimony I would have left long ago.

Amen! Me too.

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  • 1 month later...

Why do you stay in the LDS Church? I'm not necessarily interested in why you joined the Church, but why you stay. Have you ever considered leaving? What brought you back?

At the moment, I am standing before the question whether I shall stay in the church, or leave the church? No easy question and also prayers do not help (at least me) at it much. I still remain I in the church to which church because I would not know shall go ( or, whether I at all still believe in God ).

I still stay in the church although I do not believe everything any more which is told to me.

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At the moment, I am standing before the question whether I shall stay in the church, or leave the church? No easy question and also prayers do not help (at least me) at it much. I still remain I in the church to which church because I would not know shall go ( or, whether I at all still believe in God ).

I still stay in the church although I do not believe everything any more which is told to me.

That's a hard place to be in.

But, at least in my experience, a good one.

For when we stop taking other people's word as gospel, we find our own truths.

Its that perpetual act of growing up. Whether as a person, no longer taking out parents word, but needing to experience for ourselves... As a scholar, no longer taking an author at face value but conducting our own critical reasoning & research... As an employee, shifting from learning the job to knowing the job... Or in matters of religion, needing to form pur own relationship with God...Its a hard transition. Its comfortable, bèing able to rely on others who know best. But, hopefully, a good one... As we becomes the ones who know best, ourselves.

All my best,


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At the moment, I am standing before the question whether I shall stay in the church, or leave the church? No easy question and also prayers do not help (at least me) at it much. I still remain I in the church to which church because I would not know shall go ( or, whether I at all still believe in God ).

I still stay in the church although I do not believe everything any more which is told to me.

What kinds of things about the doctrine do you no longer believe?

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Of the people I know that left the church, it seems to be a lot about doctrinal issues. We can say all these things that we want about how they just got offended, wanted to drink alcohol, have unwed sex, etc. However, I think we know better than to dismiss people's reasons for leaving by making judgments and throwing labels. Whether we like it or not a lot of people are leaving the LDS church and many of them were devoted active members at one time.

What seems to make people stay is the community and security along with the satisfaction of their worldview.

People who feel unworthy to tend to have an easier means of departure of the church, but given the high standard, in some way everyone can feel at least partially unworthy.

Lots of variables here obviously.

I wholeheartedly agree. While some people do leave because they were offended in some way or because they aren't living Church standards and/or keeping the commandments, there are also those who leave because they have serious unanswered gospel questions or disbeliefs. I am currently inactive (in that I don't attend church, but keep the commandments) and have been for several years. To wit, I do not believe prayers are answered and have very serious doubts about revelation, especially personal revelation.

You make a good point about the community and security, which is especially important to those of us who live in areas where there are not many members. A lack of that community feeling and belonging ("feeling the love" if you will) can indeed be of great influence, but for many is not the key to why they stay or leave. (It bugs me to no end when I run into a member at the supermarket and he or she tells me how much they miss me. Really? You know where I live & you know my phone number - where have you been for the last 10 years? You really expect me to believe you miss me?)

No amount of you "testifying" that prayers are answered, God loves us all, etc., has any affect on me - I'm not "hard hearted," but I don't feel those things.

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What kinds of things about the doctrine do you no longer believe?

With all due respect, Pam, but I don't wanna talk about it yet.

But these are questions of basic importance. Questions, which arose from it what I have had read on the Internet in photocopies of books like Church History or Journal of Discourses.

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That's a hard place to be in.

But, at least in my experience, a good one.

For when we stop taking other people's word as gospel, we find our own truths.

But I'm afraid of, what I might find out. I don't wanna leave the church. Perhaps it is better to stop it now?

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i think of myself as a pretty faithful guy and I went through a brief period of discovery so to speak where church history as I understood it seemed at odds with other sources of history. My Bishop at the time told me that (in reference to another member leaving over church history) that sometimes we can become so preoccupied with learning the truth that we forget the most important truth we learned...the truth taught by the Spirit.

I view history differently now and recognize that perspectives vary depending on the author and the agenda and also recognize that there is much much more to the story than what is generally highlighted by those seeking to disprove the claims of the Church. the message of the restored Gospel is clear and all efforts should be made to proclaim that truth and as we all know...the things of God can only be known by the power of the Holy Spirit. The rest of it leads us to contention and ultimately makes us miserable like unto the Adversary himself.

I still enjoy reading church history and still scratch my head at times as history can be sketchy at best sometimes. We recently saw the Joseph Smith movie in SLC and I recall the scene with Joseph translating and there was a time when that would have troubled me because it didn't show him using the Urim and Thumin or the Seer Stone or the hat. But now I understand better that JS used different means as he learned and grew over time and perhaps the church shows only one means of translation as that tends to be more palatable and easier to understand initially by the average convert.

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I joined the church 15 years ago, soon after college. After joining, I learned more about the restored gospel which wasn't previously taught or relevant before I was baptized. This caused great conflict, it really tested my faith. So, for the past 15 years, I have fluctuated between activity and non-activity. The times of inactivity have come mainly because I have been TIRED. Tired of the internal struggle. And tired of being alone in what really is a different world (for someone raised Catholic). My times of activity have been strongly influenced by my desire to do what is best for my family.

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I have has periods of being inactive, but to take my name of the list I would never do. If it needed to be done I hope I would be able to endure it and get myself back on the list., While I was in active or sturgging with myself, I did think it would be easier to go to another church but I would never do that. I know where I belong! I know where my home is! The works of darkness is always against us, to bring us out of the church to try to destroy the church. The war continues Til some day it will finally be over and we will have peace. Can u amagine how wonderful that day will be??

Even when I was inactive due to not going to church or my sins, the church was always in me I still lived most of the principals did I feel like a hipocrate?? at times I did, but I have too come learn that I was not and I am not. I am a in perfect person striving and trying. And know now to never give up and never judge myself to anyone alse. Do i at times feel like giving up ??? of course but I hope to win the race or war.

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Jesus comforts, but his calling was not about comfort. He told his disciples things would be tough. The Apostle Paul's litany of his own suffering is incredible. Christ called himself the Truth, the Way, the Life--never the Relaxed, the Comfortable, or the Best Personality Fit.

We go to our organized houses of worship to meet God, and to minister to one another. Jesus said that if we cannot love each other we do not love God. The writer of Hebrews said that we should not forsake the assembling of ourselves, as some are in the habit of doing.

I've heard here that the inactive rate among LDS is about 60%. Other churches may vary, but none are likely to be that much higher.

The one who says, "I'm not comfortable with organized religion," may or may not be selfish (individualist, if that sounds nicer), but they certainly are not apprehending and embracing God's best for them.

I dont believe that we, or I can say that I love everyone, thou I love alot of people, I do know that I care for people, even those I do not know.

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At the moment, I am standing before the question whether I shall stay in the church, or leave the church? No easy question and also prayers do not help (at least me) at it much. I still remain I in the church to which church because I would not know shall go ( or, whether I at all still believe in God ).

I still stay in the church although I do not believe everything any more which is told to me.

Pray, Pray, Pray.................

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I wholeheartedly agree. While some people do leave because they were offended in some way or because they aren't living Church standards and/or keeping the commandments, there are also those who leave because they have serious unanswered gospel questions or disbeliefs. I am currently inactive (in that I don't attend church, but keep the commandments) and have been for several years. To wit, I do not believe prayers are answered and have very serious doubts about revelation, especially personal revelation.

You make a good point about the community and security, which is especially important to those of us who live in areas where there are not many members. A lack of that community feeling and belonging ("feeling the love" if you will) can indeed be of great influence, but for many is not the key to why they stay or leave. (It bugs me to no end when I run into a member at the supermarket and he or she tells me how much they miss me. Really? You know where I live & you know my phone number - where have you been for the last 10 years? You really expect me to believe you miss me?)

No amount of you "testifying" that prayers are answered, God loves us all, etc., has any affect on me - I'm not "hard hearted," but I don't feel those things.

Its ok if thats where u are at this time....I know you are not hard hearted.....renemeber the people of the church are not perfect at all...But Its his gospel....my advice is try to go back to church, the church wont fall down and kill everyone cause u went....start to plant those tiny seeds of faith........and if u fall, or fail....keep trying..,,,get up.. Even if u just know the church is good hold on to that.....until it grows in u.....step by step.,. baby steps is fine..your faith can grow again...and bloosom.....good luck

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With all due respect, Pam, but I don't wanna talk about it yet.

But these are questions of basic importance. Questions, which arose from it what I have had read on the Internet in photocopies of books like Church History or Journal of Discourses.

when your ready to talk about it Gunar, we will be here for you....and know that the people in your ward will be there for u as well, if u let them in....sometimes its easier to talk in here, even thou we are all brothers and sisters, most of us dont know each other face to face. But that doesnt mean that we dont care. I know that we do indeed care and thats whats so great about this site....

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I stay,... because it is true. From real... profound... answers... to prayer. From experiences that are personal and undeniable.

Consider repelling. The first time you throw yourself over the edge backwards is a remarkable experience where you have worked to overcome the paradigms of your mind and "trust" what you've been instructed. It's not something most of us just do, we have a struggle. The instructions are in the scriptures and the words of our Prophet. The 'edge' to overcome is in our minds. What we learn from the experience transcends mortal understanding. You can share it with others, but the experience is lost until 'they' do it for themselves.

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On the last day of my mission I sat down with my mission president for a final interview and he said

" Elder .... what ever you do don't go less active" I nearly turned to him and said " are you out of your mind, why would I ever consider going less active?

While I never have I know peope who have and sometimes I scratch my head wondering what happened.

I think sometimes people get confused between the church and the gospel of Jesus Christ. I got to church first and foremost to worship God.

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On the last day of my mission I sat down with my mission president for a final interview and he said

" Elder .... what ever you do don't go less active" I nearly turned to him and said " are you out of your mind, why would I ever consider going less active?

While I never have I know peope who have and sometimes I scratch my head wondering what happened.

I think sometimes people get confused between the church and the gospel of Jesus Christ. I got to church first and foremost to worship God.

Sometimes people struggle with faith and belief. I've wondered my entire life what path is right for me, I find something and there is something within that faith I strongly disagree with or just don't believe in.

What do you do when you wonder of the belief of God and there are no answers that satisfy your questions.

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What do you do when you wonder of the belief of God and there are no answers that satisfy your questions.

This question, is in part, due to the current philosophy of our educational learning. People look for truth that they agree with, instead of seeking truth (the knowledge of things as they are, as they have been, and as they will always be).

This is the reason why there are so many religions and different forms of philosophy all proclaiming they have truth.

The ultimate question, is there a God? If so, is this God able to reveal the truth to me? Not is there a God? If so, then this God's truth needs to be inline with my truth.

These are two different types of hearts asking the same question "Is there a God," with different ears to hear and eyes to see.

What I find most interesting, in our Church members, is individuals who have been revealed that this is God's Church and truth, but when God's truth is revealed they recoil instead of embracing the truth, because the revealed truth doesn't perfectly shape within their guidelines of truth.

Thus the simple question, Is there a God, and if so, can he reveal himself should lead a person to seek his truth, once the truth is revealed. We begin to change from, my truth, to what is actual truth and the actual truth being revealed by God, the author of truth.

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I know for people I know or knew, it was more they disagreed heavily with the church and dogma of religion, then the actual belief in God itself.

I have family that belief in God and Jesus but don't go to church of any sort. It would take a while to explain all the beliefs and reasoning behind it.

I think for me the church issue is a tad simpler to talk about, I am just really shy. I didn't go seek out other Wiccans or Neo Pagans when I was a part of that and I wouldn't go to an LDS meetinghouse (that's the right word right?) if I converted (well I'd go to one, obviously once to beptized, but one in another city so no one where I live would know and find me).

I am just a very solitary individual and well bizarre.

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I think for me the church issue is a tad simpler to talk about, I am just really shy. I didn't go seek out other Wiccans or Neo Pagans when I was a part of that and I wouldn't go to an LDS meetinghouse (that's the right word right?) if I converted (well I'd go to one, obviously once to beptized, but one in another city so no one where I live would know and find me).

The Gospel of Jesus Christ as understood by Latter-day Saints is not one of, "Baptized and done." In fact one of the baptismal interview questions is:

You have been taught that membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints includes living gospel standards. What do you understand of the following standards? Are you willing to obey them?


d. The Sabbath day, including partaking of the sacrament weekly and rendering service to fellow members.

It's unlikely if you stated your intentions as you have here, in an baptismal interview, that you would be baptized. Actually it is unlikely you'd be interviewed for baptism in the first place if the missionaries teaching you were aware of your intent as stated above.

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I never said my strange fears were right, and reading them myself, they do seem very silly.

I also know I would get panic attacks, and perhaps they would have advice on that. I have never really asked a missionary about that, I find it to be embarassing at times.

No one would want to admit to a Bishop "hey I don't want to go church because I am quite afraid of meeting new people and making a total idiot of myself as I seem to be prone to do"

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