I really like the idea of family

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I am female and 24. I recently did some research about your church and community and I really like that family is so important! I like the idea of being with someone forever (If he is the right guy), this can be something wonderful, I am sure. I also like how men are being raised: They really learn how to be with and to truly love a woman. I also watched a lot of YouTube videos and documentaries because of my vast interest and they don't always align with what they have to say about your religion. I have heard things such as Mormons are racist and women are 2nd class, you are against gay people. I believe that men and women are equal and I believe that mormon mothers taught their sons to be respectful and loving, calm, caring and protecting. I do not believe that Mormons are racist or against gay people. They love people for who they are. There will always be people that hate but I would not agree that this is an overall taught.

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I have heard things such as Mormons are racist

It's true. We like guys named Ray and gals named Rae. We're totally partial that way.

and women are 2nd class,

Patently false. Only the young men are Second Class. But most of them work their way up to First Class, and some continue on to Star, Life, and even Eagle.

you are against gay people

Only dour, unhappy people are truly accepted at Church. Gaiety and laughter are strictly prohibited. As you know, Mormons can't dance, but it isn't for lack of trying. And of course, there is the old question of

, but I think Rebecca and Sam covered that issue thoroughly.

PS Just funnin' ya.

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It's true. We like guys named Ray and gals named Rae. We're totally partial that way.

Patently false. Only the young men are Second Class. But most of them work their way up to First Class, and some continue on to Star, Life, and even Eagle.

Only dour, unhappy people are truly accepted at Church. Gaiety and laughter are strictly prohibited. As you know, Mormons can't dance, but it isn't for lack of trying. And of course, there is the old question of

, but I think Rebecca and Sam covered that issue thoroughly.

PS Just funnin' ya.

Haha, what? I really wasn't trying to offend you. I just researched a lot and those were 3 things that would sometimes pop up but that weren't true for me.. because I researched A LOT. I can't laugh about any Mormon jokes as I have never even met a Mormon in my life and I have travelled all around the world, lived in the United States at some point and now in Europe. I was just honestly interested in what you would respond to those things. I genuinely think that you teach GREAT values and that I can see a lot of warmth.

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I am female and 24. I recently did some research about your church and community and I really like that family is so important! I like the idea of being with someone forever (If he is the right guy), this can be something wonderful, I am sure. I also like how men are being raised: They really learn how to be with and to truly love a woman. I also watched a lot of YouTube videos and documentaries because of my vast interest and they don't always align with what they have to say about your religion. I have heard things such as Mormons are racist and women are 2nd class, you are against gay people. I believe that men and women are equal and I believe that mormon mothers taught their sons to be respectful and loving, calm, caring and protecting. I do not believe that Mormons are racist or against gay people. They love people for who they are. There will always be people that hate but I would not agree that this is an overall taught.

You will always hear negative things about the church, thats why it is so important for you to research it out for yourself. By going to church, to taking the missionary lessons. anyone can tell u anything good, not so good, or wrong or bad. Take the steps, as it seems like u have already 1.by utube, 2. by coming in here. we will help u, direct u, but again u can only find out by going to the church, the missionary lessons, and partaking. Praying is very important. Call up the church ask for missionarys to visit, or just walk in on a sunday ask to speak with the missionaries.

Women are not 2nd class at all. we are equal's we just play a different role. Women are much needed in the church, if not how would things get done?? lol...a joke, but true rflol

If we are striving to live right then we love and welcome all. We love all, just not the sin. We beleive we can all repent and turn our lives around with the help of The Lord.

Also I laugh alot, and I got flowers last sat so there u go .........

Edited by Roseslipper
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Don't worry about it =). Vort was just poking fun at some of the things you wrote.

You are right that the doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is against racism, teaches the Law of Chastity and the divine roles, responsibilities and nature of both men and women.

Regarding the family I refer you to:The Family: A Proclamation to the World

Regarding equality I refer you to:


President George Albert Smith

“When the Prophet Joseph Smith turned the key for the emancipation of womankind, it was turned for all the world, and from generation to generation the number of women who can enjoy the blessings of religious liberty and civil liberty has been increasing” (“Address to the Members of the Relief Society,” Relief Society Magazine, Dec. 1945, 717).

President Spencer W. Kimball

“Our roles and assignments differ. These are eternal differences—with women being given many tremendous responsibilities of mother hood and sisterhood and men being given the tremendous responsibilities of fatherhood and the priesthood—but the man is not without the woman nor the woman without the man in the Lord (see 1 Cor. 11:11). . . . “Even though the eternal roles of men and women differ, . . . this leaves much to be done by way of parallel personal development—for both men and women” (“The Role of Righteous Women,” Ensign, Nov. 1979, 102).

“We do not want our LDS women to be silent partners or limited partners in that eternal assignment! Please be a contributing and full partner” (“Privileges and Responsibilities of Sisters,” Ensign, Nov. 1978, 106).

President Howard W. Hunter

“A man who holds the priesthood accepts his wife as a partner in the leadership of the home and family with full knowledge of and full participation in all decisions relating thereto. . . . The Lord intended that the wife be a helpmeet for man (meet means equal)—that is, a companion equal and necessary in full partnership” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1994, 68; or Ensign, Nov. 1994, 50–51).

President Gordon B. Hinckley

“I see my own companion of fifty-two years. Is her contribution less acceptable before the Lord than is mine? I am satisfied it is not. She has walked quietly at my side, sustained me in my responsibilities, reared and blessed our children, served in many capacities in the Church, and spread an unmitigated measure of cheer and goodness wherever she has gone. The older I grow the more I appreciate—yes, the more I love—this little woman with whom I knelt at the altar in the house of the Lord more than half a century ago” (“Rise to the Stature of the Divine within You,” Ensign, Nov. 1989, 97).

President Boyd K. Packer

“In the Church there is a distinct line of authority. We serve where called by those who preside over us. “In the home it is a partnership with husband and wife equally yoked together, sharing in decisions, always working together. While the husband, the father, has responsibility to provide worthy and inspired leadership, his wife is neither behind him nor ahead of him but at his side” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1998, 96; or Ensign, May 1998, 73).

Elder Bruce R. McConkie

“Where spiritual things are concerned, as pertaining to all of the gifts of the Spirit, with reference to the receipt of revelation, the gaining of testimonies, and the seeing of visions, in all matters that pertain to godliness and holiness and which are brought to pass as a result of personal righteousness—in all these things men and women stand in a position of absolute equality before the Lord” (“Our Sisters from the Beginning,” Ensign, Jan. 1979, 61).

“The Lord never sends apostles and prophets and righteous men to minister to his people without placing women of like spiritual stature at their sides. . . . The exaltation of the one is dependent upon that of the other” (Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 3:302).

Elder Boyd K. Packer

“Your wife is your partner in the leadership of the family and should have full knowledge of and full participation in all decisions relating to your home”(in Conference Report, Apr. 1994, 26; or Ensign, May 1994, 21).

Elder James E. Faust

“How should those who bear the priesthood treat their wives and the other women in their family? Our wives need to be cherished. They need to hear their husbands call them blessed, and the children need to hear their fathers generously praise their mothers (see Proverbs 31:28). The Lord values his daughters just as much as he does his sons. In marriage, neither is superior; each has a different primary and divine responsibility. Chief among these different responsibilities for wives is the calling of motherhood. I firmly believe that our dear faithful sisters enjoy a special spiritual enrichment which is inherent in their natures” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1993, 54; or Ensign, Nov. 1993, 38–39).

“Both fathers and mothers do many intrinsically different things for their children. Both mothers and fathers are equipped to nurture children, but their approaches are different. Mothers seem to take a dominant role in preparing children to live within their families, present and future. Fathers seem best equipped to prepare children to function in the environment outside the family” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1993, 44–45; or Ensign,

May 1993, 35).

Elder Dallin H. Oaks

“We live in a day when there are many political, legal, and social pressures for changes that confuse gender and homogenize the differences between men and women. Our eternal perspective sets us against changes that alter those separate duties and privileges of men and women that are essential to accomplish the great plan of happiness. We do not oppose all changes in the treatment of men and women, since some changes in laws or customs simply correct old wrongs that were never grounded in eternal principles” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1993, 99; or Ensign, Nov. 1993, 73–74).

Elder M. Russell Ballard

Sisters “want to be heard and valued and want to make meaningful contributions to the stake or ward and its members that will serve the Lord and help accomplish the mission of the Church. . . . “Brethren, please be sure you are seeking the vital input of the sisters in your council meetings” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1993, 103; or Ensign, Nov. 1993, 76).

Sister Eliza R. Snow

“‘The status of women is one of the questions of the day. Socially and politically it forces itself upon the attention of the world. Some . . . refuse to concede that woman is entitled to the enjoyment of any rights other than those which the whims, fancies or justice, as the case may be, of men may choose to grant her. The reasons which they cannot meet with argument they decry and ridicule; an old refuge for those opposed to correct principles which they are unable to controvert. Others, again, not only recognize that woman’s status should be improved, but are so radical in their extreme theories that they would set her in antagonism to man, assume for her a separate and opposing existence; and to show how entirely independent she should be would make her adopt the more reprehensible phases of character which men present, and which should be shunned or improved by them instead of being copied by women. These are the two extremes, and between them is the ‘golden mean.’”(“Woman’s Status,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 July 1872, 29).

Edited by Martain
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