How many hours do you spend at your computer per day


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While trying to follow the WoW, it is becoming apparent to me there is a strong theme based around addiction. I easily spend ten hours or more online every day. I'm sure the mods here, see my IP repeated a million times in their logs, lol.

I'm thinking of assigning myself a five hour limit on the computer, outside of job searches, and homework. Do any of you also feel you may have an internet addiction problem?

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No. Giving the time I spend is difficult as I tend to intermix recreational computing with academic computing. That is to say that while working on homework I'll take breaks and read a thread or two before getting back to it. It also varies, when I don't have deadlines and obligations the use increases, when I have a bunch of obligations that have to be met the time spent on recreational computing decreases. When I'm between semesters the free time I have increases, I can still spend a few hours every day doing chores and spend significant amounts of time on recreational computing.

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No. Giving the time I spend is difficult as I tend to intermix recreational computing with academic computing. That is to say that while working on homework I'll take breaks and read a thread or two before getting back to it. It also varies, when I don't have deadlines and obligations the use increases, when I have a bunch of obligations that have to be met the time spent on recreational computing decreases. When I'm between semesters the free time I have increases, I can still spend a few hours every day doing chores and spend significant amounts of time on recreational computing.

I can totally respect that, my problem is that I definitely push aside obligations, such as right now I should be doing the laundry and moping the floor. Yet, here I am responding to you, lol. I'm also on facebook, youtube, researching about how people clear out hair clogs in bath drains, looking at jobs at Employ Florida, reading about LDS stuff, doing a search on my sailboat model, looking at internet addiction, etc, etc..

I'm hopeless, lol.

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I definately do as well. Lately it has been changing alot, because i am trying to spend less time at the computer, but i can easily spend just as much time at the computer as you!

Found this yesterday:

Posted Image

Scary facts! :D

Edited by Milluw
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I don't think I have an addiction, but I do spent so much of my life in front of a computer it's ridiculous.

A typical day for me is to wake up and almost immediately remotely log onto work network to check all is running okay. Travel to work whilst checking and responding to email on my phone. Spent the next 9 hours in front of my workstation, before making the journey back home, also responding to emails and alerts on my phone. Once home, ill often log in remotely again for an hour or so, to finish up for the day. Then usually my family have one or two computer based issues for me to resolve, finishing up my evening. Rinse, and repeat.

Typed on my phone. Please excuse errors.

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I work from home so on a good day I'll spend 8-10 hours, on a bad day 10-12, on a horrific day (end of the month reconciliation time) 12-14, if I'm programming something 14-18, if someone is saying something wrong on the internet and needs to be set straight 18-24.

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I don't actually own a computer.


((TheEx was/is a programmer. At one point we had something like 9 on a regular basis, and 15-20 occasionally. Including a Linux Box & something else that's even more "cool" (kewl?) 1337, whatever, than Linnux. Forget the name. ANYHOW, the flock of putters went with him. I have a phone & iPad. Hence some of the rather spectacular lack of editing in my posts & autocorrect. But I take something of a fiendish delight in not actually owning a "real" computer ;) ))

Okay, back into the spirit of the Q, it varies. A whole lot. Which means a question of my own:

By time on the computer do you include:

- Word processing (typewriter)

- Photoediting (darkroom)

- Movie streaming (TV/Theatre)

- Kindle Reading (tactile books)

- Skype (phonecalls)

- Billpay (paper billing)

- Studying (library)


AND (this will really bake your noodle) if Im doing the same action NOT on a computer that parallels to a computer... Does it count? Since Im still sitting on the back of my lap?

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Good point BadWolf, I wouldn't really consider those as addictive things. I spend most of my time researching a bunch of things, I will never have a use for - or engaging in conversation that really sets me in a bad mood (yahoo answers.. my how I hate thee) or playing MMORPGs for hours upon hours (I gave that up a few months ago though).

To be honest, since I wrote this question I have been laying here in my bed, reading stuff off of the internet. I've been at it now, for 14 hours - almost straight. Outside of applying to a few jobs, none of it was really productive in any way. I'm surprised I'm not huge, from lack of activity. With that said, my kids and wife went out roller skating earlier after they get out of school. Usually, I stop when they get home, to help with their homework and hang out. If I didn't have kids or a wife, I could see myself doing this every day.

Edited by Jeffmk
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I spend about 12 hours a day on the computer. But then again my main job is dealing with social media such as facebook, websites, tweets etc. So not much way I can get out of it without looking for another job. Forget that. I have the dream job now I've always wanted.

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I spend about 12 hours a day on the computer. But then again my main job is dealing with social media such as facebook, websites, tweets etc. So not much way I can get out of it without looking for another job. Forget that. I have the dream job now I've always wanted.

See, that is a job I would like. Before I got laid off, I spent most of my time doing IT support for a call center.. I actually miss it a lot. I'm in college for computer programming, but honestly I don't think anyone is going to be interested in a 40 year old graduate :(

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