Bring Baby Sammy Home!


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CPS Takes Baby After Parents Seek Second Medical Opinion

PC's post about closure to news stories reminded me of this story I read last night. My take on it is, once you take a child to the hospital you are no longer the guardian of said child. Since when was a second opinion a bad thing?

Another link: Sacramento couple still unclear why CPS took their baby boy after dispute with doctors |

On Thursday, the family met with leaders of Sacramento's Slavic community hoping to get help. That resulted in a one-hour visit with Sammy, but the couple's attorney said they were not allowed to see the boy's medical chart. The parents said they did not have a chance to talk to doctors about Sammy's health either.

Then on Friday, the couple and their attorney managed to secure a second one-hour visit with Sammy, but only if they agreed to much stricter pre-conditions.

"She called us back and said we can have this visit at 6 o'clock without any video camera in the room, without taking any pictures," Anna said, describing her conversation with CPS.

Another update! Judge orders transport of Baby Sammy to Stanford Medical Center |

At least the baby is out of Sutter.

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Me, too. And Eowyn, we are good parents! It's terrible for goodly parents to be so scared of an agency that is suppose to help children

I've been reading the comments (I tell myself to never read comments but I do it anyways lol) and it seems like we have good company :(

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They scare me too. They have too much authority. And the medical community often make claims which are taken as fact when often they are only opinion.

My sister faced a false accusation from an ER doctor several years ago. If not for her standing in the community it could have had a horrific ending. As a defense for herself and to try to ensure the doctor involved didn't make false accusations against another parent, she had to hire an attorney. It was money she could have spent on something more productive for you children.

What do parents who don't have thousands of dollars do? The parents in Ca are poor. How do they fight a corrupt system?

Even when DCFS,\(finally after years of abuse) took the kids away from my grandson's mother, it was scary to have them in my life. I was so very grateful for a judge who saw the truth of the situation and discontinued services. The DCFS case workers were shocked at the time. One said they always have control until they determined they don't need to be involved. When she said that chills ran up my spine.

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Sounds like the main issue in this story was the removal of the child without proper discharge orders. Reading between the lines, it does appear the relationship between the parents and the first doctor was hostile. So, perhaps (speculation here) this first doctor suspected mistreatment by the parents? If so, were these parents trying to find less suspecting medical professionals? Questions here, not accusations.

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CPS Takes Baby After Parents Seek Second Medical Opinion

PC's post about closure to news stories reminded me of this story I read last night. My take on it is, once you take a child to the hospital you are no longer the guardian of said child. Since when was a second opinion a bad thing?

Another link: Sacramento couple still unclear why CPS took their baby boy after dispute with doctors |

Another update! Judge orders transport of Baby Sammy to Stanford Medical Center |

At least the baby is out of Sutter.

This is news?

I thought we had all agreed that all your children are belong to the State.

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Sounds like the main issue in this story was the removal of the child without proper discharge orders. Reading between the lines, it does appear the relationship between the parents and the first doctor was hostile. So, perhaps (speculation here) this first doctor suspected mistreatment by the parents? If so, were these parents trying to find less suspecting medical professionals? Questions here, not accusations.

I've been following the case a bit more closely than that.

The Nikolaev family had been seeing their own doctor at Sutter on a semi weekly basis since the baby was born, without incident.

It was the doctors and nurses at the NICU who were raging incompetents.

First, Mrs. N caught a nurse administering antibiotics to the child without explanation- which turned out to be in error. The doctors admitted that the child should not have been receiving the injections.

The doctors and nurses had already screwed up care of the child, weakening, if not destroying their credibility with the Nikolaevs.

With this question in their minds, the parents were alarmed when the doctors began talking about emergency surgery (when their own pediatrician had assured them such surgery was not immediately necessary), and became increasingly indifferent and hostile to their questions.

That was the point where they took the child to Kaiser-Permanente for a second opinion.

Lo and behold, the doctors at K-P agreed with the parents and pediatrician and cleared the Nikolaev's to take their baby home. The police were already on hand because of Sutter's complaints- and he, too, cleared the Nikolaevs to go home.

In short- there was never any substantive suspicion of neglect or abuse against the Nikolaevs.


Just a mine-is-bigger-than-yours contest between Sutter Memorial and Kaiser-Permanente, and with CPS throwing its weight around just because it can.

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Lo and behold, the doctors at K-P agreed with the parents and pediatrician and cleared the Nikolaev's to take their baby home. The police were already on hand because of Sutter's complaints- and he, too, cleared the Nikolaevs to go home.

The bolded section is the aspect of the story I had missed. Yep...clinches it in my mind too. Thanks.

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If you haven't been in the Sacramento area, you should know that there are about 5 different hospitals within a 15 mile radius. Going from Sutter to Kaiser was a fairly short trip, the baby wasn't in any danger (UC Davis would have been closer, and a better baby hospital, but I digress lol).

But I would like to ask, since when can we not leave the hospital without a 'proper' discharge? Hospitals are not embassies, they do not get their own laws. They are not nation-states. We should be able to take our kids out of a hospital at any time, for any reason.

When my youngest was was born, lo these few years ago, she had jaundice and the doctors immediately wanted her supplemented with formula and on a bili blanket, and there was a def undertone of 'you better do exactly what we say or you don't get to take her home'. My first child also had jaundice as bad and all her doctor told me was keep nursing her often and put her in indirect sunlight, and she was def my baby lol. Sigh.

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I am in favor of a society having a way to legally protect and care for innocent children when their parents or guardians are unable or unwilling to do so.

But there is a heck of a lot of distance between that obvious ideal, and the bureaucratic governmental crap we humans put in place to attain that ideal. CPS may be some child's salvation, but until I fail in my stewardship, they are my child's enemy.

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