Dissertation Research - Your Help Needed

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Hi! My name is Chad Kelland! I am doctoral candidate at the APA accredited American School of Professional Psychology. I am also LDS.

I am seeking individuals who self-identify as Latter-Day Saints to participate in an online survey developed to learn more about the individual member’s beliefs and behaviors related to spirituality, religiosity and sexuality.

Participation is anonymous, is online, and simply requires 15minutes of your time. By completing the surveys, you become eligible to earn one of three $100 Amazon.com gift cards.

This study is concerned with spirituality, religiousness, and sexuality. Previous studies and literature reviews suggest that for some individuals, there exists an antagonistic relationship between their individual spirituality and religions and their own sexuality (including sexual behaviors). Religion (including spirituality) and sexuality often evoke strong emotions within people. Previous studies have found that an individual’s sexuality (including values, beliefs, and behaviors) are often impacted by their religious or spiritual beliefs and visa versa. Research suggests that often individuals do not consider the notion that one could be spiritual and sexual at the same time. What is not fully understood is how sexuality influences religious or spiritual beliefs.

It is our hope that the results provided will illustrate how one negotiates their sexuality while attempting to live their religion and maintain a level of spirituality. Furthermore, we hope to capture data that will illustrate how acting against one's values or morals impacts the intrinsic and extrinsic spiritual or religious orientation of an individual.

Minimum requirements: be at least 18-years-old and not currently receiving mental health treatment.

To participate or learn more, please visit: The Spiritual & Religious Impact of Sexual Behavior Survey.

Thank you!

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For those that may want to take this but are hesitant because of the information required for the gift card, keep in mind that is not a requirement to do the survey. I took it and opted not to enter my name into the drawing. :) Actually it never asked me which is good with me. :)

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How does anyone think they will receive a gift card without any personal information given in this survey.

I wonder if this individual is really LDS or just looking for LDS perspectives and thinks by saying he is LDS he will get more people to respond, and whether or not his name is truly "Chad Kelland."


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How does anyone think they will receive a gift card without any personal information given in this survey.

I wonder if this individual is really LDS or just looking for LDS perspectives and thinks by saying he is LDS he will get more people to respond, and whether or not his name is truly "Chad Kelland."


Appears to be reasonable legit.

Chad Kelland, MA | LinkedIn

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Hi, it is me, Chad Kelland! I am legit... I am LDS! Active, have a calling, temple recommend, and served a mission... I am also a doctoral candidate in clinical psychology!

Let me clarify... To be entered to earn the Amazon gift card, you will need to follow the instructions at the conclusion of the survey which instructs the participant to email an outside third party who is not allowed to provide my dissertation chair or myself with any contact information. At the end of the research, the third party will choose 3 individuals and contact them directly - indicating they have won and then sending them the gift cards. The third party will then delete all emails... Anonymity and confidentiality maintained. Please let me know if you have any questions... I appreciate your participation!

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Just so everyone is aware, I gave Chad permission to do this. So let's just move on. People can take it or not. But let's be polite. As I said earlier in this thread, having your name submitted for the drawing is an option that people can opt out of. It's not a requirement to participate in the survey.

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