Call me old fashioned....


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Just because someone is passionate about their belief/cause, happens to be caught in a less-than-flattering moment, and is probably not very physically attractive under normal circumstances, doesn't mean they're possessed, even if the belief/cause is contrary to your own. Let's not be dramatic.

Edited by Wingnut
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JAGs post was brilliant.

My posts were brilliant too Backroads. Invisible Anddenex. :cry:

There, there, Anddnex. There, there. You made good comments, too! Such a good boy!

(seriously, you made good comments!)

Just saying Anddenex. :itwasntme::whistling:

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Oh, dude. Anddenex, you should just HEAR the things Suzie was saying about your mom the other day. :popcorn:

JAG, awwww that's so sweet of you to remember! Yes Anddenex, I was telling JAG how wonderful, beautiful and spiritual lady she is. :itwasntme:

See, JAG posts ARE brilliant after all. ;)

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Just because someone is passionate about their belief/cause, happens to be caught in a less-than-flattering moment, and is probably not very physically attractive under normal circumstances, doesn't mean they're possessed, even if the belief/cause is contrary to your own. Let's not be dramatic.

Nope, she is definitely possessed. :eek:

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Just because someone is passionate about their belief/cause, happens to be caught in a less-than-flattering moment, and is probably not very physically attractive under normal circumstances, doesn't mean they're possessed, even if the belief/cause is contrary to your own. Let's not be dramatic.

Oh no.....I think someone who is that passionate about killing unborn children is possessed.

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I used to think something similar, until I experienced this:

I was in my mid-20's, hanging out with some friends. One friend, a lady a few years younger than me, was opining about abortion. She voiced the opinion that it should be legal for a woman to abort her baby within the first year of the baby's life.

Let me say that again: I was standing less than 2 feet away from a woman, who, being fully serious, and fully aware of what she was saying, voiced the opinion that a mother should be able to abort her baby within a year of it being born.

Let me say it a third time: This lady, who was not drunk, didn't do drugs, wasn't mentally incompetent, had a job, a boyfriend, and active social life, and was competent to vote and enter into contracts, thought a woman should be able to abort her newborn child as long as it was under a year old.

Anne, would you like to speak to your statement above? Do you believe that such a choice should be between the woman, doctor, and God? If not, why not?

By "abort", you mean "put up for adoption", right? Please tell me that's right.

I'm going to be sick... 'scuse me!

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Are you kidding me? What reason is there to wait two weeks for a dead, decaying body to be expelled by natural labor? I actually have an aunt who's baby died and was NEVER expelled. She had health problems all her life and never had any more kids either. I will gladly insult any health care provider who is that uncaring.

I dont know where you get the idea that I think its the medical profession that is in a war against women's rights. It is the far right politicians and their supportive constituents. There may be medical people in that group but that is not, specifically, who I am talking about and I never said it was.

Way to misinterpret my words.

If you want to believe certain medical situations are always and only about political agendas and some sort of evil male conspiracy, go right ahead. It's clear you are not interested in other perspectives or believe that other women may have had a different experience or - gasp - may have had an experience dictated by sound medical decisions, and not politics. Hmmm....I wonder if our stake president - who is an OB - is aware that it is politics, not medicine, that is driving these decisions he makes?

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It was signs and chants of "Satan for President" witnessed at an AFL/CIO rally in downtown Seattle as a young father and long term union member that forced me to question where I stood in politics and pushed me from a progressive socialist to eventually a social conservative.

I don't think for one minute that the people chanting are actually "Satanist". But what it does show is a lack of respect, reverence and a hatred and disdain for the spiritual and a slavery to base emotion.

...which I'm sure makes Satan happy.

Pretty disgusting behavior.

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I am not stating my own opinion. It is what the church has stated. I already said it is between a woman, her doctor, and God. I am confused why you are wondering about that. The woman in your example is not discussing abortion. She is discussing infanticide a totally different question. I would call the woman a nutcase.

"Infanticide" is the logical extension of abortion. It has been argued by Julian Savulescu in the Journal of Medical Ethics that the arguments that hold for abortions, also hold for infants, which do meet all the criteria used to rationalize abortions for a fetus.

Fundamentally, they argue that abortion and infanticide are morally equivalent. I'm sure you can find some news articles discussing the journal, it's in my opinion, the best argument against abortion.

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Way to misinterpret my words.

If you want to believe certain medical situations are always and only about political agendas and some sort of evil male conspiracy, go right ahead. It's clear you are not interested in other perspectives or believe that other women may have had a different experience or - gasp - may have had an experience dictated by sound medical decisions, and not politics. Hmmm....I wonder if our stake president - who is an OB - is aware that it is politics, not medicine, that is driving these decisions he makes?

Indeed, blaming it all on one cause is rather narrowsighted.

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Those Texas women are brave to fight against those crazy Texas guys who want to control women. It's not about saving "babies". It's all about controlling women and focusing and getting people to focus on something instead of real problems like the trade unbalance we have with China and other countries.

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Those Texas women are brave to fight against those crazy Texas guys who want to control women. It's not about saving "babies". It's all about controlling women and focusing and getting people to focus on something instead of real problems like the trade unbalance we have with China and other countries.

Oh, what the heck! 20 weeks is HALFWAY through pregnancy! That is the stage when you go for an ultrasound and learn the sex of the baby, you watch their kidneys functioning, their lungs working, you see the brain, the heart, and all other organs.

In order to "abort" a baby at this stage, their arms and legs are torn off and their skulls are crushed. Not about protecting babies, my bum!

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Women's rights on this matter makes no sense. Rape/incest/health problems aside, these women made the conscious choice not to prevent pregnancy. Yes, they went OUT OF THEIR WAYS to not keep themselves from getting pregnant. I don't believe for a moment these women did not realize pregnancy was a potential consequence.

So please do not tell me that these women who have no medical/trauma reason for abortion were robbed of a choice. We're all adults, we all are very aware these women chose to risk getting pregnant. They can't just "change their minds".

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