God told him to divorce me: Post divorce perspective

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Of course, my ex still believes that God told him to divorce me. (No one else around him does ... oh, except the other woman, of course!)

Misguided and immature people can find God's will in all kinds of insane places: fortune cookies, traffic lights, lottery tickets, the movement of clouds, the meow of a cat, and a thousand other places. I once knew a misguided and immature man who was contemplating leaving his wife for a younger woman. (Readers may think I am making this story up, but I swear it's true.) The man was driving one day in Houston and saw a billboard for a new dental clinic that had opened up. The billboard had an attractive female model with a dazzling smile. The man interpreted this as the clear voice of God saying that people should smile and be happy, and by golly dumping his wife would sure make him smile and be happy. He repeatedly described this ludicrous epiphany to others with a perfectly straight face and even compared it to the conversion of Paul on the road to Damascus. His dumped his wife and married the other woman, but she dumped him after 18 months, reportedly after she saw a dental billboard of her own from the Almighty.

When people make up their minds to do something dishonorable, they often bend over backwards to find some rationalization, even when no honorable rationale exists. My heart broke when I read what your husband did to you. I can't believe that anyone would say something that hurtful. Rebuild your life quickly and put all this behind you. I will pray tonight for your happiness.

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Greetings All,

I've appreciated all your perspective on the crazy situation I found myself in (Long story short: Husband claims God told him not to marry me. He still did. He felt damned by doing this and so was our marriage. Enter other woman. Emotional infidelity. She tells him if he's not happy to just divorce me (she being 3x divorced) Suddenly, it's "God telling him to divorce me" ... All this under the pretense of God and spiritual revelation.)

Of course, my ex still believes that God told him to divorce me. (No one else around him does ... oh, except the other woman, of course!) He claims he felt a darkness that he could not shake throughout our marriage. When he left me, he could feel it lift and every time he would see me or start to feel romantic notions for me ... The darkness would return even more crushing and dark.

Now I'm his ex. ... He tells me the darkness has COMPLETELY disappeared. Hearing this is like a dagger to my heart.

So ... What are your thoughts and perspective on the darkness suddenly lifting theory? What could be the real story behind this removal?

Answers ... Thoughts? Everyone!

Thanks so much!

P.S. I am slowly moving on. I have good days and not so good. All in all, I find myself healing. I am blessed with the knowledge of God's enduring and securing love. This will ultimately carry me through to my new life. :)

I'm glad you're healing up, and I'm certain you can do MUCH better than this sorry excuse for a man. (hug)

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