What was your first contact with lds.net?


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Back in 98/99 I started chatting at ldstalk or 'heathers room' as we so affectionately called it back then. I went there because....life for me as a teenager was a struggle. I didn't have many friends and a difficult family life, so I went to 'chat' and found people to talk to. A lot of changes over the years. (14 really????), and a lot of memories of friends with no faces, but friends none the less. And now here I am again. Checking back and seeing what's what. :)

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I found this site through the More Good Foundation. I was looking through their site trying to get the word out on a work I produced and found a link here. To be honest, I thought that this was ran by the More Good Foundation until I started reading some of the comments on this thread. You learn something new every day!

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I found this site through the More Good Foundation. I was looking through their site trying to get the word out on a work I produced and found a link here. To be honest, I thought that this was ran by the More Good Foundation until I started reading some of the comments on this thread. You learn something new every day!

This is run by the More Good Foundation. Heather joined the More Good staff several years ago and lds.net was born.

Edited by pam
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I joined because I was tired of the hate everywhere else seemed to offer. Even FB, Youtube comments, KSL (news) comment board... whenever Mormons came into the mix, everyone seemed to be very negative. I wanted a place to talk openly but not be name called.

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Do you remember what first brought you to lds.net? I remember very clearly. I had a question about sealing cancellations and one day on a whim I googled my question. There were numerous sites brought up. But lds.net wasn't anti-mormon, which was what I was looking for. My question was answered.

After that, I started "lurking" on the site as a guest. I really enjoyed reading the questions and comments. It probably took me about six months to a year before I actually joined.

What's your story? Or do you even remember?

had someone mention it while on christianforums

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I joined along time ago as well same day benraines did as a matter of fact how many yrs was it who knows along time ago I joined to chat never came to the forum.. I miss it too apple :( I wanted to talk with people in the church from all over the world.. We had a great time in the good old days like pam said we meet alot of good people...its not the same on the forum side but it is what it is...and we made friends and we helped others in and out of the church. it be nice to have a reunion chat....apple where u applesauce??

my stats on here r wrong........ohwell it doesnt matter idont sweat the small stuff.

applesauce lives in Oregon. Totally different person. :)

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I have been lurking for a good few months and now decided to finally start writing. Originally, I was looking for answers to questions I had as a new convert and my search engine started popping up anti-mormon and anti-lds sites. I had to learn to discern what I was reading and determine if it was in fact something I should be reading or listening to. I ran into this site and kept coming back. I enjoy reading a lot of the information here and enjoy seeing other faiths discussing church doctrine and other stuff in a more civil manner.

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I was called as an EQP and wanted to 'better' know how members really feel or think about things. That would make me a better EQP right?...

I first found a site active/inactive/former members go and I was really blown away. I thought active members thought/felt like me but learned otherwise.... a whole lot of incongruity for me but I learned just how diverse LDS belief systems can be.

That site was not for me though, I did some more googling and found this site. I found that participating here was not the same as mingling at church (right?); however, in hind sight, I wasn't as patience, tolerance and forbearant as I should have been, and I had my account deleted.

As I contemplated my experiences, I realized I wasn't learning about how other members really feel or think about things, I was learning about ME! About accepting others as they are... not judging, recognizing need for change in myself, the chaos I call my life.

Through all that I rejoined this forum and made it my goal to step back a bit, to listen better (a feat in and of itself,... I know). I was... and still am a work in progress. In a manner of speaking, this forum became a 'change agent' for me.

Now, in the Middle East, this forum is a lifeline. ^_^

Edited by Magen_Avot
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I first found a site active/inactive/former members go and I was really blown away. I thought active members thought/felt like me but learned otherwise.... a whole lot of incongruity for me but I learned just how diverse LDS belief systems can be.

I think that's a common experience. I know that I was surprised by the heterogeneity of LDS belief when I started encountering it, I think we tend to assume that the lessons, talks, and scriptures so clearly align with our way of thinking that everyone sees it the same way.

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I was dealing with some issues and wanted people to talk to, but was a very awkward teen (I think I was 13 at the time), so one day I did some googling, and found ldstalk and decided to join.

I seem to recall having some problems with my account not wanting to be recognized, some weird thing my computer was doing, and SoulSearcher was kind enough to help me out.

I actually "fell away" from the site shortly after it became lds.net, I guess I didn't like the change, but came back a year or two ago. Good luck getting rid of me now! :P

Edit: According to math, I was 14.

Edited by Gretchen
Poor math
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I was dealing with some issues and wanted people to talk to, but was a very awkward teen (I think I was 13 at the time), so one day I did some googling, and found ldstalk and decided to join.

I seem to recall having some problems with my account not wanting to be recognized, some weird thing my computer was doing, and SoulSearcher was kind enough to help me out.

I actually "fell away" from the site shortly after it became lds.net, I guess I didn't like the change, but came back a year or two ago. Good luck getting rid of me now! :P

Oh good thing we didn't know you were 13 then. You would have been banned. :lol:

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Pam told me she had been chatting with people back when they wrote things on metal plates.....thats was a long long long long time ago.....wow

...oh! Is that what is written on the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon... "Thread Closed" Pam~Head Moderator? :D

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...oh! Is that what is written on the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon... "Thread Closed" Pam~Head Moderator? :D

It completely is unrelated to the novel I wrote within it, after traveling back in time, I also invented a lost style of martial arts-forgot to write it down, now time owns it :lol:

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Pam told me she had been chatting with people back when they wrote things on metal plates.....thats was a long long long long time ago.....wow

Yeh and it was you and BenRaines I chatted with on those plates.

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