Campaigns beginning again


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The economic bust was in 2008 and the economy has been out of recession for at least three years. While not a sturdy recovery, a recovery none the less. I didn't vote for our current President, but, whatever bust anyone is experiencing currently, he and his ilk are at fault.

The Executive Branch of government has almost no say or control whatsoever over economic issues.

Money is the domain of the legislature and always has been (which *includes* Bush, so all the bashers of his presidency based on economics are off-base as well). People assign powers to the presidency that it simply does not have on a regular basis, because the president is the most visible member of the government.

...but in actuality, the Executive Branch is fairly weak domestically. This is why candidates who make promises about "jobs" and other economic issues are pretty much making things up (and this happens with literally *every* candidate in *every* party). They're playing to the masses who aren't read up on how our government functions.

The most the president can do is veto a bill he doesn't like...but that can be turned around in congress.

It is the legislature that holds the most domestic power, and that is where one should truly focus if one wants to change anything.

- Presidents cannot control the money supply (the Federal Reserve has that power)

- Globalization means that a great deal of our economy is subject to foreign market shifts

- Presidents can't even dictate their own budgets: Congress has final authority.

- Presidents have direct control over less than 9 percent of our annual budget, which is reserved for "discretionary spending"

The campaigns of late about "job creation" are a complete farce, and everyone is guilty. Presidents have almost zero influence over "job creation"...but they will keep pretending they do, because people believe it.

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The campaigns of late about "job creation" are a complete farce, and everyone is guilty. Presidents have almost zero influence over "job creation"...but they will keep pretending they do, because people believe it.

No...they very much influence job creation. They sign into law bills that either foster economic growth or discourage it. President Obama is not a business friendly President. Laws like the Health Care Law are punitive in nature and have a negative ripple affect through the economy. Tax policy, regulation, etc are all drivers of economic growth and bad policy makes decisions to to do business outside the US more attractive.

American businesses are more de-leveraged than anytime since the 1950's. Coincidence? I think not, they fear the damage that has and will occur as a result of Obama and his progressive, statist tendencies.

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No...they very much influence job creation. They sign into law bills that either foster economic growth or discourage it. President Obama is not a business friendly President. Laws like the Health Care Law are punitive in nature and have a negative ripple affect through the economy. Tax policy, regulation, etc are all drivers of economic growth and bad policy makes decisions to to do business outside the US more attractive.

American businesses are more de-leveraged than anytime since the 1950's. Coincidence? I think not, they fear the damage that has and will occur as a result of Obama and his progressive, statist tendencies.

Again, where did the health care law come from?


The President signed it, yes...but that bill never gets to his desk if Congress never passes it. The solution to the (in your opinion) problem is congressional.

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Again, where did the health care law come from?


The President signed it, yes...but that bill never gets to his desk if Congress never passes it. The solution to the (in your opinion) problem is congressional.

The President signed it...yes...could have vetoed...yes. Did He owns it now...and as I recall it was passed by a House and Senate controlled by the Presidents Party.

But, you will find no argument here...Congress is the problem as well....but leadership matters and the President is the leader.

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