What type of articles would you find most helpful from an LDS single adult blog?

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I just launched my blog, Single-Minded Determination, which is intended to support LDS single adults who are trying to live their lives in harmony with gospel teachings. Because my purpose is to help single adults become emotionally, spiritually, and socially self-reliant, I wanted to get your feedback on future blog posts that would be helpful to LDS single adults.

To give you an idea of the type of articles I’d like to write, here are brief descriptions of a few posts I’d like to work on over the next few months. Please weigh in and let me know what you think.

Top 10 Reasons Why Being a Mormon Single Adult is Awesome. Being a single adult isn’t easy, but the Lord didn’t send us here to fail. He sent us here to succeed gloriously and His church provides a lot of advantages to single adults. In this post, the author will take about the often overlooked, but invaluable benefits of being a Mormon Single Adult. Here’s the top 10 reasons why being an active Mormon single adult helps us enjoy life, not just endure it, to the end.

How to Deal With Rejection Through a Gospel Perspective. Rejection – whether in a personal or professional setting – is an inevitable part of life. However, that doesn’t mean we need to let it get us down. In this post, the author will talk about how gospel principles can help us keep a balanced perspective, bounce back from discouragement, and move forward confidentially despite rejection.

How to Identify & Communicate Your Unique Value Proposition. God has blessed each of us with specific talents and abilities. For us to reach our full potential and be successful in life (whether it’s advancing our careers or pursuing a romantic interest), we need to demonstrate how we provide unique value. This post will talk about how to identify your God-given strengths and explain how to best communicate that value to others.

Tough Soul, Soft Heart - how to get through a trial without hardening your heart. When going through tough times, it’s easy to allow our hearts to become hardened, jaded, and unfeeling. Having a hard heart will make it harder for us to feel the subtle promptings of the Holy Ghost, but it can be difficult to open up our hearts when we feel emotionally vulnerable. In this article, the author will share his personal experiences of overcoming trials while still working to keep a soft heart open and receptive to the Spirit.

Don’t allow perfect to become the enemy of progress. The LDS Church has high expectations and sometimes it can be difficult to feel like we measure up. In this article, the author will discuss how an obsession for perfection can hinder our spiritual growth and explain how to make steady progress despite our weaknesses and human frailties.

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You might be in a good position to counsel with the men in your influence to stay active even if they are single in a very family oriented church. Far too many of our good men go inactive once they are over 30 and unmarried. Perhaps something about that would be helpful.

Also, a trend that I saw in my many years as a single in the church is that both genders have too many unrealistic expectations of the other. Just do a search on this site alone to see the many discussions we've had on why women aren't married, why men aren't married or why they aren't dating each other.

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