Assurance through the Holy Spirit


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Wasn't sure whether to put this in Christian Beliefs or in LDS Gospel, so, if the moderators feel like moving it, feel free.

I was listening to Pastor Erwin Lutzer's Running to Win radio program this morning. He's doing a series about the armor of God, which has been interesting. In this morning's program, he said something that I found particularly interesting as a Latter-day Saint. I can only paraphrase, as I wasn't in a position to write anything down. He said that, if you ask a mature Christian who has had a long and upright walk with God if he know that Christianity is the correct way back to God, he will say yes, and he will know it because of the workings of the Holy Spirit within him. What I find interesting is that, if you change Christian to LDS/Mormon, you will get the same statement.

I don't know if there is really much to discuss out of this, but I guess it makes me think of a few questions:

1) Can both be "right" in this regard? Does the Holy Spirit give confirmation/assurance to both LDS and non-LDS regarding their faith? Is it possible that, as another thread discussed, our faiths have enough essential elements in common that the Holy Spirit can confirm the validity of both points of view?

2) Perhaps it is in opposition to question 1, but it seems that a common accusation is that one is receiving his/her assurance from a different spirit. Or one is deceiving himself/herself. If this is the case, how does one avoid being deceived?

Anyway, just throwing that out there.

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I'm not LDS so I thought I'd throw my 2 cents in.

1. I don't believe a "church" saves. God does. So a non-LDS Christian and someone who is LDS can have confirmation they are on the right track with God if they have faith in the finished work of Christ for salvation.

2. God does not lie. We can trust His word. If a spirit reveals something that isn't in accord with God's truth I assume it is a false spirit. I believe the Bible is the word of God, so if something contradicts the Bible I know it is not from God.

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There is never a time when you know everything before you join a religious group. I was devout Catholic for 30 years before I became LDS. Was the spirit I felt as a Catholic an evil spirit, the wrong spirit, a hallucination? Of course not. I learned to listen to the voice of the Spirit when I was Catholic. This same Spirit speaks to me today. As an LDS.

When a Catholic Priest declares, Jesus is the Messiah, is he wrong? If a Catholic asks God through prayer and the power of the Holy Ghost if Jesus is the Messiah, is the Holy Ghost going to answer No because you're a Catholic? No.

I am very grateful for my spiritual growth as a Catholic. It prepared me to understand the restored gospel of Christ. Line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little there a little. My spiritual journey was unique and tailored to my spiritual preparedness. With most of my learning achieved through the Catholic Church and the rest through the LDS Church. Both Churches very important to my spiritual growth.

In the end, what matters is our diligence, honesty, and humility in seeking the truth of the Kingdom of God. The Holy Spirit, in our appeal for his guidance, guides us through our journey back to God even if, in our ignorance, we go through the curvey road instead of the strait and narrow path.

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I agree with what everyone has said. Here it comes...Yeah, but...LDS theology has much more room for the Holy Spirit to guide non-LDS folk. After all, sincere Catholics, Pentecostals--even Muslims and Buddhists--can inherit the Terrestial Kingdom. Some might even suggest that a diligent, benevolent atheist could do so.

As a Pentecostal, I am so encouraged by folk who want to be led by the Holy Spirit. I've now had a couple of occasions to pray with LDS missionaries, and found that when they, or I, asked that the Spirit would lead us to all truth, everyone could say "amen" with sincerity and sans any hesitation. I've had LDS folk tell me the sensed/heard the Holy Spirit in my teaching.

So, sure, there is truth in most religious expression--certainly within the broad Christian tradition. Yet, if the LDS faith represents restored Christianity, will not the Spirit lead sincere God-seekers specifically to the Church? On the other hand, if it is not. If Joseph Smith's spiritual experiences were not quite as he reported them, then would that same Spirit not lead open-hearted LDS out of the Church?

Ironically, we know full well that some LDS do leave the Church, and some traditional Christians, including Pentecostals, do convert to the Church.

An answer we might all agree to is that the Holy Spirit has chosen to speak to us in "a still, small voice." He will nudge us, prompt us, gently lead us--but He has chosen not to overwhelm us, or to become so directive that we no longer are exercising faith or volition.

Bottom line: We agree about free will or free agency...and that's why the Spirit leads us, but will not drag us.

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  • 2 months later...


I'm not LDS so I thought I'd throw my 2 cents in.

1. I don't believe a "church" saves. God does. So a non-LDS Christian and someone who is LDS can have confirmation they are on the right track with God if they have faith in the finished work of Christ for salvation.

2. God does not lie. We can trust His word. If a spirit reveals something that isn't in accord with God's truth I assume it is a false spirit. I believe the Bible is the word of God, so if something contradicts the Bible I know it is not from God.

I agree with Irishcolleen,

If we seek God with a humble and repentant heart through his word , we will gain wisdom and understanding from the Holy Spirit . If I follow how I feel then I would be making a serious mistake . It's up to me to line up my life with the word and the Holy Spirit. We can see what happens if we don't .

1 Samuel 15:11

New Living Translation (NLT)

11 “I am sorry that I ever made Saul king, for he has not been loyal to me and has refused to obey my command.” Samuel was so deeply moved when he heard this that he cried out to the Lord all night.

I think this verse fits in as well.

Jeremiah 17:9

New Living Translation (NLT)

9 “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things,

and desperately wicked.

Who really knows how bad it is?

It's awesome to know we can have the Holy Spirit on our side .

Luke 1:35

New Living Translation (NLT)

35 The angel replied, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the baby to be born will be holy, and he will be called the Son of God.

Luke 12:12

New Living Translation (NLT)

12 for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what needs to be said.”

Hebrews 2:4

New Living Translation (NLT)

4 And God confirmed the message by giving signs and wonders and various miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit whenever he chose.

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