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That's why.

Every fourth Utah Mormon Mommy, it seems, "is a photographer." By which they mean, "Hey look, I have this awesome camera that takes really awesome pictures, and you have an awesome family. Wouldn't it be awesome if I did your pictures for $50??"

I have a very low-end dSLR camera. But I take good pictures with it. And I'm actually a legal business. I network and I market. I'm more than just a "momtog," so I don't like automatically getting lumped in with that group.

wow. The "Mormon Mommy" I know doesn't fit your description. She's a legal business. She has a business website AND a blog. I wouldn't consider her a "momtog" by any definition of the term.

Edited by applepansy
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I have worked so many wildly disparate jobs over the past 20 years, in wildly different fields... That I think the only thing I can say is

Occupation : Yes. Usually. Often several at once.

Or Robin Williams it up "I. Am. Job."

I really envy people who seemed to just know who/what they wanted to be in life and just DID that, you know? They have these gorgeous sinuous lines that look like school, college, carreer, family that equates to doctor, lawyer, graphic designer, circus performer, teacher, SAHP, actor, engineer, etc. My life has meant a lot of 180s as I adapt to changing circumstance. It's not that I have problems keeping a job or finding work... It's more taking advantage of a really interesting opportunity as it presents itself, which leads to the next totally interesting thing until circumstance changes (can't raise kids in a 3rd world slum! Okay, quit that job. Can't be a SAHM after divorce when broke! Time to find a new job!). All of which makes my CV look like it has Epilepsy.


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Do you get to take samples home ??

We have damage case sales for employees once a month. If I'm lucky I can get 30 lb boxes of tater tots, hash browns, the potato cubes with peppers and onions, and yup popeyes for only $1/case. Needless to say, I'm very popular with my local family :cool:

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