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What are your hobbies or what do you like to do when you have time???

Myself.....I like reading books and magazines....I like to read articles on line and I am sports crazy.....love most sports and love to watch them and read sports magazines.

I also love going to Nauvoo. I go up there about 5-6 times a year.

I enjoy keeping a journal and have done so since I was a rebellious 18yr old teenager.

I also enjoy spending time with my wife and my family and Grandkids.

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I enjoy cooking, and sometime just get the itch to bake.

I watch a lot of TV (via Netflix and Hulu), but not so much movies anymore.

I used to love to read, but haven't been able to get all the way through a book in about two years, for some reason. Well, I've gotten through several adapted classics with my daughter as bedtime stories (Wizard of Oz, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and Heidi), but none on my own.

I love to just listen to music. I'm also more productive when I do.

I enjoy photography, though it's really begun to move out of the realm of hobby and into the realm of profession. I still do some shooting that is just for fun, for me, on occasion, though. Gotta keep the joy of it. :)

Mostly, I'm an Internet addict, though.

I also love going to Nauvoo. I go up there about 5-6 times a year.

I drive up to Kirtland just for the heck of it 3-4 times a year, plus other visits for stake things.

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My main hobby is... I own a graphics forum where I teach people to create images, draw with their mouse, digitally paint, pixel, and vector draw. That takes up a lot of my time.

I created this yesterday. Someone gave me flowers and said do something with them. So...this is what I did. The poser girl is one I created.


This is an image that I misted and manipulated using Paint Shop Pro program. It's me at the Manti Temple when my husband and I were sealed.


I also enjoy reading. I don't watch television, but do enjoy going to the movies with my husband.

I love spending time with family...but, we are all pretty scattered around so it's hard to visit.

So...that's part of my life.


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Angel, I love those!

My hobbies:

I'm a bookworm. I'm currently in this horrible situation with my Amazon Vine membership where I get too excited on the free advance reading copies of books and they pile up and I can never get through them. Reading is a big hobbey.

I also dabble in writing.

Swimming and hiking as well.

Baking. I love baking.

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I love to bake too...but, right now we are living in our travel trailer because my husband is traveling for work. The oven in the trailer is small and the counter space tiny...so, it just isn't as enjoyable for me to cook as it is when I am home.

My favorite to bake is apple pie..although I don't eat sweets myself, I love making them for other people.

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I like to be creative and do lots of artsy things, most of which are digitally done via Photoshop and some 3D rendering programmes. I juggle that between doing couture accessories and home décor. But lately it's mostly been the first and less of the latter. I also like to workout, I guess that's more habit than a hobby, but DH and I get up super early and knock out runs and some weight training. I also like baking, too.

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Bini... I use Paint Shop Pro, Poser, DAZ, and a few other programs. I wanted to go with Photoshop...but, it's to expensive or at least compared to PSP it is. Plus all my lessons were create in PSP...would hate to change over now.

All these programmes get pricey. I have a lot of experience having used PSP and I had no problems with it. I'm at home most of the day, I'm a stay-at-home parent, so I can get away with x amount of hours working on various projects. I actually recently re-picked up Sony Vegas Pro for some movie making. It's all a bit of an obsession, really. If I could make deadlines, guarantee them, I would start taking commissions again but I can't guarantee my time with my daughter who is 2.

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Movies with the hubby and/or kids. I spend too much money and time on them. We're trying to cut back this year... we'll see how it goes.

Other than that - visiting family is another one. I always look forward to the next trip.

I like to read but I don't have much time anymore these days so I end up getting overdue charges at the library.

And then there's karaoke...

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Movies with the hubby and/or kids. I spend too much money and time on them. We're trying to cut back this year... we'll see how it goes.

Other than that - visiting family is another one. I always look forward to the next trip.

I like to read but I don't have much time anymore these days so I end up getting overdue charges at the library.

And then there's karaoke...

I spaced karaoke but then, I haven't done it recently enough :(

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Too many hobbies, all of which are expensive.:(

1 European model trains. Go price these..................:eek:

2 Motorcycling (Harleys only!)

3 Hunting and shooting.

4 I'm an inveterate reader, but books are cheap. Well, they're not even books anymore are they?:confused:

5 Travel-this can really add up depending on where you go.

6 Photography-I have professional grade equipment.

7 My job, which is the only actual money-maker in all the above!

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My main hobby is... I own a graphics forum where I teach people to create images, draw with their mouse, digitally paint, pixel, and vector draw. That takes up a lot of my time.

I created this yesterday. Someone gave me flowers and said do something with them. So...this is what I did. The poser girl is one I created.


This is an image that I misted and manipulated using Paint Shop Pro program. It's me at the Manti Temple when my husband and I were sealed.


I also enjoy reading. I don't watch television, but do enjoy going to the movies with my husband.

I love spending time with family...but, we are all pretty scattered around so it's hard to visit.

So...that's part of my life.


Those are very nice

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For those who love to bake...I love to eat baked goods. PM me for a shipping address. (j/k)

I do not have a hobby I am proficient at. However, I dabble with bowling and golf--wish the latter score was lower than the former. I like to watch movies, though seldom get enough time. Traveling with the family on vacation is a fave.

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