I wonder...

Dr T

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I wonder wonder wonder who wrote the book of love. Lol I wonder if I will ever learn how to use this smartphone that I was given without any instructions

as a 20 something I can tell you basically everything by just looking at it once lol



I wonder if I should buy a phone again

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My brother plays a party (work, family dinner, in queue at the market, wherever talking takes place) game where he tries to kill conversations awkwardly.

I wonder what his current score is.

I wonder if I beat his score this week.

<<< Social Moron week. I'm going back to bed. Or applying duct tape to my mouth. One or the other.


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I wonder how the (super gorgeous) 1 legged hitchhiker I didn't pick up is doing?


Yep. I'm totally shallow enough to admit that the Adonis Aspect plays a large part in this wondering. So. Pretty.

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I wonder what day I will be leaving to Oregon?

You don't want to go to Oregon. (Unless you're just there to visit.)


I wonder if I'll ever going to get myself off the fence, spiritually speaking.


It's been a while since I've looked at porn but I'm not following the commandments as I should either. Every time I think of when I'm going to begin repenting again, my focus just seems to slip until I'm thinking about something else. I can't work up the motivation to do it at all for seemingly no reason. But I'm too wary of porn to go back to viewing it nearly as regularly as I once did.

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I wonder why some don't give the power of prayer a chance....

Some just don't think it will work, and if you don't believe in it, can it really work?

I get more out of talking to people, prayer to me is almost lonely since I am just talking to myself when sometimes I just need a person to listen.

There's no comforting words, or a hug or anything.

But thats how I feel.


I personally wonder where I can get some good shoes for Makemake, and what sort of future outfits he should have-he kind of looks like he should be in the Village People, and for someone who is in a relationship with 4 different girls, that isn't the outfit he should have... Oh doll problems...

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