I wonder...

Dr T

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Ok, I used to be in really good shape, cut, muscular, ripped whatever you want to call it.  I had very firm abs, super tight 6 pack that when a girl touched my stomach she asked, "What do you have under your shirt?" because she thought I put something underneath because she didn't expect to fill that when touching a stomach, so here is my "I wonder..."  I did a lot of sit ups, crunches, leg lifts, running and things of that nature to strengthen them.  While I did my sit-ups I would hit my muscles with my fists while concreting.  I wonder if that contributed to strong abs of what it just the repeated working out that make them they way they were?  I hope this post didn't come across boastful I just wanted to explain for the purpose of understanding what I was talking about.  in 8th grade in PE we did a sit up contest, all the way up and all the way down counted as one, part way up and not all the way down did not count so I would not have counted.  I did 98 sit ups in one minute and had the record.  (Ok that one was boastful  sorry) 

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I wonder...I wonder about creative people!


I am pretty structured, I like order, things have a place where they go and I like predicability and security.  This is not to say that I'm boring or dull but cause I love to have fun and I'm good at having fun.  I really love surprises too so I'm not saying that I do not like things out of the box, randomness is SUPER fun too.  I am wondering about creative people in general and these are the things i wonder right now:

What makes them creative?  

Is it a "creative gene?"  

I wonder about artistic people, what makes then artistic?  

Is it their messiness?  

Is it an inborn artistic expressions that they tap into?  

Is it their nonconformity, their pushing the envelope, their easy going attitude or something else?  

I wonder what I call creative I guess?  

Am I talking art?  

Is it musical brilliance?  

Is it thinking outside the box?  

Is it a personality?

I wonder if it's different kind of smarts?

Does it take hard work to be creative or does it just flow in what they do?  

I wonder what neuroscience says about creative people.  There is a lot there, maybe too much but I know there is a LOT more wondering to be done on this... 


I AM EXCITED about this!  I looked online about creative people right after I posted able and found these awesome things IMO.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/04/creativity-habits_n_4859769.html

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My 10 year old boy came into the house screaming with a high pitched screech which really annoyed me and I said, “You will not scream like a little girl.”  Yes it was pejorative and I will admit to that.  My wife turned me onto an Always commercial that millions and millions have watched that talks about girls being labeled as “Running like a girl,” “throwing like a girl” and “fighting like a girl” and at a young age when girls hit puberty how negatively they respond to that label.  Please talk about your thoughts about this concept and your response to being labeled “like  a girl.”  I for one like girls.  They are soft, beautiful, delicate and the way God made you.   


I wonder if there is anything that boys do that is commensurate with the negative label I gave my son "screaming like a girl?" Do any of you ladies remember being labeled like that and made you feel bad about being a girl?  I think girls, like my daughter, is strong, confident AND beautiful.  She is graceful and smooth.  She is tough a leader and can be tender.  I see nothing wrong with her being a girl.  I want my boys to grow to be strong men of God, leaders, able to run their households as men.  I want my daughters to be women.  I’d love you hear your thoughts on my assertions please in the you tube forum about like a girl.  Thank you

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I began working with another Psych Clinician that is very pushy and feministic.  She was transferred to my prison from another after burning out or angering about 30 other professionals.   


Feminism.  My understanding of feminism was for equality.  Females were not equal with many things and were relegated to lower privilege than males.  While it is true, men are often paid more than women for the same job, there has also been a major shift such as woman are in the military now when they were not allowed to be in battle in the past.  I am not saying it is good or bad right now but it makes me wonder...


I wonder when did feminists change from wanting egalitarian principles to female superiority?

I wonder if those people know they come off as abrasive and pushy, demanding and label males as "all bad" which drives a wedge between men and women a lot?  

I wonder what the progression has been in feminist thought and what those waves are called?

I wonder what percentage of people in the US see the title Feminist in a negative light vs a positive upon initially hearing it?

I wonder how much "feminine-ness" is ok, like wearing high hills?

How much, if at all, does feminism increase abortions (My guess is it DOES)

I told her I am sexist, in a sense as I believe males and females are different and God made us that way and I have been able to capitalize on being a male in multiple ways so it has been very good for me and I would not want it any other way but I do not discriminate based on gender specifically.

I have a lot to think about, a lot of read, and a lot to talk with her about.  We shall see how it turns out.    

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I read, "A manned rocket can reach the moon in less time than it took a stagecoach to travel the length of England."  I WONDER:

-how long it takes a manned rocket to get to the moon?  

-low long it takes to get into orbit around the moon?

-how long would it take to fly past the moon as quickly as possible?

-how fast does a stagecoach go?

-what kind of horses on a stagecoach?

-what if the horses are wearing new Nike running shoes?

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I wonder if different cultures, races, ethnicities, socioeconomic status, cultures, when reading books without too much detail leads them to think in terms of those demographics.  when reading a story of Santa Clause do Black people put an African American Santa in their mind when reading that story?   

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I wonder about humility.  

I wonder:

-how it can help us in life in general?  

-how a humble person can advance in business?

-how it helps in relationships?

-how it helps as a moral guide?

-how it helps society?

-how a humility helps in leadership?

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The Prison system, for the most part, is ineffective.  


I wonder what it would take to turn people's behaviors around?

I see a lot of problems with drugs in the prison system.  I see money being a huge factor in crimes.  The old have vs. the have nots.  It appears that the have nots tend to try to "get over" on others, stealing, extortion, prostitution, lying, weapons offenses and others intended to benefit the criminal and takes advantage of the victims.  I wonder how to curb this problem?  I wonder if we could figure out a way to deal with the drug problems who much that would change crime numbers?  This is too complex to deal with in this little post but it is something we should all think about.  I wonder if we could connect the prison system with EED with so before inmates are released they could prepare for a job and if they don't do what they need to do, (program well) then they could not get out of prison.  That would mean they could not be as "well cared for" in the system so it is more of a deterrent.  (That is the problem I cannot figure out yet-what that could look like).  What about educating them to be ready when released to do a job and earn a living?   I wonder what kind of jobs those would have to be?  Selfishness, money, drugs, trying to skip hard work appear to be huge factors in crime.  Families are in trouble in society.  I see prisons a Universities for thugs so they are learning better ways to do crimes.  I wonder how we can turn that around too?  We have tried, education, isolation, religious belief chaplains, Medical, Psychological, probation, parole, drug court, drug and alcohol programs, and others(?) I wonder what else we can add or take away that can lead to change.  This is a HUGE problem and it has gone on and on for years.  I wonder if it is changeable?  Sin is sin.  I will start a thread because I want to hear your thoughts on this.  

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I was having a discussion with a woman with one arm.  She grew up in the "faith movement" and said she has had a LOT of prayer to grow her arm back and felt "We were so close to having it grow back but we are now questioning if the world does not have enough faith for growing arms back."  In the Bible, Jesus seemed to focus on the importance of "faith" and there was a lot of healing done associated in the Bible and there was much reference to the person's faith. if you have the faith of a mustard seed you can move moutains and thinks like that.  It started me wondering.  


I wonder how much faith plays a part in miracles,

I wonder how much in healing sickness,

I wonder if there are any recorded healing of people that did not have faith in Jesus but were still healed

I wonder if I can't meet with her again and continue our conversation,  I personally do not think the miracle is "taking away my MS" but the miracle was Jesus' life, death and resurrection and we get too caught up on looking for signs, miracles and proof of God's love.  "God is love"  This was way too short but it's still an important topic to wonder about and to study.    

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I wonder what will come from Ebola being in the United States.

I wonder what the CDC stats say so far? 

I wonder if the US medical system with out quarantine procedures work for containing disease without letting it spread?

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I wonder if people would actually like my D&D style D20 Missionary game lol

Dunno what to call it, just drew up a cover of 2 elders with the suits (as well as adventurer style backpacks) handing a Book of Mormon to an Orc.

Who knows...


I also wonder what that cheese was, I think it was chedder something.

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