Boyd K. Packer - Sunday p.m. Session

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Times of war or uncertainty have a way of sharpening our focus on things that really matter.  


Much of what I have come to know falls in the category of things which cannot be taught but which can be learned


Of all of the titles that God could have chosen to use He chose Father.


Parenthood is a sacred privilege.


It can be an eternal blessing.


Those that do not marry nor have children are not excluded from eternal blessings.


The Holy Ghost is real as the 3rd member of the Godhead.


His mission is to testify of truthfulness and righteousness.


Every blessing, every ordinance, every official act is done in the name of Jesus Christ.


It is His church and it is named for Him.


Jesus Christ is the anchor that holds and protects us through the storms of life.


Each of us must come to our own personal testify of Jesus Christ and then share it with our families and others.


There is an adversary to seeks to disrupt the work of the Lord. We must choose to decide who we will follow.

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He had a hard time getting through even a single sentence without trying to catch his breath.  His voice has always been gravelly, but it was pretty hard to understand him at times today, even for him.  And the end of his talk started to sound very McConkie-esque.  I'll be really surprised if Elder Packer is still around to speak to us in October.  He's 89 years old, and it shows.  He hasn't been able to stand to speak at Conference in about two years, I think.  He will be a great loss.

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Each conference I think it will be his last and then the next conference comes around and he's back.  


That being said..he really did not look well today and I noticed that his words were a bit slurred too.

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