What is the church's policy towards unfavourable media attention?


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There have been a number of unfavourable uses of mormon material for entertainment purposes such as big love and the Book of Mormon musical. I heard that there were no demonstrations organized by the church against the musical. What attitude or action does the church recommend that we take against such unfavourable presentations?

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The Church's official statement concerning The Book of Mormon musical: http://www.mormonnewsroom.org/article/church-statement-regarding-the-book-of-mormon-broadway-musical

LDS Newsroom statements concerning negative media portrayals (it mentions Big Love as it was the hot topic at the time): http://www.mormonnewsroom.org/article/the-publicity-dilemma

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The Book or Mormon musical is controversial among members, but I know there are many who feel it's a great way (intentionally or unintentionally) for the LDS faith to be tossed out there in the mainstream forum, and even some members here have seen it and reported good things of it.

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As outlined in the "Publicity Dilemma" that Dravin linked to, the Church's policy is to focus on its mission and not be distracted by cultural buzz.


The Church's statement about the Book of Mormon Musical was a perfect example of that policy that actually played a bit to the snarkniess of the show's authors.  In fact, Parker and Stone praised the Church on that response.  


Essentially, the Church has no interest in manufacturing controversy.  It usually does a good job of achieving that intent.

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I was a huge Big Love fan. I don't think it presented the Church in an unfavorable light. What it did was show FLDS and polygamous offshoots in an unfavorable light - that is why Bill Paxton's character was trying to start his own chuch - a polygamous church that didn't marry girls off to old guys or throw out teen boys.


I didnt know much about Mormons at the time, but I knew enough to know I wasn't watching a show about Mormons.

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to OP they may have a media rep contact any big news service that makes a big enough splash about something, and say hey if you want to talk about what we do and believe we're right here and would love to answer your questions... altho in this day and age there's probably enough passionate members that will take that into their own hands.

 otherwise it's generally along the lines of "meh... just another day in paradise"






As for demonstrations... I don't know how many think like me, but that just seems like a form of mobocracy one that's devoid of care or sincerety.

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