Changing Theme of Forum


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Before we have a dozen questions and about 4 threads started asking about this:


The ability to change themes from IP board to full version has been disabled.  The only version now available is the full version which you are now seeing.  


Everything that was working on the IP board theme that wasn't working on the full version should now be corrected and working.

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Pam. I am on my cell phone and have a hard time on the web with it. So I am going to ask the question here about the forum. I see the IP theme has been done away with but I can't get into the forum on my laptop. I can get to the front page but when I click forum I get this message. Error could not load template global template from group global.

Sorry if this has already been brought up.

Oh and I am logged in. But get some message if I click anything to get in forum.

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There have been a few people now reporting this.  I've got our IT people looking into it.  It all started when they disabled the IP board format.

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Pam, this theme doesn't render properly on my laptop's screen resolution. :-(



Are you getting where the header bar and the black and white Fourms/Members/Calendar menu on the left are taking up a whole lot of space and you can't scroll them out of the way?  Because if so I go that too

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I think it a screen resolution issue.


Using Firefox on Win7 I have the issue if my resolution is 1024x768 or less...  Which is my max on my netbook.  The "View New Content"  Becomes "View N"  and I can't do anything to go farther right.


On my main PC (with higher resolution) its also Firefox on Win7 its fine at higher resolutions but if I drop it the problem appears.

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There have been a few people now reporting this.  I've got our IT people looking into it.  It all started when they disabled the IP board format.

Why did 'they' disable the ipc format? - it was what made this new site bearable

How do we get 'them' to re-enable it?

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Why did 'they' disable the ipc format? - it was what made this new site bearable

How do we get 'them' to re-enable it?


It won't be brought back. The full version is the version we are using now.

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I don't know about this type of forum, but I own a phpBB3 forum and when I used a couple different styles to please my became a headache for me. Every time something got updated, I had to update each style. Every time I added one of those fun little modifications that the members wanted...each style need to be update.


I don't know if that is why they have chose to keep to one style here...but, I would assume it does play a part in it.


All members are important! It's just trying to please everyone will never happen...even when we try our best. I know... I tried it in my forum and there were still complaints.


Hope you will stick around...this new forum kinda grows on ya.

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Thank you Angel.  You're right.  We will never please every single person.  As with any change, it takes time to get used to something.  This is the software they have chosen to use. 


I"m still trying to get used to it and I had a couple of months to play around with it before it went live.  :)

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