Married & struggling with same sex attraction

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11 minutes ago, ACE080208 said:

Bing004: I'm in an almost identical place right now. Married, twins + 1, past teen struggles, all of the above. I've found this thread so helpful. I would love to know how you are doing now, a few years later. Anything else that has helped you?

You probably won't get an answer from Bing as this person hasn't been to the site since April of 2015.

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On 2014-06-29 at 5:27 PM, Meerkatarmy said:

I think Spirit Dragon has a point may be your husband is thinking am I not enough? Am I not attractive to her etc etc . Perhaps some reassurance would help? You clearly have a strong relationship to even be able to discuss these things. May be being more affectionate will help him feel you are attracted to him. 

That would be my guess too.  He needs reassurance about how you feel about him.  If he can get to a point where he can see your struggle as a burden/trial/weakness/spiritual attack on you or whatever and not a judgment against him it won't bother him so much.  It also may help you to ramp up the affection towards him.  If you dwell on a temptation you can make it stronger.  Don't feed those thoughts, let you mind dwell on your love for him.

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